In a Different World with a Smartphone

49 # 49 Home, and Happen.

Mr. Lyon and the escort knights are said to be stationed in Mismid for a while. Anything, he said work would be delayed if there were no humans on the Belfast side in all the procedures after this.

While escorting Yumina, the princess, some of the guys said they were going back to Belfast, but Yumina refused to piss it off. I said, do your job.

To tell you the truth, we\'re going home in a flash at the "gate," so we\'re in trouble when they follow us.

I also gave Mr. Lion the gate mirror for the letter (named just now) in a set when we broke up. Even far away, with this, I can communicate every day. If you give one to Mr. Origa, you\'ll be able to keep in touch when you get back to Belfast. If Mr. Lion\'s tension was high when I gave it to him. Honestly, I pulled a little.

I will also finish my farewell greetings to His Majesty the Beast King, to the Chancellor, Mr. Graz, and to Mr. Origa, to the Warrior Chief, Mr. Garn. I also tried to say hello to Lene and Paula, but I was away. Too bad, but I can\'t help it.

Leave the castle, buy souvenirs to Su with the servants of the mansion in the castle town, and pack your bags. All you have to do is open the "gate" and head back to Belfast......

"Sorry, a bit of a souvenir forgotten"

Put a no on everyone and start a map app to search for the two people you want, disputed by the crowds all over the city. Hmm, the roof over here. Jump up in the "boost" all at once, move over the roof, and get down in front of the two of you.


"Fluffy!? Oh, you\'re my husband ~. Don\'t surprise me ~"

These are the two masked men, Mr. Lapis and Mr. Cecil. Although our maids, the substantial employer is His Majesty King Belfast, Yumina\'s father.

Their employment seems to have been forced by His Majesty the King to ask Mr. Lyme, then, to be honest, I thought I might not have to pay them, but he said he could do his job as a maid properly, so I closed my eyes there.

Well, you can\'t pay for the last 10 days. I\'d like you to charge the king for that.

"We\'re going back to Belfast at the" gate ". I thought I\'d send you both home before that."

If you\'ve been under surveillance the whole time, you\'ll find out about the "gate" too. That\'s what I cut out for both of you.

"See? To Belfast?"

"Surely if we stay like this, we\'ll be 10 days late to go home... That\'s exactly what the princess might suspect."

"That\'s why I came here."

Open the "gate" with a bitter smile. Taking the two of them around the Gate of Light, it was already a Belfast mansion, a living room at home.

"Welcome home"

Mr. Lime, our butler who was on the spot, was a little surprised at us for showing up all of a sudden, but he soon regained his calm and spoke.

"I\'m home, Mr. Lyme"

"It\'s just now ~"

"I\'m sorry, my husband knows..."

"I guess."

Mr Lapis sets out a fact which is obvious from this situation. In contrast, Mr. Lyme can only smile bitterly.

In the meantime, I had the two of you change into maid clothes, and I\'ve been here forever, so I have to decide. As they headed to the room to get dressed, Mr. Lime lowered his head.

"I\'m sorry. Because it was ordered by His Majesty the King with regard to those two..."

"Well, I know what it\'s like to worry about your daughter, and it\'s fine because there\'s no great harm done. It would have been hard for Mr. Lime to say no."

I didn\'t know you would betray my husband! I\'m not going to say much. I don\'t want to be that thorough. Well, unless it\'s a life-threatening thing, or a huge loss, but I don\'t think it\'s that much of a eye-catching thing about this one. On the contrary, I can also assume that there are more guards.... Yeah, is that a little impossible?

"Well, I\'ll keep it a secret from Yumina and everyone for once."

Then I bring everyone home one more time after this, but I asked them to welcome me home for the first time.

"Oh, boy. What were you doing?"

Using the "gate," I went out on the roof earlier, and went back to everyone in Mismid, and Else complained. Properly put, we all go to the back alley where no one is and open the "gate" again.

Mr. Lime bows his head as he waits for everyone who shows up all over his home living room.

"Welcome home"

As I listened to Mr. Lime\'s second greeting, the living room door opened and Mr. Lapis and Mr. Cecil appeared dressed in maid clothes.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome home.

"Welcome home ~"

"I\'m home. Mr. Lapis, Mr. Cecil"

We\'ll say hello later. They all go back to their rooms and take a bath to relieve the fatigue of their journeys. Should I come in later? [M]

Let\'s give everyone a souvenir before then.

Tie pins and cufflinks for Mr. Lime and teacups in different colors for Mr. Lapis and Mr. Cecil. I said they couldn\'t take it, but I was forced to give it to them because it was weird not to just give it to them.

For Mr. and Mrs. Julio and Claire, a straw hat and a Mismid cookbook. And a couple tea bowls. Tom and Hack\'s guard combo were given each decorated knife. I\'ll give you Su\'s souvenirs later.

Fall into your own bed and stretch out. But I\'m tired. More than physical fatigue, mental fatigue in strange lands persists unexpectedly. Well, when I say that, this world itself is a strange place.

But I\'ve come up with a lot on this trip. For example, do you want to send the appearance of granting a "gate" to Echen and go over there, or make an automatic carriage with a "program," an automobile? I guess I\'ll make this from my bike first. Stand out. All you have to do is "program" into the map app and add automatic target functionality. I think I\'ve got a lot more width to do.

And then there\'s Paula the automatic doll. I think I\'ll make something similar. With cats and penguin stuffed animals...... heh...... I\'m sleepy... I\'m awake...

... aya? How about a little sleep? I\'m more tired than I think I am. Because I slept undressed in a sleeping roll, or my body was weak. Let\'s take a bath and loosen it up with hot water.

Take your dressed underwear and bath towels from Tans to the bathroom upstairs.

Our bath has enough hot tubs for five or six adults. It\'s a little big bath. Everyone seems to be in there with girls, but in my case, I can use that alone. It\'s just me and Mr. Lyme, so that\'s inevitable. I\'m not going in with Mr. Lyme.

"Well, it\'s one of those extravagant pleasures."

In a good mood, in front of the bathroom, I gut open the strip door.

"" ""... Huh?

"..................... is that it?

... erm, there were Else, Linze, Yae and Yumina in front of me, all in their underwear. Else and Linze come in different colors in pastel colours with small ribbons, aligned up and down. Else is pink, Linze is blue. The one below is the type where the sides are tied with strings. Hachi, next door, said Hundoshi to the salad, as he had decided. Is that a classic in Echen? The bright white glow is dazzling. The salad was loose and found out for the first time, but it was the biggest, wasn\'t it? Finally, Yumina, but not flashy, white underwear with seemingly expensive frills and laces, this was also the type of guy who tied sides with strings, just like the Elseys. Maybe this type is common in this world.......... I didn\'t know you could think this far in just a few moments. I don\'t remember using "accelerator".

"" "What the heck!!!!?" "


Everyone\'s screaming finally returned to me, caught me screaming the same way. Have you been watching some huge cancer?

Else\'s fist in tears releases towards me. Um, Mr. Else, this isn\'t a "boost," is it?

I lost consciousness after a terrible shock to my side of my head.

"Sure, it could have been our fault that we forgot to lock the stripper!

"I wish you\'d been a little more careful."

I\'m surrounded by four people and I\'m in a seated position. I\'ve been preaching for a long time now.

"Exactly, everyone thinks I\'ve already risen..."

Apparently everyone got to their room, too, and fell asleep lightly. After I woke up, everyone gathered in a hurry to take a bath and said I was in at the right time when I took my clothes off in the strip yard. What a bad time between... No, it wasn\'t, I guess...?

"... reflection, are you?

"Huh? Oh, yes!

Linze stares at me with her eyes. It\'s just usually quiet, oddly compelling.

"As far as I\'m concerned, I wanted this to happen after I took proper steps..."

What\'s the procedure, Mr. Yumina? Make your face red and don\'t say anything extra. Well, if you behave carefully, it\'s true that you might have been able to avoid it, and it\'s true that you\'ve taken a closer look. I\'m not in a position to make excuses...

Then he preached extensively, and it was not until midnight that he was liberated. Needless to say, I couldn\'t sleep at all that night. Close your eyes and you\'ll see... It hurt, but it was a good day!