In a Different World with a Smartphone

25 # 25 Detoxification, and Toxic Search.

"Whoa, you can\'t stay. We have to hurry!

Run up the stairs again and through the long corridor. In front of the room where it was poking, when the Kingsguard, who was heavily guarded, noticed the Duke, he opened the large door that was behind him, bowing his head respectfully.


As the duke jumped inside the room, several people gathered around the bed with luxurious ceilings in the sunlight that plunged through wall-filled windows. Everyone, the person lying down, perhaps that man will be the king, is watching with a sad face.

Girl clutching to the bed and holding the king\'s hand lying down. A woman sitting in a chair with tears beside her, nestled in a painful face, an old man in a grey robe, a woman with a golden cane and jade hair laying down her eyes, shaking her shoulders in anger, a fine bearded man in a military uniform.

The duke, who grabbed to the side of the bed, speaks to the old man in a grey robe.

"What\'s the body on my brother?!?

"I\'ve exhausted a lot of hands, but I\'ve never seen the poison of these symptoms... not like this..."

The old man closed his lid and shook his neck quietly beside him. At that time, the king opened his mouth with a faint voice.



"... my wife and daughter... please... you... mismid... my alliance with the kingdom..."

"Winter Night Hall! Please!"

A bearded man in a military uniform tried to blame it on me as I ran over to see what was going on in the distance, but I was held back by the Duke who was lying next to me.

The king stared at me like a cloudy fish, and who? And I moved my mouth, but it wasn\'t my voice. Blue face and dry cut lips, and weak breathing, just as the Dead Phase is floating. We have to hurry.

Concentrate your magic and put your hands on the king.


A soft light flows from my palm to the king. Eventually, when it subsided, the king\'s breathing turned into something mild, and his complexion improved while he also saw it.

Patchy and repeated blinks revived his eyes, eventually causing Gabba and his upper body to momentum well.



The king was holding and opening his own palms as he turned his eyes to the obsessive girl and woman.

"... nothing. Earlier misery is gone like a lie"


An old man in a grey robe is taking the king\'s hand, measuring his pulse and peeking into his eyes. Is this man a doctor? I see.

"... your health itself. No way, this is happening..."

The king turned a blind eye to me.

"Al... Alfred. What about this guy?

"This is Hope Moon Winter Night Hall, where my wife\'s eyes have been cured. Coincidentally, they dropped me off at my mansion, so I took you. He said he\'d save my brother."

"... uh, hi. My name is Hope Moon Winter Night."

I didn\'t know what to say to you, what a dumb reply. Could it have been bad against the king?

"Right, Lord Ellen\'s...! Thank you, thank you!

A bearded man banged me on the back, thanking the king and wondering how to reply. Hey, it hurts!

"Well done for saving Your Majesty! Winter Night Hall or something!? I like it!

Still a mustache father pounding with a bang. So it hurts!

"General, in that corner. But that\'s the unattributed magic" recovery ". Interesting."

A woman with a golden crutch stopped my mustache father smiling. Thanks.

"Brother, so about the ambassador of the kingdom of Mismid..."

"What happened to the ambassador?

"I am being held by Count Bartha as the mastermind of my brother\'s assassination. Can I help you?

"Stupid! What good is Mismid killing me! This is the offense of another who would stand in my way!

The king affirms. Then I knew that toad was suspicious.

"But the fact is, sipping the wine given to him by the ambassador, His Majesty fell. Many have seen the scene. Unless that charge disappears..."


A king who thinks into the words of a bearded general. Well, can\'t you let it go until you prove your innocence?

"We didn\'t even know what poison was used. It could be a special poison used by the Beast Man. We need to find out first..."

The attending old man snaps like he\'s in trouble.

"Let\'s just meet the ambassador. Call me, General Leon."


My mustache father leaves the room early.

Perhaps the ambassador was dressed in wet clothes. Kill an intrusive king and impersonate the sin as an ambassador. Do you feel like creating a crack between the two countries and waging war under a great nameā€¦? How easy to understand.


I was silent, and I was called out. [M] When I looked up, the princess - (did I say Princess Yumina) - stood there looking at me.

When I was a year, would it be two things better than Su? About 12-13. This was the same blonde hair as Su\'s again and her big eyes were adorable, but if you look closely, her eyes are different in color from left to right. Bi on the right, Cui on the left. The one called Odd Eye? He wore a white fluffy dress and had silver hair decorations shining on his head.

"Thank you for helping your father."

I was deeply bowed my head as I said so. He\'s a polite kid. I\'m glad I\'m not a selfish, high-flying princess or something.

"No, never mind. Glad you\'re feeling better."

I was embarrassed to be thanked again, so I smiled to delude myself. [M] But the princess... keeps staring at me. Oh, what?





"Um... what is it?

I can\'t wait to get a hot glance and ask as I take my eyes off. Eventually the princess opened her mouth small, dyeing her cheeks slightly.

"... do you hate younger people?

"... Yes?

I don\'t know the intent of the question, I tilt my neck. At that time the door was opened and General Beard and, following it, a beastly woman, around the age of 20, came into the room. Is that him? That guy...

"Oliga Strand, you\'re here."

A beastly woman sitting on one knee and bowing her head in front of a king sitting on her bed. On its head stood the ears of the beast. My tail is stretched from my waist. Of foxes.

"I say straight to the point. Did you come to this country to kill the rest?

"Swear it. That\'s not happening! Say no to anything that poisons His Majesty!

"I guess. It is not such a fool to do so. Believe it."

Ambassadors Mismid with a relief look on the smile of the King who said it all.

"But it is true that the wine given by the ambassador was poisoned. What can you do with this?

"Oh, that\'s..."

The fox beast man, without power, nods to the words of his sister with a scepter standing beside the king. I guess there\'s no evidence to show your innocence. I didn\'t feel like the woman on the cane was blaming me for that either, but I felt close to asking what to do about it. Hmm......

"May I have a word?

"Winter Night Hall?

"Ah, you......!

Look at me with my voice, my amazing fox sister. Oh, I knew it was your sister then. She is the sister of Alma, the son of a fox beast who was previously lost in the king\'s capital. Do you mean Mr. Origa?

"Did you know the ambassador?

"You\'re getting along with your sister. Just a little then. Ma, leave it."

Flush the Duke\'s question, make a gesture to lay the box aside and show it, but we\'re all unresponsive. Come on!

Ask General Mustache what he was concerned about earlier.

"Where did the king fall?

"It\'s a big dining room for dining with dignitaries... what\'s up with that?

"Does the scene remain when it collapses?

"Ah? Oh, just like that... no, I\'m just taking out the wine and continuing the poison discriminating test..."

And it hasn\'t been detected yet. It\'s probably me. Common tricks. It\'s not even a trick. We\'ll find out as soon as we find out that wine isn\'t poisonous. Too coarse. Let\'s see for sure.

"Can you take me to that room? You may find the ambassador\'s innocence."

Everyone was looking at each other, but with the king\'s permission, I was led to the room by General Leon.

The room is a large hall, with a fireplace made of white brick and a blue curtain on one side of the window facing the garden. The walls are lined with paintings that probably look tall, and the ceilings have luxurious, ravishing chandeliers. A long table was left with white tablecloths, a silver candlestick on top of it, and dishes with the dishes still on.

Ask the general to bring the example wine.

"Is this wine unusual?

"I don\'t know, but it seems so. The ambassador says it\'s quite precious, built in a village in Mismid."

"I see."

Which, I\'ll check.

"Search: Toxic"

Activate search magic. Look at the wine, then look in the room, on the table. Hmm, I knew it. Well, I think we all noticed, because not everyone can use search magic like me.

Well, I don\'t know what to do. There\'s a good chance they\'ll let you through without knowing. Well, maybe it\'s a crime in anticipation of that. Failure is as suspicious as it gets, or what?

"Mostly I get it. General, call all the kings here. Oh, and Count Bartha, too. And one more favor..."


The general was strangely twisting his neck, but he was supposed to do me a little favor. If you don\'t have conclusive proof, it\'s until you confess.

Which one, do you want to hit a play?