In a Different World with a Smartphone

16 # 16 Medal, and Viscount Mansion.

"I really did take care of you guys. Thank you. If you can\'t cut it. Not just my daughter, even my wife... thank you so much"

The Duke bows his head deeply in the reception room. Hi. I don\'t like this. How many times have I had this guy bow his head?

Su is in his wife\'s bedroom. We were passed into this room, sitting in a tall chair facing the Duke.

"Please don\'t really care. Su is safe, his wife is cured. Isn\'t that great?"

"No, you can\'t do that. I want to thank you very much. Raim, bring me the example."

"Yes, sir."

Mr. Reim came with something of sorts on the silver basin.

"Give me this first. It\'s a thank you for getting my daughter help from the raiders and for the escort on the road. I want you to take it."

Giving me a bag with probably some money in it.

"It contains 40 pieces in white gold coins"

Everyone else seems to have figured it out, but I don\'t know. I know if it\'s gold, but what\'s white gold?

Speak to Else, who is flailing on the side.

"Hey Else, what\'s white gold?

"... it\'s the currency on the gold coin... Ten pieces of gold in one pieceā€¦"


I have lived in different worlds so far, and I know that about 100,000 yen will be spent on a single coin. Uh, so it\'s a million yen for a single piece of white gold... 40 million yen... yeah!?

"Hey, I got too much of this! I can\'t accept it!

I finally realize the seriousness of the matter, and I refuse to accept it in a hurry. Whatever it is, it\'s so expensive, it\'s in our hands!

"I want you to take it without saying that. If you\'re going to work as adventurers, I\'m sure you\'ll need that money. You can think of it as that money."


It is true that something does help. I don\'t want to admit it, but there are some problems that can only be solved with money. Besides, due to the Duke\'s character, I would never accept it if I said I would give it back.

And I\'ll send this to you.

Four medals arranged by the Duke on the table. The size is about five centimeters in diameter. The medal was engraved with relief with lions facing each other around the shield. That, this crest...

"It\'s the medal of my Duke\'s house. With this, we can barely make our way through the checkpoint, and we can use the facilities that only nobles can use. It\'s a sign that if anything happens, the Duke\'s house will be the back shield. It\'ll be your ID."

Originally, it seems to be given to merchants for the Duke\'s family, etc. Every medal is carved with our names and words, and they don\'t have any of the same. Apparently to prevent them from being abused in the event of loss.

The medals I received were inscribed "Peace", "Passion" for Else, "Fraternity" for Linze, and "Honesty" for Eight. "Peace"... Well, peace is best.

This could certainly be useful. It would be useful when I come back to see Su, etc. It\'s troublesome to be stopped at the inquisition if he\'s suspicious. I mean, should I be here directly with the magic of the gate if I have to?

I had ten pieces of money divided into four equal parts. But ten pieces of gold in one piece, a million yen... If I drop it, it won\'t look stylish.

I\'m just scared to walk with it like this, so we all decided to just leave one on hand and ask the guild to keep the rest via the Duke. This way, they\'ll be able to put this money down in any town guild. Is it like a bank?

For now it\'s time to say hey, Su and Ellen came out to drop me off when I headed to the front door.

"You\'re not coming back to see me! Absolutely not!

With the enthusiastic drop-off of the Dukes, we took a carriage all the way to Viscount Thordreck\'s mansion.

"What, are you Viscount Swordreck the person who gives you the letter of request?

Hachi didn\'t explain it to you yet? I looked at Hachi\'s amazing face in a wagon. [M]

"You know what?

"Knowing or not... I told you before, it was the Viscount who took care of my awkward father."

Was it? The world is small.

Shaken by the gatagotto, Else\'s manoeuvred carriage ran through the majestic streets and eventually stopped in front of the Viscount Saudrek family, taught by the Duke.

What if I said this, but I saw that Duke\'s house first, so the Viscounts get this impression. Still, it must be a mansion. Old fashioned or interesting to make history feel.

The aristocrats who live in the Wang capital say they have mansions on their territory besides here, so is this a little more villa?

I gave Mr. Xanak\'s name to the gatekeeper and told him so that he could meet the Viscount. After a while, he was put through the mansion and someone like a butler led him to the reception room.

What if I told you, this room is also compared to the Duke\'s house... munya.

Waiting for something rude in the room, eventually a red-haired, magnificent man appeared in the room.

This guy... you\'re strong. I can tell from the top of my clothes that I have worked out my body. His eyes are sharp, and he\'s like an eagle after his prey.

"I\'m Carlossa Garn Saudrek. Are you using Xanac?

"Yes. I was asked to give you this letter. The Viscount is asked to reply."

I give you the letter Mr. Xanak gave me. When the Viscount received it, he cut the seal with a knife, took out the contents and looked through.

"Wait a minute. Write a reply"

That\'s what the Viscount said and left the room. The maid came instead and behaved the tea to us, but this tea is also a few minutes compared to the Duke\'s... how about that? This is rude to them. It is itself wrong to compare it to the Duke\'s.

"You kept me waiting."

The Viscount came back to hand with a sealed letter.

"Then give this to Xanac. I asked for it. Then..."

The Viscount\'s gaze was directed eightfold as he gave me the letter.

"I\'ve been wondering about you just now, you there. Somewhere... no, I\'ve never seen you. But... what\'s your name?

Twisting his neck, he names his own name as Yae turns straight to the Viscount trying to remember something.

"The name of the Awkward is Nine Eight. It\'s in the daughter of Kyoue Dai."

"... Coconoe... Nine! You\'re the daughter of Lord Heavy Soldier!

When the Viscount broke his face and slapped him on the knee, he began to look seriously and eightfold with joy.

"Definitely. When I was younger, I had two melons in the Seven Kingdoms. I\'m glad you look like a mother!

Hachi returns the Viscount laughing with pleasure and an indescribable smile.

"Um... what is Yae...?

"Hmm? Yeah, this kid\'s father, Lord Heavy Soldier, was the swordsmanship guide for my Saudrek family. When I was just a young nostril, I was snubbed. No, that was harsh. Is it 20 years ago?"

"Father has always spoken of none of the swordsmen he has ever raised as talented as His Highness the Viscount, and no one has ever stood up in arms"

"Ho? It\'s good to be complimented."

The Viscount laughs as if it were not too rough. Hachi continued his words with a serious eye toward the Viscount.

"If we ever met, my father would have said that I would have guided him with one hand."


Hearing the eight words, the Viscount narrowed his eyes funny.

Oh, what, this vibe......