Immortality Cultivation Era

Chapter 25

Morning dew, wet the face, and let the song wake up from the deep sleep, in his body is still wearing a black coat, and there is a light perfume smell, and the owner of the coat is wearing a thin hat, on the stone, rustling, even in the deep sleep, also curled up the body, his hands clasped his arms tightly.

The song was touched inside, scolded a stupid woman, picked up her coat and covered Xiaorui, but found that the other party\'s face was red, subconsciously stretched out her hand, touched her forehead and was surprised.

"It\'s strange that you don\'t have a fever. Don\'t you know you\'re looking for a cave to hide?" It was still very cold on the mountain in March. He sang and sighed, and quickly took out some fruits from his backpack.

"If you eat these fruits, you should have no problem with fever." Singing.

Xiaorui\'s body is really weak. She also ate a lot of wild fruits before. Unexpectedly, she still had a fever this night.

"Eh? Are you awake?" Xiao Rui slowly opened her eyes and looked at the singing in front of her. She was a little happy. After the joy, she was vigilant, "didn\'t you do anything to me?"

Sing and laugh: "you think beautiful."

Xiao Rui: "

Damn straight man!

How can there be such a kind in this world, and this brain circuit is really novel!

"Eat these fruits quickly." Singing urged.

"Eh? I don\'t eat!" Xiaorui answered directly without thinking, very firm.

Sing and look at her with a puzzled look.

Xiao Rui sighed and said earnestly, "this wild fruit is poisonous. Don\'t eat it."

Sang angrily and smiled: "how do you know it\'s poisonous?"

"Do you know that you ate wild fruit yesterday and almost died!" Xiao Rui raised her voice and said. Looking at the air full of Qi, she sang and wondered if she had a fever.

After listening to Xiao Rui\'s words, Gao Ge\'s face was obviously dimmed.

In fact, the first moment he woke up, he immediately checked his martial vein.

There is only one of the 36 martial arts veins that have been rushed away.

Moreover, there are no thirty-five martial veins to impact.

He couldn\'t figure it out.

Every human body has thirty-six martial veins. How come you start to specialize when you get here?

Only one?

Although this martial vein is thicker than that of ordinary people, it can be used as an egg!

The deal looks like a loss to anyone, okay?

What made him more angry was that the purple Qi originally absorbed in his body disappeared at this time, as if it had never existed and disappeared without a trace.

He wanted to clench his body and pull out the tree hidden under his heart.

I let you parasitize. You not only don\'t give me some sweets, but also pit me.

Won\'t your conscience hurt?


Star tree, I advise you to be kind!

"Don\'t say that first. You eat these fruits first. I can assure you that there is no poison!" Sing.

Xiao Rui\'s eyes looking at him are still full of doubt.

"If you don\'t eat, you\'ll die here." Singing and scaring her with a black face.

After entering the secret territory of duanlong mountain, Xiaorui has reached the verge of collapse. If she sings loudly at ordinary times, she will directly fart, but now she is really scared. She quickly picked up the fruit and ate it without thinking about it.

Sing and rest assured.

He looked around and the fog had begun to dissipate.

"Before long, you can go home." Sing and sigh.

"Really?" Hearing the singing, Xiaorui was obviously excited.

Gao Song nodded, but it was a little bitter.

Originally, I thought that when I came to duanlong mountain, it would be an opportunity for my salted fish to turn over. As my father said, the salted fish turned over just to be familiar on both sides. A sense of frustration swept over, and his mood was almost collapsing. Fortunately, a tiger roar caught him out of his pain.

As soon as Gao Song\'s face tightened, his eyebrows immediately frowned.


He quickly stood up and pulled up Xiaorui sitting on the ground.

"What\'s the matter? Just now, I seemed to hear the voice of some beast..." Xiao Rui was too scared, subconsciously hiding behind Gao Song.

"We\'re in trouble." Said with a bitter smile.

Where is Thunder Tiger!

It\'s like a flat head.

I didn\'t catch up with myself before, but now I\'m rolling my head again. But then again, my fate with Lei Hu is wonderful. It just corresponds to that sentence: fate is wonderful. Unfortunately, this is a bad fate!

There was a rustling sound in the grass.

Gao Ge no longer hesitated, immediately pulled Xiaorui\'s wrist and began to run away.

The sound of the tiger\'s hoof landing can be heard behind him.

It\'s a pity that this time I didn\'t meet the scattered animals, otherwise there was a glimmer of hope of escape.

"Big tiger!" Xiaorui looked back. She thought her face turned red with fever. She was scared white in a moment.

Singing really convinced this stupid girl.

When is it? I still have the mind to look around.

The thunder tiger behind him is still the male. The distance between him and the singing pistil is shrinking rapidly and has gathered about 20 meters.

Sing and fall into the battle between heaven and man.

If you run with Xiaorui, you and she will die.

But if you leave Xiaorui, you may be able to escape, not to mention Lei Hu will swallow Xiaorui left behind first, just as the joke says: I don\'t need to run past the tiger! I can just run past you.

It sounds interesting, but every word is like a bloody knife.

He turned his face and looked at the black coat on Xiaorui instead of Lei Hu.

On his face, there was also a smile.

Anyway, I have only one martial vein now. It\'s not as good as my previous life.

In my last life, even if I was a stupid waste wood, I also had two martial veins. Such rebirth is meaningless!


It\'s no big deal to die.

At least, Meng Jing survived.

After making up his mind, he suddenly threw Xiaorui in front.

"Run by yourself and leave me alone!"

Xiaorui was surprised. She turned and looked at Gaoge, but Gaoge had turned around and turned her back to him.

"Sing, run..."

"Run a fart. Run quickly. I\'ll kill the tiger and eat game!" Said with a loud hum.

Stop talking about pistil.

Even if you sing yourself, you don\'t know where it comes from.

I probably feel that even death is not a big deal.

If you let him walk along the track of his previous life again

That\'s better than dead.

At this time, Lei Hu has jumped up high and his body is like an open bow. His goal is to stand there and sing like a sea god needle.

The roar of the tiger brings a strong wind.

Sing no more fear, hold the determination to die, don\'t retreat but advance.

He began to mobilize the strength in his body, and the Wu pulse suddenly trembled. The star tree hidden under his heart suddenly began to deliver the strength needed for singing

At the same time, the speed of his forward impact accelerated a lot, just like Bugatti\'s engine suddenly sounded. The impact force for a moment made him a little difficult to control. Before the tiger claw jumped up, his fist just fell and hit Lei Hu\'s jaw steadily.


He heard the sound of broken bones.

It\'s not your fist, it\'s Thunder Tiger.

Behemoths, falling from high in the air, flew sideways and fell for tens of meters.

"One... One punch Superman?" Singing still keeps the fist posture, but the brain is not enough.


So fierce?