
v4 Chapter 4: Shop

Chapter IV Shops

"Daddy" Shui Wujing yelled at Nancheng again.

"Congratulations, congratulations to the younger son." Everyone behind Nancheng congratulated immediately.

"Let\'s go, register first, wait for me to report to the court, and then confirm your official position." Nancheng laughed.

"There is work." Zhongshan and Nanbatian answered immediately.

Entering the hall, there are a large number of bookshelves and desks in the hall. Obviously these people use it for office work, in the inner hall, in a house.

This is a private office in Nancheng.

Nancheng immediately registered Zhongshan and Nanbatian. As the water was not traced, they had already registered.

In the end, Nancheng Tong asked again, "Qixingtang recommended, you have a choice of direction, join the army? Politics? You choose, I will append your information and report to the court together."

"I join the army." Nanbatian said immediately.

"Politics under the government." Zhong Shan thought for a while.

To understand the heavenly system, it is better to work in politics.

"Good" Nancheng also ticked off the data.

After collecting the information, Nancheng colleagues looked at Zhongshan and Nanbatian with a smile.

"I\'ll be a colleague in the future, and I will let you take a break for a while and wait until the court issues a letter of appointment. You will be appointed according to the appointment." Nan Chengtong said.

"Thank you!" Zhong Shan said.

"Yes. No trace, entertain your two younger brothers." Shui Tianya said.

"Okay, dad." Shui nodded.

"Farewell," Zhong Shan said.

Then, led by the water without trace, immediately walked out of the previous valley. Lead the way to visit Wushuang City.

"Brother, what kind of official is Nancheng Tong?" Zhongshan frowned.

"You say my dad?" He wondered as he walked outside.

"Well," Zhong Shan nodded.

"Wushuang City, in addition to one city master, there are four major cities, southeast and northwest cities, and my father is Nanchengtong, belonging to the Da Luotian Dynasty. It is responsible for assisting the city owner." Shui Wuzhen explained.

"Jingwupin?" Zhongshan said in surprise.

"Yeah, we just entered the Da Luo Tian Dynasty and belonged to Wupin. It is a little smaller than Zhengwupin, but it is already very good. My dad climbed to this position for a long time. We can get there so easily. From Wupin, it is also the fastest shortcut of Da Luo Tianchao. "Shui Wuzhen laughed.

"Well," Zhong Shan nodded.

"Go, there is a business district nearby. I\'ll take you there." Shui Wuchen smiled.

"Good" Nanbatian laughed, and Zhong Shan nodded.

Business district? What does this heaven look like? Zhongshan was originally an extremely savvy businessman who was in Zhongshan\'s field.

Led by the traceless water, he quickly reached a large blue light curtain area to the north.

Here, many people went in and out, and even Zhong Shan saw some people riding on some monsters, such as tigers, leopards, pigs and other huge monsters.

Seeing these people riding monsters, Zhongshan can also guess, this is like a tamed monster, like a wolf cavalry in the dynasty dynasty. At this point, monsters can enter human society under the leadership of humans, and humans can also practice fighting with the help of monsters. Complement each other to practice faster.

Led by water without traces, the three stepped into the blue light curtain. There are no mountains and rivers inside, but a huge square with a large number of buildings above it. Obviously it is different shops, but on the edge of the blue light curtain, it is an area that is divided into many parts, and inside each, there is a huge monster.

Some people, like employees, are feeding things to some monsters. Soon, someone came from inside the business district, and then rode out a monster. Then someone came in from the outside, and then paid some spirits. The beast is placed here.

"In the business district, the monster cannot enter. After all, the body is too big, so it is usually waiting at the edge, and a special person is responsible for the care and protection." Shui Wuzhen explained.

"Well," Zhong Shan nodded.

The three men walked towards the interior. The streets here are mostly 100 meters wide. Each store is separated from each other. There are some small flags on the periphery. Although Zhongshan does not know it now, it can also be guessed as For protection, just in case a small array can be formed to protect the store.

The first is a pharmacy. And it also has the number ‘142, 0806’. Obviously, when you open a shop here, you have to pay taxes to the heavens, and it ’s the same everywhere.

Water without trace is mainly to accompany the two to see, naturally there is no purpose, just look at it.

When entering the store, Zhongshan saw that it was still like a shop in the world, but each item was protected by an ice crystal glass cover, just like the glass window of the previous life, but it was much stronger than the glass window.

Inside each ice crystal glass cover, there is a capsule of elixir, and there is a label below.

Rising Dan

Grade: Sanpin

Efficacy: Help congenital peak breakthrough, 90% chance of breakthrough.

Price: One hundred top-quality spirit stones.

Recovery: Ninety-five top-grade spirit stones.

Looking at this small label, Zhong Shan smiled bitterly, with a 90% chance of breaking through? I took a few hundred pills, but I couldn\'t break through. However, the price is fine, one hundred top-quality spirit stones = one thousand medium-quality spirit stones = ten thousand low-quality spirit stones.

When you make a breakthrough, you waste millions of inferior stones?

In addition, the store not only sells, but also recycles.

In addition to resurrecting dansam, there are various other rams, but these rams are in their own storage bracelets, so Zhongshan didn\'t pay much attention. However, the prices of these rams are all the same after reading them. Remember, maybe it was the reason for your previous career.

However, the highest level of Dan medicine here is only Wupin Dan medicine, and no more. It seems that this store does not have as many kinds of inventory.

This medicine shop has two sides and the other side sells medicinal materials. There are also tags.

Flame fruit

Grade: Five grades

Price: 3,500 spirit stones.

Recovery: 3,200 spirit stones.

Nanbatian stared with wide eyes, full of envy. The clerk at the side looked at the three respectfully, waiting for the three to make a decision, but turned around and walked out.

Nanbatian has no money, there are not so many psychic stones, and the water without trace is just to walk around with two people. As for Zhongshan, you don\'t need to spend money here.

"Brother, the elixir here is only the highest grade," Zhongshan frowned.

"This is just a small shop. Wupindan is already its limit. If there is more than five grades of elixir, then it is the treasure of the town shop. If you want to look better, go inside. However, sometimes in In such a small shop, you can also find the elixir that the big shop does not have. "Shui Wuzhen explained with a smile.

Then they stepped into the second store.

This is a flag shop.

Inside are full of flags. However, it is more deserted than the Dan medicine shop just now.

"Three, welcome!" A fat boss immediately laughed.

Maybe it\'s a rare visitor, so naturally the three of them have to seize it.

"The boss is welcome, let\'s see for ourselves." Shui Wuzhen smiled.

"No problem, I\'m idle anyway, to introduce you to me here." Fat boss laughed.

"Okay, then you can talk about it." Shui Wuji smiled.

"I am a flag shop. The shop is full of flag arrays. Flag magic weapons are mostly used for protection. According to their grades, they can prevent different levels of enemies and different attributes of energy. Just like this fiery flag array, Although it is only the third grade, if you face the magic weapon of the fire department, you can prevent the full blow of the fourth grade magic weapon. "The fat boss pointed at the sixteen shots in the ice crystal glass cover.

"Isn\'t the magic weapon all made of ethereal beads? It is a personal magic weapon, and it is not easy for others to use it." Zhong Shan immediately asked.

"Uh, this guest officer, but just came from the remote Xianmen?" Fat boss immediately wondered.

"I don\'t know if I went out for the first time." Zhong Shan nodded his head.

"Haha, it seems that the guest official Xianmen must be alchemy or martial arts Ximen, not good at refining." Fat boss said immediately.

"Uh?" Zhong Shan answered his words.

"Well, there are two types of refining devices. One is called \'refining people\', and the other is \'refining people\'. The ones made by the guest\'s mind, god, mind, mind, law, and ethereal beads are called \'refining people\'. Everyone has this kind of magic weapon, and they will pour their heart and soul to refine it constantly, because this magic weapon will become more and more suitable for the master, and can also be upgraded as the master continues to worship. As for us, as well as the magic weapon in most of the shops in this business district, all belong to the \'furnace\' magic weapon. "The fat boss laughed.

"Furnace?" Zhong Shan, like a sponge, kept absorbing knowledge.

"Yes, it is the furnace refining. The furnace refining means that the master of the refiner collects different materials, fuses with the refiner furnace, and burns the corresponding matrix method, which makes the magic weapon show different capabilities. The law is also one aspect, because the more matrix methods in a magic weapon, the harder it is to record, the matrix methods will be mutually exclusive, and they can be perfectly integrated and superimposed. It is a necessary ability for a master of the refiner. Inferior, "said the fat boss.

"Oh, what\'s the difference between the furnace magic weapon and the human magic weapon?" Zhongshan asked puzzled.

"The furnace magic weapon has three major advantages. First, it can be bought at a cost, and high-grade magic weapons can be used without long-term sacrifice. Second, it can be used in batches, provided that you have sufficient mana support. Third, the algorithm treasure is Destroyed, the master will not be implicated. Of course, there are three minor disadvantages. One is that it cannot be upgraded. What is the level on the day of training and what level will it always be. Second, it cannot be connected with the mind of the master. The magic weapon must be used. Use specific methods. Third, the highest grade is six grades. Of course, there are six or more grades, but that is no longer a magic weapon, but a spiritual treasure, because this magic weapon already has a treasure spirit. It\'s like the soul of a person, but it\'s only in the legend. Don\'t think about it anymore. "The fat boss said with a smile.

"The best flag array you have here is only five grades." Shui Wuzhen said, looking at the flag array.

"Oh, we have a treasure in the town, Liupin Banner." The fat boss immediately laughed.