Immortal Devil Transformation

Volume 7 Chapter 31

It was a hot summer day outside, but there was no heat in the cave. On the contrary, it was very cold. / ()

the water mice ran away in an instant, which made the cave clean.

After more than ten steps along the flat ground, Lin Xi saw that there were many chisels on the ground. He immediately understood that this flat ground was not naturally generated, but was chiseled for the convenience of quarrying.

A few more steps forward, but suddenly, Lin Xi saw clearly, as if he had entered an open hall, in which there were countless stones, some of which had been chiseled into long square stones, some of which were completely irregular stones.

Many corners of the big hole are piled with piles of logs. The surface is smooth and not rotten. Lin Xi knows that this is the roller used to transport stones at that time.

Not far from the left hand side, he saw several stone chambers cut by hand.

Lin Xi walked into these stone chambers first, and he immediately saw that there was a mess in these stone chambers, but there was also a broken stove. Obviously, the quarryman at that time ate and lived in them many times.

Just to see the second stone room, his mouth corner can not help but rise again.

A pottery pot.

Beside the abandoned stove, there is a common black pottery pot with a broken mouth. The body and inside of the pot are covered with dust, but it is intact except for the lack of a mouth.

"It's a cultural relic, isn't it In that world, it would be a bit extravagant to cook and eat as before. "

Lin Xi chuckled to himself. He was almost sure that since all the quarrymen at that time were cooking and eating directly in it, there would be no problem in making a fire and ventilating. According to what he learned in qingluan college, this kind of cave only has a height of more than tens of meters. As long as there is no ventilation hole going straight up and down, the smoke will come out when the fire is lit Condense and filter out the cracks in the mountain, especially the grottoes at the bottom of the mountain. Even if there is a straight up and down passage, at a height of two or three hundred meters, the smoke of a burning small fire can hardly be detected outside the mountain.

But if there are other imports in this quarry, and they eat and drink a lot here, and someone comes in easily, that's the real joy and sorrow.

So even though Lin Xi didn't want to go any further at the moment, he managed to restrain his thought of moving the three yinbolong here to fill his stomach first, and continued to walk towards the cave.

There is another big hole not far away from it. There is no way out. The ground is full of soil, with some lichens and other things growing. The big hole is higher. When Lin Xi looked up, he saw many cracks in the rocks, many vine like roots hanging down, and some even touched the bottom of the cave.

Seeing that the cave is just two big connected caves less than 100 meters deep, Lin Xi immediately put down his heart completely.

As long as he can't be found, he is not in any hurry. As long as the injury is slightly better, even if the three yinbolong are finished, he can find a way to catch water mice and fish. He can stay in the cave for as long as he can. However, tens of thousands of soldiers and practitioners mobilized by Donglin province can't wait all the time.

This kind of game, as long as one side has no need to worry, it has been invincible.

Among some stone ears and lichens, there are also kinds of great tonics for practitioners. Even if they are just common lichens that can be eaten, they are also vegetables for Lin Xi in this cave. Otherwise, yinbolong's meat will be delicious again. If there is no other flavor adjustment, it will feel extremely boring.

Practice itself is a boring thing, but practitioners themselves can turn it into a lot of interesting things, many things in the world, this is also the case.

When he was sure that his physical strength was not bad and insisted on walking to a place with dense lichens, Lin Xi saw that there was no trace of quarrying in the big hole. It should be that there were many cracks between the rocks in the big hole, mixed with soil, which was not very tight. It was easy to collapse when quarrying, so he was mining in the caves with hard rocks outside.

Looking at the common stone lichens growing on the ground, because only the five fingers of the left hand can move a little, so Lin Xi scraped them to and fro on the ground with his feet, trying to gather a pile of thick lichens first, then try to wrap them up and take them out.

Just when he had scraped a pile of about two or three jin, some plants growing on several old vines from the top of the cave in front of him were very familiar to him.

The field survival courses taught by qingluan university are very complicated. In particular, various caves themselves are a good source of food for practitioners in the field. A lot of knowledge about various caves is taught, so Linxi knows that those are parasitic plants.

After a few steps forward, Lin Xi saw through the darkness.

This is a small finger like plant, less than a foot long. A straight red stem has some white fluff, which makes people feel like a pig tail.

"Chi Ma Zhi!"

Suddenly, Lin Xi thought of what it was, and was stunned for a moment.

There was a moment of silence in the cave.

There is a little green light coming out of the earth cave below the cave wall.

These fat water mice saw Lin Xi standing in the big hole, and they were afraid to move for a while.

Lin Xi moves.

He raised his left hand and pulled out a reddish plant.

Because of the swelling and pain in his left arm, his movements were very stiff and difficult, which seemed ridiculous.

But all the fat water mice that came out of the hole made a crash, and all turned around in a hurry and ran away.

Lin Xi, who was originally sitting outside, was not terrible in their eyes, but those silver dragons were terrible in their eyes. When those silver dragons appeared, Lin Xi walked in well. In their small heads, Lin Xi suddenly became extremely terrible.


"There is no secret script, but there are some good things after all. It's a quarry left by predecessors, at least."

Looking at the "piggy tail" lying in the palm of his hand, Lin Xi smiled contentedly and sighed.

Ganoderma lucidum is usually used to stew chicken. It tastes delicious And it has the effect of prolonging life It is also a great tonic for practitioners.

He had just thought of what it was, and immediately remembered the relevant records of it.

This kind of thing itself should grow in the forest land. If it grows in the soil, it can grow higher and stronger, but it has no effect. Only if it lives on some old roots and grows in this dark and dark environment, it will grow some nutrients that are particularly beneficial to human body.

This kind of thing is born to like the soil and self-reliance, so it grows in the forest soil and never roots in the nearby roots. Only when it is transplanted on this kind of roots and cannot touch the soil and needs to absorb nutrients, it will be helpless to root in the roots of other trees.

Therefore, Chi Ma Zhi here should have been planted by the Taoists of baiyun temple in those days. Lin Xi saw that there were many thick scars on some old roots here. Chi Ma Zhi planted here at that time

It's said that those idle Taoists who didn't know how to practice and only knew how to keep fit lived a long time, so they must have used this kind of stuff to stew chickens It is said that there should have been a lot of Chi Ma Zhi among the forests on Sanmao peak in those days, but they were all searched and transplanted here by these idle Taoists who didn't need to chant sutras and chant Tao.

Later, the idle people who often stewed chicken with this stuff should be gone, so no one knows where the baiyun temple and Longguang tower in the mountain were built with stones, so the remaining 20 or so plants have been waiting for Lin Xi, who originally only wanted to pick some lichens.

Because no one will rob these things to stew the chicken, because the fresh effect will be better, and eating too much will lead to excessive cold and nosebleed, so Lin Xi just picked two, and rolled a small bag of lichens out of the cave.

When he carefully held the only intact pottery pot with his arm, which was just missing a mouth, and began to clean the old pottery pot for at least several hundred years, Lin Xi thought of Xue Chengtao, thought of Xue Chengtao saying thank you to himself on the top of the mountain, he shook his head again, and said to the immortal opponent in his heart: "I want to thank you instead Without you, how could I know that the Taoist of baiyun temple used to stew chicken with Chi Ma Zhi? If it wasn't for you, how could I taste the stewed Silver River with Chi Ma Zhi? What's the taste of pig? "


The clear water in the clean pots was taken back to the stone chamber by Lin Xi.

A very strong fire soon started.

The earthenware was put up by Lin Xi. On a clean wooden board nearby, there is a pile of thick skin cut from the body of three yinpo dragons. The skin of this big fish is silvery white and translucent, very soft and elastic. If Lin Xi uses two words to describe it, he will say "very Q" with his personality.

When the water boils, Lin Xi throws two Chi Ma Zhi and several big pieces of fish skin into a pottery pot, then cuts off a big piece of fish and bakes it on the fire.

Then Lin Xi began to make a pair of small splints with his active left hand, and fixed the broken right wrist with his hand and mouth.

After completing this step, the meat fragrance has already permeated the stone chamber used by the quarryman hundreds of years ago.

Lin Xi frowned and cut off a piece of cooked fish on the surface of the fire with a knife. Regardless of the scalding, he began to eat.

The wound on his left chest has stopped bleeding again, and the rest of the stabs and bruises on his back and body need not be taken care of. The only thing to pay attention to is the injury of his hands.

Although his left hand can move, but his arm bone is cracked several times under the heavy blow of Xue Wantao. At the moment, he has to endure great pain every time he moves.

This kind of pain tolerance is the same as the stewed silver Bolong of Chi Ma Zhi at the moment, which is brought by Xue Chengtao. Moreover, Lin Xi knows that it is very good for his practice.

However, Xue Chengtao must be killed.

Not only because Xue Chengtao was going to kill his dead man, but also because after he cut off his left hand and five fingers, Xue Chengtao's temperament became a little abnormal and seemed to lack a lot of human nature. Lin Xi can be sure that when he went out, Xue Chengtao knew that he was not dead, and his temperament would be even more abnormal.