Immortal Devil Transformation

Volume 4 Chapter 33

The Buddhist master holding the golden wheel, the palace maid holding the white buttered lotus flower, the retinue holding the gorgeous Dharma cover, the cavalry with the machete around, the musician playing the conch and Hu Qin A huge and holy team escorted the emperor and Empress Dowager out of the palace and out of the imperial city.

The whole quicksand city is sleepless.

All the people who got the news spread the news as soon as possible. Almost all of them washed and washed with the fastest speed, put on their own costumes and walked out the door solemnly.

Even some old people, who were too old to move, were supported by their descendants and gathered on the road from the imperial city to the outside of the city to personally send their beloved empress dowager.

In the hot and sultry night, the people who saw off formed two long dragons. The oil lamp in their hands was shining all the way, as if it had been burning to the sky.

Many people began to chant, peacefully and serenely.

Tang Zang was short of water since ancient times. However, it was born from the ground fissure and springs, which stretched in the territory of Tang Zang.

This is a crime from the heaven. Many tribes of Tang Zang began to move to the West. However, they were occupied by the fifteen tribes of Xiyi. Under the situation of internal and external difficulties, people's minds were separated, and the disaster of rebellion and war occurred year after year.

A real plague of locusts came to tangzang again, and 50% of the newborns died of hunger.

Then it did not rain for another three months. Just when all the soldiers and people of Tang Dynasty thought that heaven would destroy Tang Dynasty, the saint in Prajna Zen clothes crossed the red scorpion desert barefoot and became the queen of Tang Dynasty.

The queen prayed to sacrifice the heaven, calmed down the wrath of the heaven, exposed to the sun on the high platform for three days. It rained heavily, and the people were at peace.

In the past few decades, the empress has made several personal expeditions to pacify the four sides, and ordered the army to find water sources, and planted plants and trees at the source of wanquantian River to consolidate the soil and water. In the past decades, there were several large pieces of green soil in the territory of Tang Zang, while the flow of wanquansheng river has never decreased.

More in a few years when the first emperor died, the empress quelled the chaos of three parents and five departments, and helped the young emperor Fengxuan to the throne.

In the Tang Dynasty, the ancient state of Tibet was peaceful, and everything was new. The city of Liusha in Kyoto could not be closed at night. However, the empress, who had become the Empress Dowager all her life, was tired but was about to leave.

In the chariot, the empress dowager, who had already removed her bustling clothes and replaced them with an old yellow Zen dress, was unable to get up. However, she still asked several close maids to give five colored silk with auspicious and peaceful meanings along the way to thank the people for sending her.

She thought that when she walked through the desert and came here, the hungry people were all over the place. She saw the brilliant fires on both sides of the road at the moment. The glow on her face was stronger. Holding the hand of the emperor Fengxuan, she added a little strength. She said with a smile of relief: "son You must always understand that death is like a lamp out. Even in the largest land and the largest imperial palace, when we sleep at night, we only need a bed and close our eyes, and the world will be extinguished in our eyes, and all ages will be extinguished. Life can not bring one thing, death will turn dust, not to take one thing. Nothing in this world is more meaningful than to live in the heart of others with full joy. The name is false, but their love and their joy are real. When you look at them, you will be glad. "

Emperor Fengxuan looked at his mother's face, the brilliance on her face, and then at the people who sent each other spontaneously. He once again understood many things. He knew that this was the meaning of his mother's life. He nodded again and said, "the child understands."


Just as Tang Zang's team left Liusha city and began to cross the red Scorpio desert as fast as possible, a man in ordinary blue cloth went into the blue border town of ordinary people and walked to the deep lane where dozens of Yunqin practitioners died.

His ink is as thick as ink, his lips are as red as brocade, his body is as cast iron, and the lines on his face are unspeakable cold and resolute. He is a famous general who is famous for his bravery and iron blood.

He was followed by a silent archer with a red fine steel bow on his back. He was more than 40 years old. He could not see any expression on a flat face. The red fine steel bow on his body was full of spark like runes, and the bow was extraordinarily long.

I heard that Cang Yue walked into the deep lane without expression and walked slowly. The deep lane was empty. After staying in front of several high pavilions for a while, he went to the mud hut where Cheng Xiang Yi was.

The mud hut has been cleared out, Cheng Xiangyi's body has been checked and buried, but the two cutting swords are lying in the dust, waiting for the arrival of the general.

He saw the time when the two pieces of broken swords were counting the breath, and then he went on all the way, zigzagging in the deep lane, and entered the courtyard originally belonging to Luo Li, the head of the internal affairs department.

The courtyard has also been cleaned, but there is a deep arrow hole left on the ground.

"This is the cultivation of the master who has just been able to control the flying sword. After killing so many people, she has been seriously injured by your joint attack And judging from her progress, she is not a practitioner of tangzang, nor a practitioner of the south. " Hearing that cangyue looked at the red maple tree with only one tree left, he suddenly said without expression: "at this age, this means Moreover, he was able to disappear without knowing the gods and ghosts, and let the orders of Nanshan dusk be conveyed. After thousands of soldiers, only those who can use the emperor's people and orders can do so. "

The silent Archer is still silent.

He knew that he should keep silent, because he heard that the general was only speaking to him, and because the ghost army was not there, he wanted to speak to others, but only had few targets.

I heard that Cang Yue's eyes stayed on the wall of the courtyard.

He knew everything about Nanshan dusk. He knew that Nanshan dusk would jump over this wall on that day, just to drag Luo Li to die together. But there would be a saint monk in this place!

"First and second of week I thought you just didn't want me to be one of the nine elders. I didn't expect that you had already prepared such a powerful cultivator, and then you were ready to deal with me. You really don't care about my achievements in pacifying the west side for so many years! "

I heard that Cang Yue didn't know that even the emperor and the princess were still in the dark at the moment, and others didn't know that the ghost army master was not only his loyal subordinates, but also his friend he knew when he was young and frivolous. If he had a real friend in the world, he could only be the ghost army master.

The moon slowly raised its head and looked up at the sky.

He wanted to make a hole in the day.


A bald monk in a bronze Zen suit stood quietly on a dune.

He put his hands together, and there was a black gold Buddhist staff as tall as him in the sand beside him.

There are ancient and simple runes on the Buddhist staff, like nine gold rings embedded in the head of the lotus staff.

The hot sun shines on him, the heat rises on the ground, the air is twisted, like a sea of fire, but he is indifferent, just looking at the distance.

He didn't look tall, but every muscle on his body was as high as a rock. It looked amazing and powerful. It gave people a sense of groundbreaking strength. There was no sweat on his body, but it was a faint golden light.

A string of beads on his chest is made of some kind of golden wood. Each bead is the size of a child's fist, which makes him look more dignified and holy.

I don't know how long it's been standing. There is a real meteorite in the sky falling into the vast sand sea in front of him. The ground vibrates and many red scorpions climb out. They are as big as palms, but he's still like a God, motionless.

After a long time, he calmly looked at the direction, there was a line of teams.

It was the emperor and Empress Dowager of the Tang Dynasty who had all been dragged by the light chariot.

Seeing the procession getting closer and closer, the monk said nothing but turned around and began to walk in front like a leader.

He was barefoot and didn't seem to walk very fast. However, the chariot which was driven by horses in turn in the rear could not surpass him all the time, and he was still thousands of steps away from him.

And where he walked, the thick yellow sand was all blown away by a soft breath emanating from his body. Under the thick yellow sand, like a miracle, a yellow brick ancient road was exposed.

The motorcade moved forward on the ancient Yellow Brick Road and became more and more smooth.

All the people in this line, except the Empress Dowager's face, which was more radiant and more peaceful, were shocked and shocked when they looked at the back of the barefoot monk in front of them.

In front of the monk is still the sand sea, and a big mountain appears vaguely.

The monk walked towards the mountain.

Even though the emperor and empress are in the line, many people in this line, at the moment of seeing the "big mountain", still send out an uncontrollable loss of breath, and their bodies vibrate violently like needles.

It's not a big mountain, but three giant Buddhas that are half buried in the hills, majestic and solemn to unimaginable.

One of them lost his head, one of them lost two arms, only one of them was in good condition, but their bodies were also covered with several huge cracks and some deep cuts.

These three great Buddhas have obviously gone through countless unknowable years, but they are as tall as the sky, tall and solemn to the unimaginable level, which makes everyone tremble and can't help themselves. People don't know how to carve such a huge Buddha with human resources.

This is a miracle beyond imagination.

"This is the Prajna Buddha that my mother often said?"

look at the three Buddhas buried in the yellow sand whose clothes are more wrinkled than the captain of a train. Look at this miracle, after several days of hard trekking, the emperor Fengxuan, who is covered with dust and scorching black, also has a blank brain, only feels that he is very small under the vast world and giant Buddha.

Before the monks passed the three great Buddhas, the yellow sand under his feet floated, showing a broad and broken step.

After the towering Buddha, there was a deep gully and a huge canyon.

Some of the glittering temples are built in this deep valley with their roofs slightly above the ground level.

"You stop."

At this time, let the rest of the team all tremble to be unable to help themselves again, all worship is, already seriously ill bedridden empress dowager, actually stood up by herself.

"Accompany me through this last journey."

There is a light golden light on her body, which makes her even if she is old and haggard to the extreme, it also emits holy light, just like the burning of the last wick in butter lamp.

She took the hand of emperor Fengxuan and asked him to hold her hand and follow the monks step by step