Immortal Devil Transformation

Volume 16 Chapter 73

Endless sand sea began to rain, Prajna Temple began to rain, the whole ancient state of Tang Tibet began to rain.

Countless raindrops fall from the sky and fall on the head of Prajna Buddha. The yellow sand and dust are washed away. Countless Tibetans in Tang Dynasty go out of their houses. Thank God for this heavy rain.

From the cave on the mountain wall of Prajna temple, there is the water flowing down the face of Prajna Buddha, which is like tears of compassion.

Zhenpilu and Yunhai are walking by the grand canal leading to Liusha city. They are checking the situation of the Grand Canal in the heavy rain. They don't know what happened in the endless desert at the moment. But in any past year, the ancient state of tangzang, which is short of water, has never seen such continuous rainstorm, let alone the endless sand sea that never rains.

So the eyes of zhenpilu and Yunhai are full of light, and they also believe that it is a sign.


Great Mang in the distance, and purgatory mountain, which also seldom rains, began to rain.

Even it began to rain in the prison.

There are occasional hot spring eruptions in Tianmo prison, but the heat of fire, magma and hot smoke has already dissipated a little water vapor, so Tianmo prison, like endless sand sea, never rains.

It was a disaster that a lot of cold raindrops fell into the demon prison.

The hot ground and rocks in the Tianmo prison are cracking when they are excited by heat and cold, splashing out a lot of debris, many volcanic rock beams like bridges appear cracks, even large pieces of collapse.

When cold water falls into the fiery magma, instead of a white fog, it turns into a swollen and cracked magma bubble, making a loud explosion, like tiny bombs.

This is just the beginning.

The greater disaster is that more rain falls, some of the ground is hardened by the rain, and there is water.

The cold water washed down the gullies of the cooled rocks, became slightly hot, and then rushed into the magma flow, even along some cracks in the craters, into the depths of the volcano.

A lot of steam caused the eruption of magma flow and even some craters.

As if the end of the day suddenly came, many craters spewed huge plumes of smoke, and countless magma rushed into the sky and fell.

Countless volcanic ash in the sky formed black rain, which was filled with magma condensed into a cone in the air.

It's like a meteor shower, it's like an air blast, rocks are falling everywhere.

For the Shenguan and slaves of purgatory mountain, this disaster is more realistic.

Most of the alchemy mountain officials who survived in the previous Kuangshi war, as well as the newly recruited alchemy mountain officials after that Kuangshi war, drove a large number of serfs from the mountain into the heaven devil prison just like the scene of world extermination.

Many of the red robed priests and serfs died in the magma, in the sudden eruption of hot springs, in the invisible hot steam and toxic gases.

The living people continue to move forward. Almost all of them don't know what they are going to do when they enter the deep place of the heaven devil prison regardless of death or injury. It's only after they see the red robed God in charge of the inner place that they find that there are a group of hell Mountain God in the deep place of the heaven devil prison that Zhang Ping regards as his heart.

The mission of all of them now is to grab and deliver as much as possible, and to keep as many places as possible from being destroyed in such a disaster.

At ordinary times, the heaven devil prison is as vast as the ice snow God. Even if it is known that there may be secrets of the devil king hidden in it, even if it is known that there are hundreds of red robed divinities in the activity, those hundreds of red robed divinities are just a small boat in the ocean. They don't know where the hell hell prison is, and they can't grasp their whereabouts at all.

However, the rush to purgatory mountain and the rescue of some places were too urgent. The number of purgatory mountain officials and serfs who poured into the Tianmo prison was more than ten times as many as before. The shrill screams of some members of the team before they died and some bodies that could not be completely destroyed became some clues that could be traced.


A pair of eyes stared at a group of red robes of purgatory mountain.

These eyes belong to Dushanzi.

His clothes have been hardened by dust for a long time, and the black rain in the sky now makes his whole body like an ordinary volcanic rock in the heaven devil prison.

Tracking the dead and wounded alchemy mountain officials, he finally saw an incredible picture.

He went to many purgatory mountain officials and driven slaves to risk the disaster to complete a grand project.

Several layers of solid rock dams are being built, among which deep gullies are being dug desperately. All these efforts are just to prevent water from flowing into the valley surrounded by these rock dams.

There was a huge face in the valley full of lava rivers.

There are many red robed deities standing on the huge face, desperately fishing for something, and then transported out by the rescue team.

Dushanzi didn't know that this was the place where Zhang Ping obtained the inheritance of the former devil king, but with a shocking mood, after a long time of peeping in the dark, he finally determined that these red robed divinities were only worried that some resources deep under the huge face were cut off because of the heavy rain, and were salvaging as much as possible. Then he thought of Linxi, and thought of a certain possibility.


In fact, the youth of qingluan college in Tianmo prison is not only Dushanzi.

Wenxuanyu is still alive.

The reason why he is still alive is not that he is lucky enough, he has not encountered any danger in the Tianmo prison, but that he has been staying in a dead fire mountain pass in the Tianmo prison for a long time.

In the original place of the demon prison, as long as you stay in a safe place, there is food and drinking water, of course, you are not likely to die.

In the dead crater where he was, there were thorns that were bigger than him, and there were many red thorns on them. These slightly sour, edible prickly fruits have kept him here for many days.

Opposite him, across a valley flowing with magma, was a lower crater than the one he was in.

There are many strange plants growing in that crater, and they are not as single as the crater where they are located.

It's just a plant that doesn't move. Nature can't make him stay here for a long time.

The reason for him to stay here is that there is always a huge figure in the opposite crater.


This huge humanoid monster with amazing combat power, no matter how long its life span is or how it obeys Zhang Ping's orders, is a puzzle.

If we can know some of the secrets, or we can use them to counter Zhang Ping, so in the previous night, we first found the unusual phosphorous fire in the crater, and then found the existence of the huokui, and he has been lurking here, observing the habits of the huokui.

This sudden heavy rain also surprised wenxuanyu.

He didn't understand why the climate of the Tianmo prison suddenly changed so dramatically. However, what shocked him even more was that he went to the huokui, which seemed to be unable to bear the rain, left the crater and headed for the active volcano area with thick smoke in the distance.

Under the constant washing of rain, the soil in that crater is constantly washed away.

Then he went to the crater, which was different from his own. The soil was only a thin layer.

Just below the washed away soil and vegetation, the color of white and withered wood was revealed.

Then he Qing, it's all kinds of dead bones!

His breathing stopped.

Then he understood why there were so many phosphorous fires above the crater in the dark.

Then he went to those dead bones, many of which were very huge, and among them, there were several platforms made of black and red rocks.