Immortal Devil Transformation

Volume 16 Chapter 70

Nangong Weiyang's eyebrows, which had just been loosened, wrinkled again. "What's the problem?"

Looking at her, Lin Xi didn't answer her question, but said: "there should be the ice blue s è light first, and then the qingluan palace."

Nangong Weiyang nodded: "even if there is no explanation from President Zhang and you, just looking at the building of qingluan palace, you can feel that the practitioners who built qingluan Palace at that time took the light swirl as a miracle. The whole qingluan palace is built around that group of things. "

Lin Xi unconsciously shook his head and said softly, "the most serious problem now It is the practice method of qingluan palace, which may be derived from the comprehension of the vitality and strength of that group of things. "

Nangong Weiyang looks at each other with Gu Xinyin and Qin Xiyue, and all three of them feel something wrong. Nangong Weiyang didn't think much, just said, "what do you mean, please make it clear."

"Can you imagine..." Lin Xi turned to look at the direction of the remains of qingluan palace, and said slowly like a story: "there was nothing there. One day, a group of energy like that was generated in space and appeared there. Then some practitioners found that group of things, regarded it as a miracle, and felt its power. Finally, after many generations of enlightenment, from some of its vitality power to some of the cultivation methods, those people became the first practitioners of qingluan palace, and became extremely strong. "

Gu Xinyin also unconsciously looked at the direction of the relics of qingluan palace and said, "you mean, that group of things is the origin of qingluan palace?"

Nangong Weiyang also said in a deep voice, "so most of the things in qingluan Palace are destroyed. We can't find any useful soul soldiers and inheritance in it, but in fact, this group of things is the inheritance itself of qingluan palace?"

Lin Xi nodded.

Nangong Weiyang turned to look at him and asked, "are you sure?"

Lin Xi nodded seriously, "sure."

Nangong Weiyang said: "you have already felt it is not right?"

Lin Xi raised his head and looked at the sky as if he could not breathe. "

Gu Xinyin has learned something from the dialogue between Nangong Weiyang and him, but Qin Xiyue, who has the lowest cultivation level, can't understand it. She can't help but look at Lin Xi. What's wrong? What seems that she can't breathe? "

"We come to the ice and snow deep plain to look for this relic. Apart from looking for president Zhang, we are looking for the legendary skills that can draw the vitality of heaven and earth." Looking at her worried and confused eyes, Lin Xi explained: "just unlike what we thought at the beginning, there is nothing in qingluan palace that can be directly taught to Nangong Weiyang. Instead, when I absorbed the power of the ice blue s è light swirl, like the first qingluan palace practitioners, I realized some sources of power."

Qin Xiyue suddenly understood. Qingluan palace is the origin of the so-called practitioners of immortality in the age of immortals and demons. Now, like the earliest practitioners of qingluan palace, Lin Xi understands the method of cultivation, which is naturally the immortal skill that they wanted to draw the vitality of heaven and earth and fight endlessly. But from the very beginning, Zhang Ping has designed Lin Xi to be possessed. Lin Xi's body is not suitable for this skill at all.

To understand this, her face became irresistible pale.

"From the beginning I woke up, I felt that I couldn't breathe, but my breath was actually good. Then I realized that there seemed to be a lot of incomparable fresh air in this world, but my body seemed to be blocked, and I felt that the fresh air could not be inhaled into my body." Lin Xi looked at her and Nangong Weiyang, Gu Xinyin and then said.

When it comes to practice, he said slowly and in detail: "then I feel that it is my body that isolates me from the fresh air, and I understand why. In those heaven and earth energy penetrated into my body, when my soul force swam in my body, I had unconsciously sensed the flow of soul force and the connection between these heaven and earth energy around. It's equivalent to getting the inheritance of qingluan palace directly, but my body is just like an inappropriate soul soldier, unable to draw and accommodate the heaven and earth vitality I feel. "

"Even when I think about it carefully, many of the forces that I drew from the ice blue s è light swirled into my body, many of which could not be integrated with my soul and body."

"So Zhang Ping has made a good move." Nangong Weiyang interrupts Lin Xi's words and says in a deep voice: "those fresh air that you feel is the essence of heaven and earth that you should be able to gather in your body, but now you can feel it but can't absorb it. In this way, you can only fight with the strength of your own soul power, so after you break through the great saint division, you are only half immortal and half devil, and the power of the emissary will be very limited, at most, it is better than the previous purgatory mountain palm sect. "

Qin Xiyue's face became paler. "Even if you are like hitting a wall and devouring the power of the ice blue s è light swirl, the strength in your body is far beyond Zhang Ping's, but you can't do your best. At most, you can only do it at the same level as the previous purgatory mountain palm sect. Isn't it impossible to defeat Zhang Ping again?"

Qin Xiyue is telling the truth, because everyone knows that Zhang Ping, who is really possessed, will surely break through the cultivation of the great saint, or even higher.

"Unless it's with him." Nangong Weiyang looks at Lin Xi and says.

"To turn yourself into a bomb man and die with him, it sounds a little too tragic." Lin Xi said calmly, "although he knows more about the age of immortals and Demons than any other cultivator in the world, so he made a good move ahead of time, after all, no one can really control and predict everything, even President Zhang, so he didn't expect anything. He doesn't know what kind of energy there is in the miraculous things in qingluan palace. He doesn't know that I can practice like this Moreover, unlike president Zhang and I, he has no concept of energy series. And this energy Even for the most powerful practitioners in the age of immortals and demons, it's too strong. "

Nangong Weiyang listened quietly, her eyes first became bright. "Yes, the strength of the ice blue s è light swirl, even if it is only a little bit, should be completely beyond the power of any practitioner."

"So when I come to practice like a wall, this force almost shakes me to death, but also changes my body. If now for my practice, it's like I'm poisoned. Then every time I kill myself to devour power Each time can make the body less of this poison. " Lin Xi said with some emotion. "So it's like the nonsense you used to like to say. You're used to it when you're vomiting You are used to it when you are shaking. You are not deep in becoming a devil, so it is still possible to use the power beyond the world to eliminate the influence of demonic changes, and use the vitality between the heaven and the earth, just like you have really obtained the inheritance of qingluan palace. " Nangong Weiyang calmed down and said.

Her words seemed funny, but Lin Xi didn't laugh, just nodded: "when we entered the mountain, teacher an and I talked about the magic medicine. She asked me to ask for some blood samples to go back, and we must also be studying the real magic medicine. Even if she can't develop the medicine to completely eliminate the magic, as long as there are some achievements, it can also let me yield twice the result with half the effort. And I'll be able to get to the grand master at least soon If Zhang Ping does not break through the great master so quickly, then my cultivation of soul power will surpass him instead. Even if it is only possible to use some of the power of the grand master level, there is no one else in the world who can pose a fatal threat to me. Maybe I could just kill him. "

Nangong Weiyang looks at him and stops talking.

Although she didn't get some powerful cultivation skills directly as planned at the beginning, Lin Xi's unique insights may not be able to be clear and imparted to her, but Lin Xi's loss and gain make her feel that they have got what they want in the ice and snow God, so she becomes calm and satisfied.

The hot lake began to quiet again.

Zhang Ping's design has made Lin Xi practice the real magic change. Even in the world of the highest practitioners in the past, no one can make Lin Xi get rid of such magic change.

However, Lin Xi came to this world because of the power beyond this world.

"So it's not as good as heaven, it's providence." Qin Xiyue's eyes moistened slightly. She looked at Lin Xi deeply. "Maybe president Zhang and you are the messengers sent by heaven to change the world."

"It's superstitious in our world." Lin Xi looked at the calm and beautiful hot lake, just like looking at the Lingxia lake of xir ì. He sighed softly: "what can change the world is always the eyes that know how to appreciate beauty, and the heart that has good intentions."

Qin Xiyue's eyes also fell on the hot lake.

The hard journey finally got what they wanted, and they were all alive. She also felt the same peace and satisfaction as Nangong Weiyang. In the sound of Lin Xi's voice echoing in the ice field far away along the lake, she also felt that the hot lake had become extraordinarily beautiful.

She couldn't help smiling.

The warm calm lake is like a mirror reflecting her and Lin Xi's figure.

The mirror like lake reflected her smile, just like the lake was smiling at her.

Qin Xiyue is slightly stunned. He can't help turning to look at Lin Xi.

At this moment, she thought of many things Lin Xi had done, and she suddenly understood Lin Xi's mood and his view of the world and his life.

She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled again.

Her eyes fell on the lake farther away.

The lake there is calmer and more like a mirror.

Life is like a mirror.