Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 995

Seeing that the nun surnamed Lin Feng committed suicide, he couldn\'t help sighing. He didn\'t expect that the nun would go to such an extreme.

Obviously, the character of the nun belongs to a loyal person and can\'t bear humiliation. It\'s a pity to end her young life in this way.

Many people sighed and felt sad for the tragic end of the nun.

Zhao Yangping cried and said, "that sister is so poor.".

Dan taixuan held her in her arms and comforted her.

This is the world of practitioners. It is so cruel that many places are full of dirt and cold blood.

"Boy, if it weren\'t for you, how could lord Liu die? You deserve to die.".

A group of friars surrounded Lin Feng and showed their killing power.

We know how hateful these people are from the behavior of friars with horse faces.

It\'s not too much to use scum to describe a group of people.

Lin Feng looked silently at a group of monks and said, "things that don\'t know how to live or die dare to be so presumptuous in front of me. Mole ant like things provoke my majesty, so there is only one way to die".

The voice fell, and Lin Feng had swept out and rushed to the group.

Lin Feng has a great intention to kill these people, not only because he has formed a hatred with them, but also because the death of the nun touched Lin Feng\'s heart.

How desperate it is to choose suicide.

Lin Feng couldn\'t help thinking of his family.

They were captured by mysterious people. Now they are also extremely desperate.

Lin Feng hoped that his family would not go to extremes like nuns.


"Go to hell". A group of monks shot, and all kinds of attacks went towards Lin Feng.

The strength of these people is much stronger than the friars of the Qin Empire. After all, they don\'t have enough strength to guard the planetary transmission array, and then threaten the friars who want to go to other planets to pay a huge price to leave.

But the friar they meet now is Lin Feng.

Everything has changed.

Lin Feng\'s right hand is like a knife.

Split the sky and cut it out, tearing the world apart.

A monk was killed by Lin Feng on the spot.

These powerful friars don\'t seem to have much resistance in Lin Feng\'s hands. You know, there are even ten strong men in the realm of creation.

But when he fought with Lin Feng, he was still killed by Lin Feng.

"That young friar is so powerful?". Many of the monks who gathered around were shocked and shouted. Although they guessed Lin Feng\'s accomplishments, they never thought Lin Feng should be so powerful. Many people thought Lin Feng\'s accomplishments should be seven or eight days in the realm of creation.

But now it seems that this is obviously not the case. How can Lin Feng have such a strong fighting power in the seven or eight heavy heaven of the realm of creation?

Although many people have sensed Lin Feng\'s four heaven realm, no one really thinks Lin Feng is this realm.

Many people think Lin Feng should hide his true realm.

"Brother Feng is really great.". Zhao Yangan had a shocked expression, and then shouted excitedly.

Zhao Yangping was also a little suspicious. He looked at Lin Feng and Dan taixuan and showed a thoughtful expression.

Dan taixuan\'s eyes are now on Lin Feng.

Since she met Lin Feng again and was plundered again and again by Lin Feng, Dan taixuan knew that her life was to live for this man.

This man has occupied all the positions in his heart.

There were corpses lying on the ground. These friars, who had been arrogant and regarded human life as grass, now completely collapsed.

Many people fled towards the transmission Valley, but Lin Feng killed them with a knife, and all the escaped monks were killed.

The rest of the monks also died under Lin Feng\'s attack. More than 100 bodies have been lying on the ground.

At this time, the sound of angry drinking came from the valley.

"Little boy, if you want to die, this seat will tear you to pieces.".

With the sound falling from the depths, a terrible smell of destruction came out.

"He is a strong man at the level of eternal giant".

Many monks exclaimed.

Someone sent a message to Lin Feng to let him escape quickly.

Although Lin Feng is strong, he is too young after all. In the view of these friars, Lin Feng has only a dead end to the existence of the ancient giant level.

Dan taixuan, Zhao Yangping and Zhao Yangan are also very worried and urge Lin Feng to run away quickly.

Perhaps the only one who didn\'t worry and was full of confidence in Lin Feng was Emperor Shixuan.

Lin Feng stood still, waiting for the other party to appear, which could make Dan taixuan, zhaoyangping and zhaoyangan anxious to break.

They are extremely worried about Lin Feng\'s safety.

The next moment, the three turned pale.

Because the eternal giant has come out, it\'s too late for Lin Feng to escape.

This is a middle-aged monk. He is very dignified. His eyes are cold and ruthless. There is a cold killing intention in his eyes.

He looked at Lin Feng coldly and said with a grim smile, "you killed so many of our men. Can you think about how you died?".

Lin Feng looked indifferent. "It\'s too early to talk big.".

Many people are very surprised.

Is it true that the young friar dares to compete with an eternal giant? Or is it overkill?

Dan taixuan suddenly remembered that when he saved himself, he took away half of the storage rings of the dead friars, but the leaders of the group of friars didn\'t choose to fight Lin Feng, but let them leave.

Although Tan taixuan didn\'t know the strength of the monk leader, Tan taixuan vaguely felt that the monk leader\'s accomplishments were no worse than the eternal giant in front of him.

If that existence is the strong one at the level of eternal giant, but it also wants to give Lin Feng a face, doesn\'t it mean that Lin Feng is also an existence at the level of eternal giant?

At the thought of this, Dan taixuan\'s red lips were slightly open, full of shock and consternation.

"If you dare to speak so loudly in front of us, we will let you know what a mole ant will come to after violating the majesty of the dragon".

The voice fell. The ancient giant had already blasted Lin Feng with one hand, and felt the terrible breath emanating from the ancient giant\'s body. Many monks around turned pale and could hardly breathe. Everyone\'s face was shocked and pale.

"The young friar won\'t be killed directly?". Many monks exclaimed.

Only by personally feeling the breath of the giant level friars, can we know how powerful the friars in this realm are.

Now, no one is optimistic that Lin Feng, a young friar, can resist the attack of the eternal giant friar.


Facing the attack of the eternal giant, Lin Feng sneered and went away with a blow.


With the sound of a violent collision, it came out in the eyes of everyone who couldn\'t believe it.

The immeasurable power, invincible as a God in the eyes of the people, the eternal giant flew backwards like a broken kite.