Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 983

"Take these two..." Lin Feng handed the two star lotus to Li yingdie.

"For me?". Li yingdie was surprised. She didn\'t expect Lin Feng to give her Xinglian.

These star lotus are extremely precious.

"It\'s your reward for leading the way.". Lin Feng Road.

"Thank you, senior brother Lin". Li yingdie salutes Lin Feng. She doesn\'t refuse because she also needs Xinglian. This treasure is extremely significant for the improvement of soul power.

In the distance, some friars saw the star lotus Lin Feng got, but they didn\'t dare to rob it directly, because they had seen Lin Feng behead those people in the temple of heaven before, and even the friars in the temple of heaven dared to kill them, not to mention them?

The interior of Xinghe world is boundless. It looks more like an ocean. Lin Feng and Li yingdie choose a direction with fewer people.

Along the way, Lin Feng cut the star beast and fished for the treasure in the star river.

In addition to the star lotus, Lin Feng also got many good things, such as star rain grass, star moon stone, star tear stone, star trace stone... And so on.

These are the treasures that can enhance the power of the soul.

"Well, where is that?". Suddenly, Lin Feng saw a dazzling light in the distance, covering a large void.

"It\'s a star cave. Monks can enter it for cultivation. Each star cave can last three days after it appears. Elder martial brother, it seems that we are lucky to meet the star cave.".

Li yingdie said in surprise.

Lin Feng nodded. He also felt lucky.

The two quickly skimmed towards the star hole.

They entered the star cave, and Lin Feng sealed the star cave.

So you don\'t have to worry about being disturbed by others.

The star cave is about a dozen square meters in size. It\'s more than enough for two people to practice here.

The star cave can continuously absorb the energy of the star world, so the power of the sun, moon and stars in the star cave is very strong.

Lin Feng sat cross legged. He took out all kinds of treasures he got, and then began to refine them.

At the same time, the power of the stars in the star cave was continuously absorbed by Lin Feng.

Under the transformation of Taigu dragon elephant formula, all these energies are absorbed by Lin Feng\'s soul.

Lin Feng\'s soul began to become stronger and stronger.

Now Lin Feng\'s soul power is the ten Heaven of the realm of creation, and he has not been able to break through the shackles.

But this time, Lin Feng got a lot of cultivation resources from Xinghe.

And the power of the sun, moon and stars in the star cave is so strong.

Therefore, this time Lin Feng accumulated enough strength and began to try to impact a new realm.

Three days are fleeting.

Lin Feng\'s soul power has been greatly improved.

There was a loud bang.

If the waves beat the shore, they will shake in all directions.


Lin Feng broke through the confinement of the realm of life and death, and his soul level broke through to the realm of life and death.

"Finally a breakthrough".

Lin Feng opened his eyes and showed a smile on his face.

The realm of life and death can be said to be an extremely critical threshold. As long as it can be broken through, it will be much easier to improve the soul power in the future.

Li yingdie obviously also got a lot of benefits. Lin Feng guessed that her soul power should have made great progress.


The star hole fluctuated violently.

After three days, you must leave the star hole, because the star hole will disappear soon.

If you don\'t leave, you will disappear with the star hole.

Lin Feng and Li yingdie come out of the star cave.

Their savings were plundered into the depths.

About ten days later, an island appeared in the Star River, and many monks came to the island.

The area of the island is very large, and there should be a lot of good things.

Therefore, from time to time, we can see that there are friars fighting on the island, and the killing is extremely fierce.

"The most precious thing is Xinghe divine liquid, which is difficult to see. I heard that Xinghe divine liquid integrates the original power of Xinghe emperor".

Li yingdie said.

"Xinghe emperor? Is the Empire strong?" Lin Feng was surprised.

Li yingdie nodded and said, "it is said that he was a great emperor in the ancient times, who ruled countless star regions, but finally fell into the ancient catastrophe.".

Lin Feng and Li yingdie search for the treasure on the island.

One day later, Lin Feng and Li yingdie saw a group of monks fighting for a group of Xingluo stones.

Xingluo stone can not only cultivate and improve soul power.

You can even make artifacts.

So the appearance of Xingluo stone caused a bloodbath.

Among the two groups of friars fighting Dharma, the friar Nabo led by a beautiful woman in red occupied the top.

Another wave of friars were killed.

"Master......". Seeing the beautiful woman in red, Li yingdie looked very happy.

"This person is broken tea?". Lin Feng was surprised.

Li yingdie\'s master broke red tea for the elder of Wuhua mountain. Lin Feng never thought that broken red tea was a beautiful woman who could be called a peerless beauty.

"Yingdie! Why are you here? As a teacher, I thought you had fallen.". When Duan Hongxiu saw Li yingdie, he showed his joy and hurriedly grabbed it.

"I want to thank elder martial brother Lin for surviving," said Li yingdie with a red face. When she looked at Lin Feng, she was full of affection.

In the eyes of broken red sleeves, there was a cold flash, but she soon covered it up.

"Thank you, little friend. How about practicing with our friars in Wuhua mountain?". Broken tea said.

"Yes, Lin Feng, you can also have a care.". Li yingdie looks at Lin Feng with expectant eyes.

Although Duan Hongxiu has just covered up well, Lin Feng still sees the cold eyes from Duan Hongxiu\'s eyes. Although Lin Feng doesn\'t know why Duan Hongxiu is hostile to himself, it is obvious that Lin Feng should be on guard against Duan Hongxiu, because this woman is not simple.

"I\'m used to being alone. Thank you for your invitation. I\'d like to leave.". Lin Feng hugged his fist and left quickly.

Li yingdie looks at Lin Feng\'s back as she leaves. Her beautiful eyes are full of reluctance. She wants to keep Lin Feng several times, but she doesn\'t know what reason to leave Lin Feng at this time.

Break red sleeve sees all this in her eyes. The coldness in her eyes is even worse, but she hides deeply and is not noticed by Li yingdie.

Duan Hongxiu grabbed Li yingdie\'s slender jade hand and said softly, "yingdie, now that you have returned to the master, there will be no danger. Let\'s find a quiet place and tell the teacher what happened during this period.".

"Yes". Li yingdie answered.


"What\'s the matter with this broken tea? Why do you want to kill me? I saved Li yingdie. Even if she doesn\'t appreciate me, she shouldn\'t want to kill me. This woman is really evil.".

After leaving, Lin Feng frowned slightly and broke his red sleeve. He was full of evil spirit, which made Lin Feng feel very uncomfortable.

This is also the reason why Lin Feng left quickly.

Late at night, in the depths of the star world, endless starlight fell down. In the starlight, an ancient existence sat cross legged.

Like an ancient emperor revived.

Countless people were disturbed.