Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 946

Many people gathered in front of the wishing pool, many of whom were white haired ancestors. Now they all stared at the wishing pool.

There are some stone materials around the rockery in the wishing pool, but the stone materials here are not precious, but the shape is uncanny, so they were moved in for decoration.

"Taoist Lin, which stone do you value?". Duanmu Xiang asked.

Lin Feng pointed to one of them and said, "that\'s it.".

"What is the value?". Duanmuxiang looked at the elder of Shifang in yuhuaxian Dynasty.

"1500 best spirit stone".

The other party said with a gloomy look.

Stone is not worth money. He can\'t ask too much because others like it. If he does, the reputation of yuhuaxian Dynasty stone workshop will be completely rotten.

Even the reputation of the yuhuaxian Dynasty will stink.

"OK, I\'ll take it.". Duanmuxiang was very direct and ordered his men to pay the spirit stone.

"Cut the stone". Lin Feng said.

Duanmu Xiang nodded, fished out the stones and began to cut the stones.

This stone is really strange, like a god of death holding a sickle.

Now, there is a cold and terrible smell in the stone.

It makes people feel creepy.

"What\'s the matter with this stone? It\'s very common. Why does it give off such a smell after being fished out?".

Someone asked suspiciously.

This has indeed aroused the suspicion of many people.

Many people are in doubt.

Xuanyuan dragon took a deep breath and said in shock, "the stone is spiritual. I have a hunch that others want to cut it, so it emits a cold breath to frighten each other.".

Many people are moved.

This stone is not simple. Maybe it will really cut out some terrible things.

Duanmuxiang began to cut stones. When the first knife went down, there was a terrible smell pouring out.

This is a senseless killing intention, which makes the originally hot weather in June suddenly seem like a cold winter.

Many monks could not bear the terrible killing intention and had to retreat.

Duanmu Xiang was so pale that he couldn\'t cut any more.

"This is a baby.". Many people exclaimed.

The faces of the yuhuaxian Dynasty are almost green. This stone is so cheap. If they really cut out good things, their hearts will drop blood.

"Let me come.". Seeing that Duanmu Xiang couldn\'t bear the terrible pressure from the stone, Xun in Qilian said aloud.

"Thank you, master"!

Duan Muxiang saluted, then retreated, and his pale face just recovered some blood color.

Xun cut the stone himself in Qilian.

He is the strength of the eternal giant, unfathomable. He can suppress the killing intention emanating from the stone by cutting the stone.


The terrible breath surged out against Qilian Xun, but Qilian Xun sent out a strong "potential" to fight it head-on and suppress it.

Then Xun of Qilian began to cut stones.

The stones are shrinking.


Something in the stone was cut out.

This is a piece of weapon fragments more than ten centimeters long, emitting an endless smell of death.

"Fragments of the sickle of death...". Qilian Xun exclaimed.

This treasure is extraordinary. It is a sickle of death made for the ancient giant god \'death\'.

Although it is only a fragment, it is still powerful.

Fragments of the sickle of death rose into the sky to kill Qilian Xun, but Qilian Xun reacted quickly, suppressed it and sealed it with mana.

"If the fragment of the sickle of death is integrated into a magic weapon, what terrible level will the attack power of that magic weapon be raised?".

Some people have hot eyes.

Duanmuxiang was very happy and quickly put away the fragments of the sickle of death.

"Hey, where\'s the little stone saint? Where has he gone?".

At this time, everyone found that Lin Feng was missing.

"Little stone Saint went to a courtyard outside"! Someone shouted.

The crowd hurried out.

The stones in the heavy courtyard outside have different shapes and are all fine stones.

To Lin Feng\'s surprise, when he came here, he felt very uncomfortable.

There seems to be a force against him.

"Is this?" Lin Feng looked uncertain.

He remembered the "Holy Spirit in the stone" he had seen.

When he opened the sky demon snake eye to observe the stone, the Holy Spirit in the stone once attacked his soul and hurt himself.

"There is also the Holy Spirit in the stone here, which is a little troublesome." Lin Feng frowned slightly. The means of the Holy Spirit in the stone is terrible, which makes Lin Feng extremely afraid.

"Did brother Lin find anything wrong?".

Xuanyuan dragon also walked away and asked aloud.

"Here is the Holy Spirit in the stone...". Lin Feng Road.


Xuanyuan dragon took a breath. He naturally knew what the Holy Spirit in the stone existed. Once born, he would be a terrible "stone family".

"You and I work together to find it. We should be able to suppress it together.". Lin Feng Road.

Xuanyuan Dragon nodded and was a little excited. If he really suppressed the Holy Spirit in a stone, he would get endless benefits.

Many people wondered what Lin Feng and xuanyuanlong were whispering, but it was obviously impossible for anyone to know. They joined hands to explore the surroundings.

But the result disappointed Lin Feng.

The Holy Spirit in the stone seemed to feel the danger and disappeared.

"Left," Lin Feng said.

"Pity"! Xuanyuan dragon shook his head.

"It can shuttle back and forth in different stone workshops. The means are amazing. It\'s too difficult to find it.". Lin Feng Road.

Xuanyuanlong nodded.

Finally, Lin Feng chose a stone for Sima Hua, worth 7000 top-grade spiritual stones.

The people found that the price of the stone selected by Lin Feng was not high. Duanmuxiang, xuanyuanlong and simahua were all filled with emotion. Lin Feng really thought of the customers.

This stone is also extraordinary. A piece of magic gold and refined iron was cut out. It is the material for forging imperial soldiers. Countless people are excited about it.

Sima Hua was shocked. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng cut out such an adverse thing and quickly put it away.

Lin Feng chose several stones for Qilian Xun, then left with Qilian Xun and others and returned to the Qilian family.

Lin Feng\'s stone selection in Shifang caused a great sensation, because Lin Feng\'s ability to select stones is really too terrible.

The stones he chose were not expensive, but the things he cut out were against the sky.

Whether it\'s the trunk of the tree of life.

Or a fragment of the sickle of death.

Or the material for forging imperial soldiers is magic gold and refined iron.

Any kind of material is priceless.

The whole holy stone city was talking about it, and at this time, the Qilian family started the second auction.

Obviously, the second auction * * the first auction is much more intense.

The transaction price also soared all the way, and the highest transaction price broke through the 100 rule.

In the next few days, Lin Feng and many figures at the ancestor level continued to enter the stone workshop to cut stones.

During this time, Lin Feng also got a full 2000 rules.

He is now ten Heaven cultivation in the realm of yin and Yang. After refining two thousand rules again, he already has three thousand rules in his body.

This is Lin Feng\'s limit. He can\'t continue the refining law.

Moreover, the Taigu God stone is about to be transported. Lin Feng no longer helps the candidate stone, which makes many monks who have not been able to shoot the quota sigh with regret.


On this day, there was a loud noise, and God cars rolled over in the distance.

The three giants personally escorted a group of ancient sacred stones into the holy stone city, which caused a great sensation and many people went to watch.