Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 938

After Lin Feng got rid of Liu Huaxian, who was chased by the sword, he wandered around.

The holy stone city at night is very lively. The holy stone city can be said to be a city that never sleeps.

The street is full of Hawking. From time to time, we can see some entertainers performing hard on the street.

These are people who live at the bottom of society, travel everywhere and live by performing arts.

Lin Feng wandered for a while, then returned to his residence, alone, drinking and singing.

When he drank late at night, he didn\'t feel sleepy, so he sat cross legged and practiced the Taigu dragon elephant formula.

The next day, Liu Huaxian sent someone to invite Lin Feng.

Lin Feng wondered and muttered that Liu Huaxian didn\'t want to settle with himself?

But after thinking about it carefully, I don\'t think I should settle accounts with myself.

Liu Huaxian knew where he lived. If he had settled with himself, he would have come yesterday.

Why wait until today?

He came to Liu Huaxian and said with a smile, "did you miss me when you didn\'t see him all night?".

Liu huaxianjiao smiled and said, "yes, I didn\'t sleep what I thought of you last night.".

Lin Feng reached out and hugged Liu Huaxian\'s waist, but Liu Huaxian easily avoided it.

She smiled and said, "those who want me should continue to work hard!"

Lin Feng smiled and then asked, "why did you call me here today?".

Liu Huaxian said, "I have something urgent to leave. Before I leave, I want to meet you and warn you of one thing.".

"Warn me of what?". Lin Feng wondered.

Liu Huaxian hummed Qiong\'s nose and said, "from now on, you are my man. You are not allowed to flirt outside."

Lin Feng said with a smile, "it\'s your man? When shall we enter the bridal chamber?".

Liu Huaxian blushed and spat at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng personally sent Liu Huaxian away.

The woman was mysterious. She didn\'t tell Lin Feng what to do.

Lin Feng didn\'t ask either.



Lin Feng ate in a restaurant. The discussion of a group of monks at the adjacent table attracted his attention.

"It is said that there are a batch of dark night stones in the stone workshop. Only at night can we take out the cut stones...".

"Let\'s go and have a look after dinner later.".

Some monks are talking about the "dark night stone".

Lin Feng also heard of this dark night stone for the first time, so he couldn\'t help but have some interest.

Nothing to do. After dinner, Lin Feng walked in the direction of Shifang.

On the way to Shifang, there will be a square market. Every night, this square market will be very lively, because many monks will come to the square market to set up stalls and sell some rare treasures. If their eyes are good enough, they can find a lot of good things in the square market.

At this moment, Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue also set up a stall in a corner of the square city.

There is a sign in front of them, which says that they want to buy healing medicine, which can be exchanged with star meteorites!

The sisters are both tired now. They seem to have experienced a lot of things during this period, which makes them haggard.

Many people pointed out, because this pair of sisters really attracted people\'s attention.

"Childe, look, there are a pair of best sisters"!

At this time, a group of more than a dozen people came from a distance, and a young childe was surrounded by a group of people.

Suddenly, one of the slaves reached out and pointed to Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue sisters in the corner of the square city.

Seeing Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue, the young childe\'s eyes suddenly brightened, and a strong desire for possession appeared in the narrow eyes.

"Go and have a look...".