Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 898

Qiao Zhenyu smiled and said, "brother Lin, have you ever heard of star meteorites?".

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "I haven\'t heard of it. I don\'t know what this meteorite is?".

Qiao Zhenyu said, "In recent years, the major forces in tianwu mainland have been repairing the space-time tunnel of the ancient XingKong road. They want to reopen the star trial practice, and this star meteorite is the material for repairing the ancient XingKong road. Naturally, not everyone is qualified to go to the star trial practice. In addition to paying a lot of spirit stones, they also need to pay star meteorites, because the space-time tunnel of the ancient XingKong road can be rebuilt anytime and anywhere There are problems, and many big forces must have enough meteorites to deal with emergencies. If there are problems in the space-time tunnel of the ancient XingKong Road, and there are not enough meteorites to repair the space-time tunnel of the ancient XingKong Road, we can imagine the consequences ".

Lin Feng nodded. If there is something wrong with the space-time tunnel and it cannot be repaired in time, the monks in the space-time tunnel may die miserably, and the rest will be trapped in the extraterritorial world and cannot return.

"Since brother Qiao mentioned the star meteorite, does brother Qiao know the news of the star meteorite?" Lin Feng asked.

Qiao Zhenyu nodded and said, "there is a star meteorite mountain in the falling immortal ancient forest. There are star meteorites in it. Brother Lin must pay star meteorites if he wants to go to the outer space for trial practice. Therefore, he wants to invite brother Lin to go to the star meteorite mountain to find Star meteorites. I don\'t know what brother Lin thinks?".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "OK, I don\'t know when to start?".

"There are still a few friends coming. Wait until a few friends arrive and start immediately." Qiao Zhenyu said.

"No problem".


After Lin Feng separated from Qiao Zhenyu, he returned to his residence.

Long night, no sleep, Lin Feng flew to the eaves to drink.

Looking into the distance, you can see the boundless forest sea, which is the direction of the ancient forest of fallen immortals.

The roar of animals can be heard all the time. The fierce animals in the immortal ancient forest are roaring mountains and rivers.

Lin Feng didn\'t care about the meteorites. Since there are meteorites in the meteorite mountains, you can certainly find them this time. Even if there are very few meteorites, you can find them with your own dragon hunting formula.

Lin Feng is thinking about Tianjie demon realm. The ancient forest of fallen immortals is too large. It is really difficult to find Tianjie demon realm.

The map imprinted on the tortoise shell is only an approximate location.

In addition, this is a map branded from endless years ago.

Times change.

The position of Tianjie demon realm has long changed.

Therefore, it\'s not easy to find the heaven robbery demon realm.

The fragrant wind came.

Qiao Tingyu flew up and sat beside Lin Feng.

Slender body, attractive beauty. Legs.

The woman is full of charm.

"What did my brother talk to you about?". Qiao Tingyu turned her face and looked at Lin Feng.

Look at Qiao Tingyu closely to know how beautiful she is.

The wind bun reveals the temples, lightly sweeps the eyebrows, and the eyes contain spring. The skin is as fine as warm jade, soft as greasy, the cherry mouth is not red, delicate as drops, and the two strands of hair on the cheek gently brush the face with the wind. With a bit of attractive style, a light green dress and a grip on the waist are so flawless.

It seems that Lin Feng\'s eyes are more fiery. Qiao Tingyu\'s pretty face is slightly red. Such a shy appearance adds a sense of temptation.

Lin Feng said, "brother Qiao told me about star meteorites and invited me to look for star meteorites.".

Qiao Tingyu\'s pretty face showed a happy expression.

Lin Feng and Qiao Zhenyu went to look for meteorites. Doesn\'t it mean that they will spend more time with them?

The next day, Lin Feng went out early and planned to buy what he needed.

He needs to purchase some array materials, which may be used, and some other necessities.

Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue came to see Lin Feng going out.

Qiao tingyue asked, "young master Lin, are you going out?".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "I\'m going to buy some necessities.".

"Let\'s go with you." Qiao tingyue blushed.

Lin Feng will not refuse to follow the best sisters.

I don\'t know how much envy, jealousy and hatred looked at Lin Feng all the way.

When a man went out, he was accompanied by two beautiful women, one big and one small. He really envied others.

Some people are even thinking wickedly whether the boy has done things with the best sisters.

After purchasing some necessities, Lin Feng smiled at the sisters and asked, "what do you want to buy?".

Qiao tingyue has a lively personality and said, "although we don\'t have anything to buy, we always want to go to a place to have a look.".

"Where?" Lin Feng asked.


The two sisters said in unison.

Then the two women\'s pretty faces were slightly red.

Qiao Tingyu said, "we\'ve only heard of Shifang, but we\'ve never been there. We\'re very curious.".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "there seems to be a small stone workshop in Wangxian town. Since you want to go to the stone workshop for a long time, let\'s go and have a look.".

"It\'s very kind of you, young master Lin. if the eldest brother is here, he won\'t let us go to the place where there are dragons and snakes in Shifang."

Qiao tingyue happily hugged Lin Feng\'s arm. Suddenly, Lin Feng felt that his arm fell into a rough sea.

Lin Feng couldn\'t help feeling that Qiao tingyue was really thick. Didn\'t she realize what kind of touch would happen when she held her arm like this?

Soon Qiao tingyue felt it. Her pretty face was slightly red. She loosened Lin Feng\'s arm and lowered her head. She didn\'t dare to see Lin Feng.

Lin Feng coughed and covered up his embarrassment. He said, "let\'s go to Shifang and see if we can cut anything good.".

The two women nodded excitedly.

The three came to the Shifang in Wangxian town. The streets outside were crowded with people. It was really a place where three religions and nine schools mingled. Many people saw Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue, the two best sisters, showing malicious eyes.

Some people even wanted to gather together to take advantage of some, but Lin Feng coldly glanced at the monks. Many people felt that Lin Feng was not easy to provoke, so they dispersed and didn\'t dare to come forward.

"There are some low-grade stones outside. Let\'s go inside.". Lin Feng said.

The two sisters nodded and came to the deep part of Shifang with Lin Feng. There are many courtyards here.

"Tingyu, tingyue, why are you here?".

The sound of surprise came.

More than a dozen monks came, led by a young man in green and a young man in white.

The young master in blue looked at Qiao Tingyu with a burning look.

The young master in white looked at Qiao tingyue with a happy face.

Only when they saw Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue, the two best sisters, one left and one right, accompanying Lin Feng, their faces became gloomy.