Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 854

"How? Now you know my power? Even if you three work together, there is only one way out.".

Rather cold frost, the sound is cold.

But she\'s really good.

It is also the double heaven cultivation of the realm of creation. Ning Han Shuang, who has revived her special constitution, can beat Dugu Wutian of the same level with her with one hand.

Lin Feng stopped his backward body in the air. He looked a little gloomy. Ning Hanshuang had such a powerful strength that Lin Feng didn\'t expect.

"Lin Daoyou, this person is too cruel. It seems that we have to break through, otherwise, it may be damaged in her hands," Dugu Wutian said.

Ning Hanshuang immediately showed a sneering expression: "break through? Fall in my ice Kingdom, and even want to break through. It\'s really fantastic".

When the voice fell, Ning Hanshuang shot again. Across the void, he took another palm at Lin Feng.

It\'s made of ice palm.


Lin Feng roared loudly, waved his black dragon sword and cut out a hundred feet of sword.

Dugu Aotian and the green Mantis Scorpion King also shot one after another.

However, they were once again patted and flew out by the cold ice God\'s palm condensed by ninghan frost.

Ning Hanshuang said proudly, "in the kingdom of ice, I am an invincible existence.".

"Why is your special physique so much stronger than Dugu Xuan\'s? It seems that your ice God body ranks many places lower than his beheading body?".

Lin Feng said with a gloomy look.

Ning Hanshuang said, "Today, I want you to be a ghost. Whether your special constitution is strong or not has a direct and close relationship with your blood. When the divine blood in your body can reach 10% of the total blood in your body, you can recover your special constitution, but the special constitution at this level is the weakest special constitution, just like your immortal blood only accounts for 10% of your blood, so you The undead God body is the weakest undead God body. If the blood in your body is 100% undead God blood, then you are pure blood undead God body and the most powerful undead God body. Therefore, the same constitution has strong and weak points, and the more blood resuscitation, the stronger ".

"Dugu Xuan was a Taoist priest, but he only revived 30% of the blood of the Taoist priest, while my cold ice body revived 80% of the blood of the Taoist priest. Although my cold ice body was lower than the rank of the Taoist priest, my revived cold ice blood reached 80% of the blood of the Taoist priest, and my cold ice God showed combat power that could crush the enemy Dugu Xuan only revived 30% of his blood.

"What\'s more, now I am in the realm of creation. When I cultivate to the realm of creation, the power of the special physique will really show. As for you, I\'m afraid you will never know the strength of the special physique of the realm of creation, because you will die in my hands today, and you will never have the opportunity to cultivate to the realm of creation".

The voice fell, Ning Hanshuang continued to attack Lin Feng, Dugu Wutian and the green Mantis Scorpion King more violently.

In the kingdom of ice God, dense ice spears were condensed and shot at them.

"Hum, it\'s better to be cold and frost. All things in the world generate and overcome each other. Although your ice God body is powerful, it also has the method of restraint."

Lin Feng sneered. With a wave of his right hand, the four fierce tripods flew out.

This is a treasure tripod forged by all saints of the human race. It is the most precious treasure that a herbalist dreams of.

Lin Feng shouted, "come in, let\'s urge the four evil tripods to pay Ning cold frost".


Then Lin Feng, Dugu Wutian and the green mantis and Scorpion King jumped into the four evil tripods.

"Keng Keng......".

The dense ice spears were blasted on the four fierce tripods, and all of them collapsed.

Inside the four evil tripod, Lin Feng, Dugu Wutian, green mantis and Scorpion King urge the four evil tripod together.

The four fierce tripods are surrounded by runes.

Taotie, chaos, poverty and strangeness, the four fierce beasts of Taowu manifest and make ferocious roars.

The four fierce tripods carried the fierce power of the ancient fierce beast and bumped into Ning Hanshuang.

In the void, it\'s like an ancient sacred mountain flying over the sky.

Send out the sound of rumbling, rumbling.

"It\'s useless. No matter what means or magic weapons you use, you can\'t make waves in the middle of my icy kingdom.".

Facing the attack of four fierce tripods, Ning Hanshuang sneered.

"Ice law".

Rather cold frost cold drink, her hands change again and again, pinch out hundreds of Dharma decisions.

That Dharma was decided by her into the kingdom of ice.


There was a crash.

Chains of ice appeared in the kingdom of ice.

That\'s the law chain.

Ninghan frost is the ice God body. The law of condensation from her practice to the realm of creation is also the ice law.

She fused her own law with the kingdom of ice and turned it into a chain of ice.

The dense chains immediately wound the four evil tripods.

"Cluck, cluck, how do you die?".

Ning Hanshuang smiled proudly. The chain condensed by the cold ice law sent out amazing fluctuations and rushed towards the four fierce tripods.

Ning Hanshuang wants to use the power of the ice chain to force Lin Feng, Dugu Aotian and the green Mantis scorpion king among the four fierce tripods to death.

At this time, Lin Feng\'s sneer came from the four fierce tripods, "rather cold frost, it\'s too early for you to be proud. Today I will break your ice law and ice God body".

The voice fell and saw flames flying out of the four fierce tripods.

These are two kinds of flames.

The first flame is the purple flame heart fire.

Ziyan\'s heart fire quickly ignited the chains of cold ice.

The second kind of flame is black flame.

The black flame burning fire quickly permeates the whole ice Kingdom and surrounds the ice kingdom.

"Bang bang......".

Under the burning of two kinds of sky fires, the chains of ice and the kingdom of ice quickly collapsed.

If Ning Hanshuang is against others, she will kill each other today.

But it was Lin Feng who was trapped by Ning Hanshuang.

Lin Feng had two sky fires, which directly restrained Ning Hanshuang\'s ice God.

"Ah, what flame is this?".

Ning Hanshuang screamed in disbelief. What she feared most was fire.

The sky fire is the most powerful flame among the flames. Don\'t mention touching the sky fire. Even if you are close to the sky fire, Ning Han frost feels that the body will be melted by the sky fire, and the mana of the whole body will collapse.


Ning Hanshuang wanted to escape outside.


Suddenly, the black flame burning God was cremated into a flame fierce beast, which hit Ning Hanshuang hard and directly flew Ning Hanshuang out. At the same time, the purple flame heart fire has destroyed the chains of cold ice.

Lin Feng three people manipulated the four fierce tripods to collide with Ning Hanshuang.

Ning Hanshuang couldn\'t escape. He was hit by the four evil tripods. If he was struck by lightning, he vomited a mouthful of blood in the air.

Lin Feng, Dugu Aotian, the green mantis and Scorpion King flew out.

"Suppress it for me".

Lin Feng sneered, manipulated the four evil tripods to fly to ninghan frost, and directly swallowed ninghan frost into the four evil tripods.

"You dare to suppress me and let me out.".

Ning Hanshuang wants to rush out of the four evil tripods.


But at this time, the top cover directly sealed the exit of the four evil tripod.

Roar, roar

Then, Taotie, chaos, poverty, and Taowu roared and roared. The four fierce beasts were transformed into four twisted fierce beast runes, which were directly suppressed at the four corners of the top cover and sealed the four fierce tripods.

"Bang bang......".

Ning Hanshuang is constantly bombarding the top cover of the four fierce tripods.

But in vain.

The four fierce tripods are sealed by fierce beast runes.

Ning Hanshuang was suppressed by Lin Feng in the four fierce tripods.