Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 828

Now Xu Shu chased the old thing in, and Lin Feng didn\'t dare to stay. He picked up the masked Friar and rushed to the depths.

Huge bone mountains are piled up. These bone mountains are piled up by the bones of fierce animals killed by the golden giant.

Such a place is like purgatory on earth.

"Boy, die.".

Xu Shu saw Lin Feng. His voice was cold. He raised his right hand and slapped Lin Feng with one palm.


Lin Feng speeds up his speed and narrowly avoids the attack from Xu Shu.

A loud bang came out, and Xu Shu killed a bone mountain.

Click, click.

A large number of bones broke and the bone mountain began to collapse.


The golden giant was startled and roared. More than 30 golden giants looked at him and were furious one by one.

Humans broke into their nest.

These golden giants are killing the sky.

In the eyes of the golden giant, human friars are just their rations.

Now, humans dare to break into their nests. Is this a provocation to the golden giants?

A golden giant jumped up with a huge stone hammer and killed Xu Shu.

"No...". Xu Shu\'s face changed greatly.

He was going to slap Lin fengran to death and then run away immediately, but Lin Feng avoided his attack. Now the golden giant rushed and made Xu Shu unavoidable. He had to resist the attack of the golden giant.

Xu Shu didn\'t hesitate to show his magic power of turning the river upside down.

Bang Dang.

The stone hammer of the golden giant collided with Xu Shu\'s attack, making an earth shaking sound.

Then Xu Shu\'s attack was broken by the golden giant.

Then Xu Shu was hit by a stone hammer.

Click, click.

I don\'t know how many bones were broken, and the whole person flew backwards.

The golden giant is terrible.

Xu Shu vomited blood in a big mouth and was scared to crack his liver and gall. When the golden giant killed him again, Xu Shu didn\'t dare to stop and rushed out.

The golden giant chased out, obviously failed to catch up, and roared angrily.

In the bone mountain, Lin Feng\'s situation was worse than Xu Shu\'s. He was surrounded by the golden giant with a masked woman in his arms.

More than 30 golden giants surrounded him.

In any case, there is no escape.

Lin Feng\'s face was ugly and retreated carefully.


A golden giant waved a stone hammer and hit Lin Feng.

That terrible blow could smash a ten thousand meter mountain in an instant.

Lin Feng quickly retreated, but he was still swept by the stone hammer. His body moved out and hit the bone mountain heavily.

Lin Feng only felt that his body no longer belonged to him. His face was very pale. Just that blow almost killed him.

Click, click!

Lin Feng knocked the bone mountain into a big hole. He fell to the ground with the masked friar in his arms.

The golden giant killed again with a stone hammer. Lin Feng couldn\'t help showing a look of despair on his face. Now he can\'t avoid it.

At this critical moment, Lin Feng suddenly found that the big hole around him seemed to lead to the underground, which surprised him very much.

Lin Feng took the beautiful nun and rolled to the dark hole.

Then Lin Feng found him rolling down a step.

And outside is the angry roaring golden giant.

More than thirty golden giants surrounded the bone mountain and kept roaring.

But these golden giants did not dare to destroy the bone mountain or rush in.

There seemed to be something in the cave that frightened the golden giants.


"Is this a temple?".

Lin Feng fell to the ground, wondering about the surrounding environment.

Surrounded by huge stone walls, it seems to be a stone hall.

Buried under the bone mountain, he and the masked nun just rolled down the steps of the temple.

There are many halls. Now they should be in the first major hall. The first major hall is empty and emits a cold smell. Looking deep, they can vaguely see the second major hall.

"Is it really a temple?". Lin Feng\'s heart was full of shock.

He thought of the mysterious legend that had been circulating outside.

The golden giant is God\'s servant.

They guarded the temple.

Now it seems that this may really be possible.

Lin Feng didn\'t immediately go deep into the temple to investigate. He looked at the masked woman and carefully explored the masked woman\'s injury. He couldn\'t help breathing. Although the injury was quite serious, it was not fatal.

Lin Feng took out a ten thousand year treasure drug and took it for the masked woman. He didn\'t have many treasure drugs of this level, but it was worth it to treat the masked woman.

After taking Wannian treasure medicine, the masked woman\'s breath became much more stable.

"Who are you? Why did you sacrifice your life to save me?".

Lin Feng murmured. He reached out and took off the veil of the masked woman.

A beautiful face that can be broken by blowing bombs appeared in the eyes.

Willows are misty.

A woman Lin Feng has never forgotten.

In the past, when demons made trouble, Liu Piaomiao once shot to kill demons.

She is the daughter of the Lord of sun moon city and the charming daughter of the younger generation of Dongjun Shenzhou.

Later, he was injured when he was competing for xuanming black Yanguo, a treasure of heaven and earth. He was chased and killed by the enchanting wind. Fortunately, Lin Feng saved him.

But later, Liu Piaomiao left without saying goodbye, which made Lin Feng feel sad. He just didn\'t expect to meet Liu Piaomiao again here.

At this time, Liu\'s long eyelashes blinked and opened his eyes the next moment.

She saw Lin Feng and tried to get up.

"You\'re hurt. You should lie down and have a rest.".

Lin Feng said.

"I didn\'t expect to survive.". Liu piaomi\'s voice was weak.

Thank you for saving me. Lin Feng Road.

"It\'s the reward for saving me.". Liu misty tone with some coldness.

She sighed in her heart.

Liu Piaomiao didn\'t expect to meet Lin Feng this time.

The events of the past years came to mind. Seeing that Lin Feng was in danger, she rushed up without any hesitation.

But when he survived and was alone with Lin Feng, Liu Piaomiao knew he had to distance himself from Lin Feng.

Because she is engaged to a descendant of the archaic forces.

Even if I\'ve never met that person, so what?

The engagement of Taigu forces cannot be violated. If you entangle with Lin Feng, you will only harm Lin Feng at that time.

This is human destiny.

That damn fate.

It\'s a fate that people can\'t go against.

Lin Feng can feel Liu\'s misty alienation. He doesn\'t care if he doesn\'t have the enthusiasm to meet his old friends.

Lin Feng said, "you can rest and recover here for a while. I\'ll go inside and have a look.".

He got up and walked deep into the hall.

Liu Piaomiao looked at Lin Feng\'s back and couldn\'t help sighing slightly.