Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 824

"Boy, you\'re lucky. I\'ll kill you next time.".

Dugu Xuan glanced at Lin Feng coldly, then rushed to the sky and rushed to the depths of the fog forest.

He couldn\'t wait to get the deep opportunity. The bloody meteorite branded the fight Saint ape and the supreme inheritance of Buddhism.

Even the descendants of Taigu forces can\'t resist this temptation. It\'s too deadly and makes people tremble.

Lin Feng looked into the depths. He didn\'t take immediate action because he knew how dangerous the fog forest was. When he came to Tiansheng City, Lin Feng crossed over from the central area of the fog forest. He once met the beast king and died.

This is just the middle of the misty forest, which is already so dangerous.

No one knows how dangerous it is in the deepest part of the foggy forest.

Since the fog forest is called a "forbidden area", there are natural dangers.

"Do you want to enter one of them?". Murong Xue asked.

"Wait, I don\'t think that meteorite is so easy to find," Lin Feng said with a slight frown.

Murong Xue nodded. She didn\'t impulsively enter the fog forest.

Meteorites from the sky quickly ferment.

Spread like wings, the transmission array in the heavenly holy city continued to shine, and many people came by the transmission array.

There are even many extremely distant states where the strong have come from many places.

Amitabha, goodness is goodness.

The arrival of more than a dozen eminent monks caused a great sensation, because monks are rare.

Although there are "Buddhist countries in the western regions" among the three thousand states.

However, the monks in the western regions rarely come out and walk around. Even if some monks come out to experience, they are mostly alone. Now more than a dozen eminent monks have been dispatched. Obviously, the western regions Buddhism has heard about the four old Buddhas.

They came here to find the lost orthodoxy in the past.

More than a dozen monks did not stay long and left quickly.

They entered the misty forest and brought the Buddhist treasure, hoping to use the Buddhist treasure to sense the Buddha blood position of Buddhist ancestors.

"The western region Buddhist kingdom is the strangest of the three thousand states, which is a place that ordinary people can\'t go." in an inn, an old man talked about the western region Buddhist kingdom.

A friar asked, "what\'s weird? Is it that the Buddhist country in the western regions is still a dragon\'s pool and a tiger\'s den?".

"Forget those pictures you saw? The sad roar of the fire ape before he died.". The old monk said solemnly.

Many people frown when they recall.

Fire apes curse Buddhism more evil than demons, but ordinary people don\'t understand why fire apes curse Buddhism like this.

"Buddhism in the western regions has a very strange power. Once you enter the Buddhism in the western regions, you may be assimilated by that power. You will voluntarily stay in the Buddhism in the western regions, cut your hair and become a monk. You will always be accompanied by the green lamp all your life, calm down and manage the Buddha and cut off the love of the world."

"Three thousand mortals have nothing to do with themselves".

Said the old friar.

"Will friars cut off the mortal world? Convert to Buddhism? I don\'t believe it anyway". Someone said so.

The old monk said, "when they were young, they went out to practice with their friends. Because of curiosity, they entered the western region Buddha country and converted to my Buddha. No matter how I dissuade them, they won\'t look back.".

"And that?". Many people feel very moved. Obviously, the Buddhist country in the western regions is really strange.

Buddhism is a force that can not be provoked without provoking. Even if the ancient forces face them, they will feel frightened.

Not only did Buddhist masters come, but even the strong ones of Taoism came.

Longhu Mountain is a Taoist holy land. More than a dozen Taoists came to Tiansheng city.


Outside the sky, a terrible breath surged into the sky. Looking from a distance, endless golden light rushed into the sky. In the golden light, an existence that blocked the sky and the sun flew. His body was too big. His wings spread out and extended for three thousand miles.

"Roc bird, it\'s a roc bird.".

"He is the overseas overlord King Tianpeng and the giant of the demon family".

Many people exclaimed.

Lin Feng, the great name of King Tianpeng, has naturally heard of it. It can be described as one of the super giants of the demon family.

King Tianpeng rushed into the misty forest and disappeared.

"Even the demon giants are here. It seems that it will be very lively.".

In the holy city, countless people are talking about it.

Not all monks entered the misty forest.

Some people do not intend to look for the falling meteorite, perhaps because the fog forest is too dangerous, or because too many people enter it, it is too difficult to get such an opportunity, or for other reasons

Soon, there was a big war in the misty forest.

The creatures in the fog forest came out and fought with the monks.

The battle was so fierce that many monks were killed by creatures in the depths of the misty forest.

"Deep in the misty forest, trespassers die.".

The creatures in the fog forest made a cold sound.

Many monks had to retreat.

At this time, the auction house was held. Because of the meteorite outside the sky, too many strong people attracted. Therefore, the transaction price of the auction products auctioned by the auction house is much higher than before.

The auction of Lin Feng\'s two Taoist wares caused an uproar.

This is the Taoist weapon of the pirate king longan and the great Jinxian Dynasty.

The pirate king longan and the great golden immortal Dynasty have been looking for, but now they have been auctioned at the auction house.

I don\'t know if I will die of anger if they are known by these two forces?

The final transaction price of white tiger sky breaking Dao is 2.37 million top-grade spirit stone.

The final transaction price of Tianlong seal is 2.2 million top-grade spirit stone.

In the past, Lin Feng didn\'t even dare to think about so many top-grade spirit stones.

The pirate king longan and dajinxianchao who learned the news sent people to investigate who deposited the two Taoist vessels in the auction house for auction.

Lin Feng is not worried that they can find information here.

He believed that Jiang Chao would not disclose his information.

Three days later, shocking news came from the misty forest. A friar found a meteorite stained with blood. It was the meteorite that broke when the meteorite fell. It was only the size of a fist, but in the blood, the rune was shining into the sky, obviously hiding a great secret.

This event caused a great shock, and the friars who got the meteorite were killed without being able to come out alive. Many great forces fought fiercely to seize the meteorite, with extremely heavy casualties.

Finally, these big forces decided to stop fighting temporarily and study whether this blood stained meteorite is really valuable.

Many great forces returned to the holy city one after another.

For example, the holy city is shrouded in an extremely tense atmosphere today.

"Demon king, what do you think?". Lin Feng asked.

"When the meteorite fell, I observed it. It was really not simple. I guess the meteorite was branded with more than three or four ancient gods, or even more.".

The demon king said.

Lin Feng was moved. The demon king\'s words would never be wrong. He felt that he should also take action. If he could find the meteorite and understand the ancient supernatural powers recorded above, it would be a great opportunity. Every time a monk cultivates an ancient supernatural power, his combat power will be crazy improved.

Lin Feng naturally wants to seize the opportunity.