Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7931

Lin Feng said, "demon city! I think it\'s not easy for you to practice. Now I\'ll give you a chance to live. If you want to live, you should grasp this opportunity. Therefore, you should think about how to answer me later.".

"You said...". The demon city said with great pain.

Lin Feng said, "my request is actually very simple. Well, if you promise to recognize me as the Lord, I will withdraw from the array to let you get rid of your pain.".

"Recognize you as the Lord? You let me recognize you as the Lord? Why should you let me recognize you as the Lord? Is this your negotiating attitude?". Hearing Lin Feng\'s words, the demon city suddenly roared angrily.

This guy... Is quite proud of his existence.

Its means are really strange.

Such existence has proud capital.

There is also the capital to negotiate with people. If not, will Lin Feng bird it?

Lin Feng said, "Why? Can\'t you accept it? If you carefully analyze your current situation, there is nothing unacceptable. First of all, you are at a disadvantage. Your disadvantage is difficult to reverse the situation, so you don\'t have any initiative. During the negotiation, what you have to do is not to refute me, but to obey me. This is what smart people do. I think you are smart people, You should know how to do it! ".

The demon city said coldly, "I admit that I am at a disadvantage now, but don\'t forget one thing!".

Lin Feng asked, "what\'s up?".

The demon city said, "you are still inside my body. If I fight to destroy myself, how many of you will survive?".

Indeed, if the demon city destroys itself, most people on Lin Feng\'s side will die at that time.

This is an extremely dangerous situation.

However, this did not scare Lin Feng.

Lin Feng asked, "will you destroy yourself?".

He believes in a word that mole ants are greedy for life.

Not to mention the existence of demon city?

Will he choose to die?


In Lin Feng\'s opinion, the more powerful a monk is, the more he cherishes his life. The more powerful a monk is, the less likely he will die easily.

Because they still have a good time.

Or, everything has hope, and the future may live forever.

Dead, everything is empty.

Don\'t look at the fierce name of this guy in demon city.

But in fact, this guy is only fierce and fierce, and there is not much threat.

"I will destroy myself!" the demon city replied coldly in the face of Lin Feng\'s question.

Seems to want to pass the words.

It made him look like he really wanted to die.

Lin Feng said, "really? Then try it. I want to see how you destroyed yourself!".

The demon city probably didn\'t expect Lin Feng\'s attitude to be so firm. It said coldly, "do you really care about the life and death of your subordinates?".

Lin Feng said, "of course I take care of it. I\'m also responsible. I\'m confident that I can take you away when you explode!".

Demon city knows that Lin Feng\'s words belong to negotiation skills.

If it continues to be tough, maybe the situation will change, but it is a little slim.

The characters it faces are too difficult.

The demon city was silent.

Seems to be weighing the pros and cons.

Lin Feng continued, "you are a first-class smart man. You can figure it out yourself without me being too straightforward!".

"Therefore, taking refuge in me now is the best choice. In the future, I will make you stronger. If you choose to refuse to take refuge in me, then I can only continue to strengthen the power of the big array and turn it upside down, so that you can taste the taste that life is better than death!".

Demon city said coldly, "I shouldn\'t have swallowed you!".

Lin Feng said, "there is no regret medicine in the world!".

Finally, the demon city decided to compromise.

After all, someone must compromise. Lin Feng didn\'t mean to compromise. He had to compromise. This made the demon city quite depressed, but there was no way.

The demon city signed a contract with Lin Feng and has been loyal to Lin Feng since then.

Lin Feng\'s mood is quite wonderful to accept the demon city.

For him, accepting the demon city is no less than accepting several strong masters at the creator level.

The role of demon city will also be unimaginable.

After Lin Feng accepted the demon city, the demon city returned Lin Feng\'s magic weapon to Lin Feng and others, and then handed over the bones of the dead friar of Wuchen to Wuchen day.

For the demon city, the dust-free day is full of hate, but he also knows that disputes between friars are very normal.

The old grudges should not be brought to the present.

Now, they all work under Lin Feng\'s hands, and they should control their emotions.

Lin Feng asked, "demon city, how long have you been in this place?".

The demon city said, "more than 2000 eras have passed!".

"Have you never gone out?" Lin Feng continued.

The demon city said, "yes, I can absorb various forces here to improve my strength. For me, this place is a pretty good paradise, so I stayed here all the time!".

The poisonous ancestor asked, "then why don\'t you go to the main river? There\'s no more power there? There are even many other opportunities!".

The demon city said, "the main river is very strange. That place is not safe, but the tributary river is relatively safe. I want to be dormant here for a long time. Hiding in the tributary river is the safest. I shouldn\'t enter the main river to expose myself. In that case, I may die miserably!".

"Do you know what the danger is in the main river?". Lin Feng asked.

The demon city said, "The details are not particularly clear. However, in the past years, I saw another statue. It was an artifact repair. It was made of the creator\'s magic weapon. Its strength was extremely terrible. Even I was afraid of three points. The artifact repair entered the main river and wanted more. Soon after, I found that it sank in the main river and drifted with the main river!".

"What happened? Should let such a terrible existence sink?" Lin Feng was also slightly moved.

The demon city shook his head and said, "I don\'t know. Although there are many opportunities in the main river, it is also full of many evil places. You need to pay more attention. If you plan to enter the main river, you should also be more careful, because no one knows what will happen in the main river. Many times, the unknown is the most terrible. Some unknown situations will devour a lot of people Cut! ".

Lin Feng nodded. Next, we really need to pay attention to some things. Don\'t say a word in the eternal Hanoi. If we lose a few people here, it\'s too much for Lin Feng and them.