Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 789

Lin Feng saw the look of Junzi Hao and knew that this guy didn\'t tell the truth.

Lin Feng looked at Junzi Hao coldly and said, "it seems that you don\'t want your legs. In that case, I can only waste your legs.".


The gentleman Hao shouted pale.

Lin Feng looked at Junzi Hao with a smile and said, "what? Have you figured it out?".

"I really don\'t have a Taoist instrument, but I have a semi-finished Taoist instrument.".

Gentleman Hao said with a sad face.

"Semi finished track?". Lin Feng looked at Junzi Hao in surprise.

The meaning of semi-finished product is that it has not become a real treasure.

The gentleman said, "This is a defensive Taoist weapon, but there were some mistakes when making it, resulting in insufficient materials. In the end, it can only be made into a semi-finished Taoist weapon, which is not as powerful as the Taoist weapon, but dozens of times stronger than the peak treasure weapon. If we can find some divine materials in the future, and then find a powerful forging master to refine it again, we should be able to refine this semi-finished Taoist weapon into a real one The "Tao Qi" of the.

"OK, quickly take out this semi-finished track device and give it to me.".

Lin Feng said.

Junzi Hao twitched violently at the corner of his mouth. He took out a magic weapon, which is a seven treasure glazed tower.

Seven colorful lights.

It sends out a strong fluctuation.

"It\'s really a great baby.".

Lin Feng looked at the seven treasures glass tower in surprise.

In fact, Lin Feng doesn\'t lack powerful attack magic weapons now.

What he lacks is a defensive magic weapon.

The seven treasures glazed pagoda is a magic weapon for defense.

This treasure is extremely important to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng remembered that Sikong picked the moon and handed it down to Baotian Divine Shield. Once it was sacrificed, hundreds of strong people could resist the attack.

Although the seven treasures glass tower cannot be compared with Sikong\'s ancestral magic weapon of picking the moon.

However, if you refine the seven treasures glass tower sacrifice into Taoist utensils in the future.

Then the power of the colorful glass tower will appear.

"I took this baby. You volunteered to give it to me. Even if you sue the Pope, you can\'t sue me.".

Lin Feng said faintly.

"Voluntary? I was forced, okay?".

Junzi Hao wants to cry.

He thought in his heart that he would go to the door to report Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng said, "swear quickly. He said he voluntarily gave me the baby. He will never go to the zongmen law enforcement hall to report me. If he dares to break the oath, he will not die.".

The friar will not swear casually, because the friar himself is going against the sky, taking his life from the sky, and is not allowed by the way of heaven.

Once the friar swears, the way of heaven will feel. If the friar breaks his oath, the way of heaven will come and kill the friar immediately.

The way of heaven wants all the friars to swear and break the oath, so that it can kill the friars who break the oath with the power of the oath.

The way of heaven is the most annoying friars, because what they take away against the sky is "the life of the way of heaven".

The way of heaven is not immortal, and it will grow old with the change of years.

The old order of heaven was destroyed.

A new heaven order will be born.

Hearing Lin Feng\'s depressed expression on Junzi Hao\'s face.

If he swears, he really can\'t report Lin Feng.

Then you can\'t take back your seven treasures glass tower.

But Junzi Hao dared not resist. He bit his teeth and swore to heaven, "I Junzi Hao swear to heaven that I will never report to the law enforcement hall, otherwise I will die.".

Then a rune condensed by thunder light fell from the sky and flew into the heart of the gentleman\'s eyebrows.

The oath is established.

Well, you can go now.

Lin Feng smiled.

The "momentum" suppressed on the gentleman\'s hero also disappeared.

Junzi Hao got up from the ground and glared at Lin Feng fiercely, but he didn\'t dare to say cruel words after all.

I don\'t want to stay here for half a minute any more. Leave quickly.

Lin Feng returned to the cave.

Bai Ying has a panoramic view of what is happening outside.

She didn\'t expect that Lin Feng, such a powerful man and Junzi Hao, would be suppressed in an instant.

And she finally didn\'t have to worry about Junzi Hao\'s snooping.

Lonely men and women live in the same room, and their feelings heat up very quickly.

About ten days have passed. That night, Lin Feng plans to have the first double repair with Bai Ying.

Lin Feng said, "the art of double cultivation pays attention to the harmony of yin and Yang. If Yin and yang are not harmonious, it is the art of tonifying. For example, some male friars will not consider whether the female Friar\'s body can bear it or not. They will inhale all the Yin yuan power in the female Friar\'s body into their own body. This female friar will lose all the Yin yuan power. I\'m afraid it won\'t take long to die.".

"There are also some female friars who practice tonic skills. They absorb the Yang power of male friars and devour them cleanly. Male friars will die. The decision I taught you a few days ago is the double cultivation method of reconciliation of yin and Yang. Have you remembered how to operate? If you don\'t remember clearly, you need to remember it before you can carry out double cultivation, because if you don\'t understand Yin and Yang The method of harmony, you can\'t absorb the energy that flows into your body after the harmony of yin and Yang.

Bai Ying said shyly, "I\'m ready.".

After the double cultivation, Lin Feng and Bai Ying both used the technique of harmonizing Yin and yang to absorb powerful and majestic energy.

This technique of harmonizing Yin and Yang is a secret method recorded in the ancient dragon elephant formula, and it is the top skill.

General double cultivation can absorb 20 or 30% of the harmony of yin and Yang.

The secret arts recorded in the Taigu dragon elephant formula can absorb at least 80% of the energy.

After absorbing the energy after the harmony of yin and Yang.

The mana in Lin Feng\'s body roared, and a powerful force burst out.

Lin Feng seems to break through again.