Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 786

The female disciple who asked for help had come to Lin Feng. Looking at her closely, she knew how beautiful the woman was.

Tall and beautiful.

Of course, the most impressive thing is the ruddy cherry mouth.


Lin Feng didn\'t know what had happened and let them kill each other.

"Boy, get away and don\'t interfere with our work.".

A male monk who came after said coldly.

These two people dare to chase and kill their fellow disciples in the small world for a moment.

That\'s bold.

Lin Feng guessed that there was someone behind them.

That\'s why you\'re so confident.

For such people, Lin Feng only hates and disdains.

He glanced at them with cold eyes and said indifferently in his voice, "Oh? Let me go away? With your words, I\'ll take care of today\'s affairs. Now kneel down and kowtow to me and apologize. I\'ll spare you for the sake of my fellow disciples. Otherwise, I\'ll break your leg as the price for your boldness in front of me.".

Lin Feng has always been strong.

What\'s more, now he has a ten-year life and death war with Huangfu Qingtian.

He has no fear.

Whoever you are.

Are barefoot still afraid of wearing shoes?

Even if you are the son of the patriarch and dare to win in front of me, I dare to hurt you.

No big deal.

evade the solution of a problem by walking away from it.

The world is so big that you don\'t have to stay here. You have to stay here.

When the monk in blue heard that Lin Feng dared to kowtow and apologize, bursts of grimace appeared on his face.

"Where did you come from? How dare you speak to me like this? Do you know who I am?".

Lin Feng glanced and said, "who are you? Tell me.".

"Lao Tzu is from Junzi peak".

The blue disciple said coldly.

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were not picked slightly.

Junzi peak, of course he has heard of it.

The leader of Junzi peak is Junzi Hao.

He is a core disciple who respects the elders.

Moreover, this person\'s identity is not simple.

It is said that he is the great grandson of a supreme elder.

"Are you the gentleman\'s hero of Junzi peak? It\'s too shabby?". Lin Feng looked at the friar in blue.

The corner of the blue Friar\'s mouth twitched violently.

He said coldly, "shut up, Junzi Hao is my childe. He is wise and powerful. Who doesn\'t know about Qingyun sect?".

"It\'s not Junzi Hao, but Junzi Hao\'s dog. Do you dare to bark in front of me? Are you looking for death?". Lin Feng said disdainfully.

His name is Li Jian. He is a close guard around the gentleman Hao and the strength of the realm of yin and Yang.

The other is Zhang Cao, who is also the guard around the gentleman Hao. He is also the cultivation of the realm of yin and Yang.

Li Jian was originally just a casual repair. Once, Li Jian had a grudge with others, and the other party came to seek revenge. He grabbed Li Jian\'s wife, children and children to threaten Li Jian.

But Li Jian left without looking back. Obviously, Li Jian is a cold and thin person.

Just live your own life, who cares about the life and death of your relatives?

This matter was bumped into by Junzi Hao. Junzi Hao appreciated Li Jian\'s character of not killing everyone for himself.

Because in the eyes of Junzi Hao, people with such a character are cruel and cruel. They are the people who do great things.

So he took Li Jian as a slave.

After joining Qingyun sect, Li Jian got a lot of cultivation resources, and his cultivation also broke through the realm of yin and Yang.

Although Li Jian is indeed a dog of Junzi Hao.

But he will never allow others to say that about him.

Li Jian\'s face suddenly became very gloomy. He looked at Lin Feng coldly and said, "boy, dare to humiliate me. It\'s like you don\'t know how to live or die. Later, you\'ll kneel in front of me and beg for mercy.".

The voice fell, and Li Jian jumped out and attacked Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is the core disciple.

He Li Jian is just the escort of a gentleman.

The position is eighteen thousand miles away from Lin Feng.

Dare to attack Lin Feng.

Can you see how lawless this is?

I\'ll help you.

Zhang Cao also shouted coldly.

He knew that Lin Feng\'s cultivation was not weak, so he besieged Lin Feng together.

The two are left and right.

"Ten thousand animals gallop".

"The fire is surging".

The two men, one left and one right, launched a fierce and violent attack on Lin Feng.

Their attack was fierce and overbearing.

One person condenses the virtual shadow of thousands of animals running away and rolls it against Lin Feng.

One person is swallowed by a raging flame.

"Elder martial brother, be careful...".

The nun\'s face was full of worry.

She knew how powerful they were.

Lin Feng is so young.

One against two.

How can we win?

"Kneel down".

Facing the attack of the two, Lin Feng gave a cold drink, and the powerful "potential" spread out and went towards the suppression of the two.


All the offensives dissipated.

And if they were struck by lightning.

Thump, thump!

All on their knees.

Click, click.

I don\'t know how many bones were broken.

His face turned pale.

Only then did they know how terrible Lin Feng was.

The nun behind him was even more red lipped and looked at what was happening in front of him.

Li Jian and Zhang Cao are the accomplishments of the four heaven of yin and Yang.

But he was shouted down by the "senior brother" in front of him.

How strong is this elder martial brother?

"Go away".

Lin Feng sneered and waved his right hand.

They were swept straight out.

Click, click.

The sound of bone fracture came out again.

The two arms that had not been broken were also broken.

Li Jian and Zhang Cao screamed repeatedly.

In this moment, there are many rules in the small world. You can fight, but you can\'t kill, otherwise you will be punished.

If they were outside, they would have been dead if they dared to offend Lin Feng.

Li Jian and Zhang Cao got up from the ground, looked at Lin Feng with bitter eyes and left quickly.

"Thank you for saving my life, senior brother.".

The nun quickly thanked her.

"Well, it\'s all right now. You can leave.".

Lin Feng said.

But the nun sobbed and said, "elder martial brother, save me. If elder martial brother doesn\'t save me, my fate must be very tragic.".

Lin Feng said, "follow me.".

With a happy face, the nun quickly followed Lin Feng into the cave and saw the huge spiritual spring in the cave.

Such a big Lingquan, this place is really a blessed place.

Lin Feng looked at the nun and asked, "what\'s your name? Who is it? Why are you pursued and killed? Understand one by one.".

The nun said, "my name is Bai Ying. I\'m a casual monk.".

"Casual repair?".

Lin Feng frowned, "how can you, a casual monk, wear the clothes of Qingyun sect? How can you enter the small world of Qingyun sect for a moment? Even if I\'m a disciple of the sect, it\'s very difficult to enter the small world for a moment".

"Well, I met a man named Junzi Hao during my previous training. He was the xuansun of a supreme elder of Qingyun sect. Junzi Hao sent someone to me some time ago and he wanted to make a deal with me.".

Bai Ying said.

Lin Feng asked in surprise, "what transaction?".

"Junzi Hao said that he needs ten Yin elixirs. My constitution is very special. I am a Yin body. The Yin power in my body can be combined with some miraculous drugs to form a Yin elixir. Yin elixir can refine the purity of my soul, and Junzi Hao will let me practice here for a year.".

"Elder martial brother, you also know that our casual practice lacks cultivation resources. It is naturally a dream to come to the holy land of Qingyun sect for a year. I promised. After coming to Qingyun sect, Junzi Hao asked someone to help me deal with a disciple identity, and then gave me a token to enter the small world for a moment.".

"After I came in, I knew that the gentleman Hao didn\'t want the Yin Ling pill. His purpose was actually me. He wanted to get my Yin Ling body.".

"My body of yin and spirit is the best double cultivation body of the three furnace tripod physique together with the body of water and cold spirit. This gentleman wants to double cultivate with me, and then break through the cultivation with the help of my body of yin and spirit".

Bai Ying said here and wanted to cry again.

Lin Feng also understands Bai Ying\'s mood at this moment.

She was a casual practitioner.

Cultivation resources are rare. I thought that the transaction of a gentleman\'s pride was mutually beneficial. I came here to know that I was deceived.

Bai Ying continued, "Junzi Hao is now making the final preparations for picking and mending me, so I took the opportunity to escape. He sent someone to chase me. Elder martial brother, save me. If elder martial brother doesn\'t save me, I will not escape. My spirit is of great benefit to cultivation. As long as elder martial brother saves me, I am willing to commit myself to elder martial brother and serve him wholeheartedly.".

Said here, the pretty face has been red and can bleed.