Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7830

Lin Feng learned more about the five opening demons from the stone statues accompanying the pioneers.

Know yourself and the enemy and win every battle.

If you want to deal with the Kaitian five demons, you must know what\'s special about the Kaitian five demons.

According to the words of the stone statues accompanying the pioneers, the strength of the nine demons in the pioneer era is a terror. They can also be listed in the ranks of unknown and terrible existence.

However, compared with many unknown and terrible low-key characters, Kaitian nine demons belong to a relatively high-profile existence.

Therefore, in that era, Kaitian nine demons were also relatively easy to be hated.

In any era, there is nothing wrong with making a low-key fortune.

In fact, the pioneers were not particularly high-profile, but their strength was too strong. Countless monks paid attention to the pioneers. Therefore, later, they were doomed to the tragic fate of the pioneers.

Although the nine demons are powerful, we should see who they compare with.

Compared with the pioneers, it must be very different.

It\'s not surprising that they suddenly disappeared. They must have been robbed in those years. However, their vitality is very tenacious. Four of them died and five of them are still alive. Now it\'s not a pioneer era. In terms of their strength, few people are their opponents in this era.

The residence of Kaitian five demons is not difficult to inquire. It\'s on the ninth floor of the underground world.

The special number nine makes countless monks extremely afraid.

However, the opening five demons seem to love the number nine.

Lin Feng, they are going to go to the underground world to have a look. They will open the sky nine demons in a moment.

Zhongzhou has access to the underground world.

It\'s easy to find.

Lin Feng they found a passage to the underground world, and from this passage, they quickly flew towards the underground world.

The passage is not guarded here.

In addition to Lin Feng and others, there are many people coming in and out of this channel, and these friars coming in and out are basically evil friars, as well as creatures in the underground world.

On weekdays, creatures in the underground world will not enter the earth world easily.

But it\'s different now.

The opening five demons sit in the underground world.

The underground world has long changed.

Moreover, the underground world now feels like a holy land for evil creatures. Some evil friars from outside the world, even including heavenly demons, have come to Kyushu world and entered the underground world for pilgrimage.

When Lin Feng and his team went to the ninth weight of the underground world, they even saw that someone would stop and kowtow on the ground every time they flew a distance.

It seems that these evil friars are really pious enough for the opening five demons.

"The opening five demons have a strong appeal to the evil friars. They have attracted so many loyal believers shortly after their birth. If it takes a long time, I don\'t know how many evil friars will take refuge. At that time, the opening five demons will continue to grow. When the transmigration breaks down, they will become the existence of the overlord level!". Said the poisonous ancestor.

What poison Zu said is really reasonable.

The Kaitian five demons seem to know that Kyushu world is different, so they will stay in Kyushu world.

Before long, Lin Feng and others came to the ninth weight of the underground world.

In fact, Lin Feng came here before. It was a long time ago. At that time, his strength was not particularly strong. He stayed here for a short time. He didn\'t even understand the special meaning of the number "Nine". Therefore, he didn\'t feel much about the ninth weight of the underground world.

But now when he came here, Lin Feng felt that this place was not simple, filled with a feeling that made him uncomfortable.

In the early years, these ancient beings respected the number nine.

Cutting nine into five was what the Terran emperor did later.

They seem to have a way to solve some of the bad luck brought by nine. Even, they can turn this bad luck into some favorable factors for them.

At the ninth underground, Lin Feng and others found that there were more evil friars in the ninth underground world. Not only there were more evil friars, but also there were more creatures in the underground world. Even the underground creatures in deeper positions came to the ninth underground world.

Because it can be closer to the "God" they believe in.

Lin Feng and others saw what happened along the way.

The heart said that the five opening demons were really powerful. It took only a long time to form such a situation. If they were given time, the five opening demons would be great.


These people should not, should not, should not put their ideas on the Kyushu world.

An hour later.

Lin Feng and others saw from a distance that the halls were continuous in the distance.

In the deep place, there is a magic hall up to ten thousand meters, which is very huge.

That house is obviously the main house.

Countless monks came here to worship the five opening demons. After worshiping the five opening demons, they were taken away. It is estimated that the monks who will come here in the future will be integrated into the monk army.

Lin Feng and them also came to the Temple group. When they entered it, the first thing they saw was a huge square. In the square, there were five huge stone statues, all in the form of human race. They should be the opening five demons, but in fact, the opening five demons were not human race. There were no human race in the pioneer era, such as human race, celestial race, immortal race and so on, It all came later.

And there is a saying that before the emergence of Terrans, many creatures, including some extremely terrible beings, looked strange.

Later, the Terran appeared. The Terran appearance is the most consistent with the rules of heaven and earth Avenue and the most suitable for cultivation. Therefore, countless creatures have become the Terran appearance, or even the evolution of race in the future is also evolving towards the Terran appearance.

Especially now.

Each race looks similar to the human race, and after the birth of those ancient creatures before endless years, they will appear in the form of human race in front of the world.

Others don\'t know what their true selves are like.

After coming here, Lin Feng and others did not pay homage to the five opening demons in the square.

Instead, he skimmed over the square and walked deeper.

There are guards there.

No trespassing.

Lin Feng and them directly ignored the scolding of the guards. The guards who quickly surrounded to catch Lin Feng and others were also frightened by the smell sent out by poison Zu and others. They stood in place and dared not move.

"I\'m here to pay a special visit to Kaitian five demons. Please come out and see Kaitian five demons!". Lin Feng spoke.

His voice was not so loud, but it spread all over the underground world.

Countless friars who came to worship the Kaitian five demons were confused. They didn\'t know who the speaker was sacred. They dared to run to the Taoist field of the Kaitian five demons and directly challenge the Kaitian five demons.
