Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 774

I saw Lin Feng dueling with Zhang Hai.

Many people were shocked.

Lin Feng is now a newly rising genius in the inner courtyard of Qingyun sect.

Zhang Hai is an old strongman in the inner courtyard and a disciple of qingtianfeng.

And there are rumors that it is in the God ruins.

Zhang Hai understood the "spirit".

Once you understand the "spirit", your accomplishments will rise to an amazing level.

So this war has attracted much attention.

"It\'s not easy to hear about Lin Feng. They went to the ancient man mining area to experience. They met evil demons besieging the ancient man mining area. Lin Feng killed the demons in the realm of yin and Yang.".

"So powerful? That was a year ago, right? At that time, you could kill the demons in the realm of yin and Yang. What strength do you have now?".

"Don\'t listen to people\'s false rumors. It\'s just killing a flying Shura. It\'s not a demon in the realm of yin and Yang at all.".

"But Lin Feng and Yu Boyun in the yin-yang realm in the northern wasteland City fought for several moves and never lost. Isn\'t this wrong?".

"I\'ve heard about this, but Yu Boyun is just the most common monk in yin-yang realm. He doesn\'t understand the spirit. Many friars in wuwangjing realm who understand the spirit can defeat Yu Boyun. Lin Feng\'s resistance to Yu Boyun\'s attack is not too much fuss. On the contrary, I think Zhang Hai is terrible. If the rumor is true and Zhang Hai really understands the spirit, then Lin Maple will surely lose ".

"This rumor is likely to be true. Some time ago, I saw Zhang Hai go to the main peak in the depths to meet with the high level of the sect. The high level of the sect probably wanted to ask him about understanding the" spirit ".

"Ah? Is there such a thing? If so, it seems that Zhang Hai may really understand the" spirit ". Doesn\'t it mean that Lin Feng will be defeated in this war?".

Many people talked about it one after another. After hearing the news that Zhang Hai understood the "spirit", the friars who were still optimistic about Lin Feng no longer had illusions about Lin Feng.

A monk who understands the spirit.

It\'s too powerful.


On the challenge arena, Zhang Hai has shot.

He stepped forward. Every step he took, the breath in his body would be strong.

"Crazy crack fist".

Zhang Hai shouted loudly.

Unspeakable arrogance.

The breath inside him was violent, crazy and seemed to destroy everything.

The rage moved many people.

Even the high-level people on the main challenge arena looked over.

"What a powerful breath of fury. Zhang Hai has a good talent. He has cultivated the fury crack divine fist to the point of great success.".

A sect elder nodded and marveled.

"It is said in the sect that Zhang Hai understood the" spirit "and did not know whether it was true or false?".

Another elder said.

Everyone\'s eyes looked at elder Guo Yan.

As the 36 elders of the sect, elder Guo Yan obviously knows more inside information than these ordinary elders.

"Yes, he understood the spirit......".

Elder Guo Yan nodded.


There was a sound of cold breath.

Many elders in the main challenge arena looked at Zhang Hai with envy.

Because even if they are the cultivation of yin and Yang, they can\'t understand the "spirit".

Zhang Hai, a king of martial arts, actually understood the "spirit".

This talent is amazing.

An elder said, "in that case, there is no suspense about this war?".

Another elder nodded and said, "it\'s true. Lin Feng\'s defeat is obvious. Now we should pay attention to how many moves Lin Feng\'s disciple can stick to in Zhang Hai\'s hands".

Elder Guo Yan frowned slightly. He was familiar with Lin Feng.

Even him.

I also feel a little unable to see through Lin Feng.

Therefore, even though he knew that Zhang Hai had understood the spirit, elder Guo Yan still felt that Lin Feng was more likely to defeat Zhang Hai in this war.

Although this idea is somewhat unrealistic.

And this time.

Zhang Hai has attacked Lin Feng.

Zhang Hai shot fiercely and attacked Lin Feng\'s Dantian directly.

Dantian is the life gate of friars.

It is also the most vulnerable place for monks.

Once the Dantian is broken.


This person is abandoned.

When everyone saw that Zhang Hai attacked Lin Feng Dantian directly.

Many people\'s faces suddenly changed.

"Does Zhang Hai have a grudge against Lin Feng? Why attack Lin Feng\'s Dantian? He wants to abolish Lin Feng?".

"Haven\'t you heard of their hatred?".

Many disciples were puzzled.

The faces of Qin Yao, Shi Weizhu and others suddenly changed.

Worried, he looked at Lin Feng.

They also heard that Zhang Hai understood the "spirit".

Naturally, I was worried that Lin Feng would suffer a great loss in Zhang Hai\'s hands.

The old drunkard looked like an old God. He didn\'t seem to worry about the war in the challenge arena.

"Is this sea going to abolish Lin Feng?".

When even one elder\'s face sank, he said, "zongmen Dabi, how can you give such a heavy hand? This duel must be stopped.".

At this time, Liu Mingcang said with a smile, "Elder Wang Yuan, Pope Dabi, didn\'t say that you can\'t lay a heavy hand. If you cultivate, you should move forward and be fearless. If you compete with monks, you will face all kinds of possible dangers. If you are worried and afraid, why do you quit early? Since you have joined Dabi, you should make all preparations. Even if there is an accident, it is destiny, and we can\'t do it "Something doomed"

Liu Mingcang is the nephew of Liu Qingshan, the five elders of Qingyang sect.

Liu Qingshan once told Liu Mingcang to find a chance to get rid of Lin Feng.

But Liu Mingcang has been waiting for the opportunity.

It would be great if Zhang Hai could help him abolish Lin Feng today.

As an elder of Qingyun sect, it\'s not simple for him to clean up a loser?


Elder Wang Yuan coldly refuted.

"Even if I talk nonsense, it\'s too late now.".

Liu Mingcang sneered.

Because, right now.

Zhang Hai\'s blow was about to kill Lin Feng.

Elder Wang Yuan\'s face suddenly became gloomy.

"Want to abolish me?".

Lin Feng\'s eyes sank slightly.

He didn\'t know Zhang Hai, but Zhang Hai wanted to destroy himself.

Lin Feng thought of Liu mengyan and sun Zizhou on Qingtian peak.

I don\'t know what to do.

Lin Feng looked indifferent, stepped forward and killed with a sword.

The sword Qi instantly tore Zhang Hai\'s protective vigorous Qi.

Zhang Hai\'s face changed greatly. He didn\'t expect Lin Feng\'s attack to be so powerful.

He quickly dispersed the violent crack fist.

Then start running your own spirit.

"The spirit of King Kong".

Zhang Hailing shouted.

With Zhang Hai\'s voice falling, a strong breath surged out of Zhang Hai\'s Dantian.

The spirit of Zhang Hai is called the spirit of King Kong.

Once the "spirit of King Kong" is cast.

Can form the most powerful body of King Kong.

Buddhism has Vajra Dharma.

Vajra protects Dharma with infinite power and amazing defense. All dharmas are inviolable.

After Zhang Hai cast the spirit of King Kong.

His body turned golden in an instant.

And the whole body expanded three or four times.

Under the influence of the spirit of Vajra, Zhang Hai\'s body became the Dharma protector of Buddhism.

Invulnerable, inviolable.

And his strength has fully doubled.

"Oh, my God, what a powerful spirit! He turned himself into a Buddhist dharma protector King Kong. Now Zhang Hai doesn\'t invade all the dharmas and weapons are difficult to hurt. It\'s terrible. This move alone will be invincible.".

"Lin Feng is afraid to be crushed by Zhang Hai.".

Many monks cried out in shock when they saw Zhang Hai\'s move, the spirit of Vajra, transforming his body into a Buddhist dharma protector.

Zhang Hai is even more proud of "boy, you just want to hurt me? You really overestimate your strength".

But Zhang Hai\'s voice just fell.

Lin Feng\'s sword Qi immediately tore Zhang Hai\'s body.


The sword Qi runs through Zhang Hai\'s Dantian.

Zhang Hai flew out upside down.

A splash.

Zhang Hai fell to the ground, and the Dantian was abandoned. His Qi was lax.

"You ruined me"

Zhang Hai roared in disbelief. He couldn\'t accept it. He looked up to the sky and gushed three mouthfuls of blood. He fell to the ground and fainted.

Lin Feng stood with his hands down, his white clothes fluttering with the wind, and his eyes were like stars.

Without saying anything, he glanced coldly at Zhang Hai and swept off the challenge arena.

Incredible eyes looked at Lin Feng.

One move abolishes Zhang Hai who understands the "spirit".

Is this strength too strong?

Lin Feng fell from the sky, white as snow, ethereal temperament, like a God\'s mansion facing dust.

At this moment, I don\'t know how many male disciples were shocked.

I don\'t know how many female disciples are swaying for him. It\'s hard to control themselves.