Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7679

Lin Feng said, "you should be able to see a lot of useful information from these pictures. Now can you judge whether what I said before is true?".

The head of the Yin army of the sun moon well was slightly silent. He looked very calm on his face, but his inner world was not calm. He urgently returned from the robbery and got rid of the great pain every day.

But he also knew that it would cost a lot to cooperate with the person in front of him.

Moreover, there is another point worth noting.

The man in front of me has the ability to make the Burning Legion return. There may not be a way to make the Sunmoon well Yin Legion return.

After all, the situation of different Yin legions is also different.

The same method will have different effects on different Yin legions.

The head of the Sunmoon well Yin army said, "so even if you can make the burning army return, what can it mean?".

"You should know that the situation of each Yin Legion is different. If you can make the Burning Legion return, there is an element of luck in it. In the same way, you may not be able to make the sun moon well Yin emperor Legion return!".

Lin Feng said, "it\'s normal for you to have such worries, but if you think I have only these abilities, you\'ll underestimate me. Since I have a way to make the Burning Legion return, I have a way to make the Sunmoon well Yin Legion return one day in the future!".

The head of the Sunmoon well Yin army sneered and said, "ridiculous! Why do you have such confidence? Who gave you such confidence? In my opinion, you are not confident, but arrogant, arrogant and ignorant!".

Lin Feng said faintly, "With my 300 years of life, I am only one step away from the realm of the creator. With my 300 years of life, I can suppress the strong at the level of the creator. With me, I have cultivated 3000 kinds of 3000 roads, I have entered the Supreme God\'s court, I have realized the gate of eternal life, I am the controller of many big worlds and waste earth worlds, and I have more than hundreds of millions of monks under my command. With me, I will break through the realm of the creator ……”。

"Do you need me to say anything more? If I say it, it will take a long time!".

The head of the Yin army of the sun moon well became a little silent. In fact, he is also extremely shocked in his heart. Any thing Lin Feng said alone is so extraordinary and incredible.

It\'s almost impossible.

But now, these things are all done by one person.

It sounds ridiculous.

But everything is true.

Such a situation can only explain one thing, that is, the person who completes these things is a person surrounded by the atmosphere of the heavens.

Such a person, his luck is unimaginable, and such a person can turn countless impossibilities into possibilities.

When it comes to the Sunmoon well Yin army, it is still available. Although I don\'t want to admit this, the inner world of the head of the Sunmoon well Yin army has gradually agreed with what Lin Feng said.

The head of the Sunmoon well Yin army looked at Lin Feng and said, "... What do you want me to do?".

Lin Feng said, "it\'s not what I told you to do, but what we should do together!".

Hearing Lin Feng say this, the head of the Yin army of riyuejing felt much better.

If it is "what do you want me to do", it seems that he has become Lin Feng\'s subordinate. He has to obey Lin Feng\'s orders in everything. Naturally, it is an extremely uncomfortable thing for these independent Yin army commanders.

But if it becomes "what should we do together", it will be completely different.

This statement reflects Lin Feng\'s respect for him, and both sides are at the same level.

It\'s much more comfortable psychologically.

This is the art of speaking.

Lin Fengtie will spare no room when it\'s time to hate each other and when it\'s time to black each other.

However, when the two sides cooperate, Lin Feng will also make the other party in a more comfortable state, so that it is easier to talk about it and even talk about success.

When talking about cooperation, one party still has a high attitude. No matter whether the cooperation is successful or not, it will make the other party unhappy in advance.

There is a great possibility of cooperation failure.

Even if the cooperation is successful, the other party will definitely prick a thorn in his heart.

This thorn.

Maybe one day in the future, it will break the relationship between the two sides.

The head of the Sunmoon well Yin army said, "I\'m all ears!"..

Lin Feng said, "I have a mysterious ring. This mysterious ring can make the strength of the Yin army grow continuously. You are temporarily stationed in this mysterious ring. I will help you find a way to return from robbery in the next few years. However, when I need to use the Yin army, you need to obey the orders and use it for me!".

The head of the Yin army of the sun moon well was surprised that there was such a ring?

No wonder the strength of this Yin army is so strong.

It was because of the ring.

Otherwise, it is not easy to be stronger than the Sunmoon well Yin army.

The head of the Sunmoon well Yin army said, "I can agree to your request, but if the Yin army wants to maintain its combat effectiveness, it needs a long sleep. Therefore, it can summon the Sunmoon well Yin army every six months. If the frequency is too high, I will refuse to be summoned!".

The head of the Yin Legion in riyuejing will put forward his own opinions. Lin Feng is not surprised, and Lin Feng also knows that these Yin legions really need a long sleep.

Isn\'t that what the Yin emperor army is?

Basically, he has been sleeping all the time. He occasionally gets Lin Feng\'s call and comes out to help Lin Feng deal with some terrible existence.

Lin Feng said, "no problem! In addition to this requirement, are there any other requirements?".

The head of the Yin army of the sun moon well said, "I have another requirement, that is, I need to use the sun moon jiuxuan stone. You need to help me find the sun moon jiuxuan stone.".

"The sun and moon nine Xuan stones are rumoured to be the stones spread inside the gate of eternal life? In the long years, there are only a few in the world?". Lin Feng said.

The head of the Sunmoon well Yin army said, "yes, it\'s this kind of stone. If you meet my two requirements, we can sign a cooperation agreement now!".