Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7654

Lin Feng tried to find out where the defects of these laws were.

But in fact, thinking is one thing and doing is another.

Even if we know that these laws may have defects, it is not easy to find such defects?

Lin Feng also told everyone about it.

Many people have great power.

If he can\'t find it, maybe others can find it?

But, Lin Feng, they were attacked too violently.

All kinds of terrible attacks come from bombardment. They are powerful and moving.

Facing these powerful attacks, Lin Feng and they are now in a passive defense situation.

Such a situation directly led Lin Feng and others to have no way to concentrate on exploring where the defects of these laws are.

As a result, they have not found anything new.

This also led Lin Feng and others to find out where the weakness of this place was.

What a terrible result and situation.

And over time.

Protecting Lin Feng\'s defense hood, it was gradually damaged.

In fact, this is also normal. Any defense magic weapon will be damaged after continuous resistance.

Besides, this is just a defense mask constructed by defense magic weapon.

But this situation is quite bad for Lin Feng and them.

The rules here are too powerful. The attack system constructed by the rules will pose a continuous threat to Lin Feng and others.

It\'s good to have a defense mask. Without a defense mask, everyone will be exposed to the attack of these laws.


What will be the result of these terrorist attacks?

It is estimated that many people will die one after another.

Click, click.

The sound of cracking of the defense hood is worse than before.

Things are getting worse and worse.

If it goes on like this, the defense hood will soon be completely destroyed.

Lin Feng tried to find the weakness of these laws before the defense mask was destroyed, but they still couldn\'t do it.

At this time, the defense mask has been fragmented and may be completely destroyed anytime, anywhere. Lin Feng and others\' faces have become extremely ugly.

Emperor mengyan said sadly, "I\'m just making a small plan. I\'ve already made you so embarrassed. Soon I can see a death feast. This is the tragic end of you!".

Hearing what mengyan emperor Zun said, Lin Feng looked cold. At this time, it\'s better to seize the time and try to find the weakness of the law rather than quarrel with him.

Suddenly, Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened slightly. He felt an extremely weak fluctuation from a position.

This weak fluctuation seems to flow from the outside to the inside.

Covered up by the law is extremely good.

If Lin Feng\'s soul power was not unusually strong, he could not even find it at all.

When I sensed that place before, I didn\'t find a special place, but now I find such a strange place. What\'s the reason?

Is it

Lin Feng thought of some possibility.

It is difficult to find the weakness here inside the space created by the law, but outside, it may be possible to find the weakness here. Does anyone attack the law space from the outside?

Is it Liu Tianshan?

Before, Emperor mengyan disguised himself as Liu Tianshan, but what about Liu Tianshan himself?

on the way?

Or was he killed?

Lin Feng doesn\'t think he was killed?

There is a reason why Liu Tianshan was not killed.


Liu Tianshan\'s own strength is very strong. Lin Feng just came to the wasteland world. Liu Tianshan is the dominant level of wasteland. Later, after taking refuge in him, he also got a lot of opportunities, and even the cultivation method of Xiaoyao Tiangong. His strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

It is now a quasi creator level existence.

The existence of this level is not so easy to be killed.


Liu Tianshan is extremely cautious. When mengyan emperor Zun is unable to go out, he wants to deal with Liu Tianshan by sending an incarnation outside his birth.

The incarnation of emperor mengyan cannot be the existence of the creator level, so it is not easy to kill Liu Tianshan directly. We can only count Liu Tianshan.

But Liu Tianshan is so cautious. It\'s not easy for you to calculate Liu Tianshan.


Liu Tianshan holds the keepsake. Liu Tianshan\'s perception of many things in the world through the keepsake is extremely amazing, so he can find some opportunities and avoid some risks in this place.

But Lin Feng didn\'t wait for liutianshan. What about the people of liutianshan?

Lin Feng guessed that he might be trapped in some places. For example, Liu Tianshan was trapped by some Dharma arrays during his return, which is very likely.

However, it is not easy for the Dharma array to trap Liu Tianshan all the time. After Liu Tianshan got out of the trap, he found it all the way.

From the outside, we found the location of the law space defect, and launched an attack.

This is Lin Feng\'s conjecture in a short time. He doesn\'t know whether this conjecture is correct, but he can try it.

Lin Feng offered the most precious seal of the four gods.

Together with the people, the four God seals were activated.

After this treasure was activated, its power was extremely terrible. Under the control of Lin Feng, the four God seals flew quickly to the place that Lin Feng had sensed before.


The Quartet God seal mercilessly blasted and killed the law, and an amazing thing happened. The law suddenly appeared a hole.

It turned out that the law had been damaged and even formed a channel.


Others can\'t see it.

Moreover, even if ordinary people really found that the place was the weakness of the law, it was not an easy thing to destroy it. That is, Lin Feng\'s combination, with so many strong ones, urged the Quartet God seal, a creator level magic weapon, to achieve miraculous results.

"Go!". Lin Feng said.

With a wave of his big hand, powerful mana surged out and swept everyone.


Fly quickly towards the place where the passageway is located.

Hidden in the dark, the incarnation of emperor mengyan didn\'t expect such a thing to happen. He was extremely angry and quickly manipulated the rules here to launch a more ferocious attack on Lin Feng.


At this time, it is impossible to trap Lin Feng and others. Lin Feng manipulated the four God seals to break the incoming terrorist forces, and then entered the channel. From the channel, they rushed out of the law space and came to the fourth area.

After coming here, I saw Liu Tianshan.
