Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7651

Lin Feng didn\'t think it was a temporary idea to cross over the emperor of nightmare. He had this idea for a long time. After all, the emperor of nightmare has such extraordinary ability and powerful strength. If such a statue existed, it would be unimaginable for Lin Feng to help him.

But Lin Feng doesn\'t know whether this kind of thing can succeed.

I can only say!

He will try his best to finish it!

Lin Feng\'s speed was so fast that he immediately came to mengyan emperor, and then cast eight forbidden gods. He wanted to seal mengyan emperor\'s mana first. Once his mana was sealed by Lin Feng, Lin Feng could easily suppress mengyan emperor.

Nightmare emperor Zun seemed to recover at this time, and his venomous voice came out, "boy, it\'s really you. Even this seat has your way, but do you think you can deal with this seat?".

Lin Feng said coldly, "if you can deal with you, you have to try before you know!".

The words fell, and the seal runes had been branded on the body of emperor mengyan.

The moment these seal runes were branded on mengyan emperor, they began to seal the mana inside mengyan emperor\'s body. Mengyan emperor struggled several times, but he couldn\'t open it.

Lin Feng\'s confidence greatly increased and he planned to work hard to completely suppress mengyan emperor. However, at this time, mengyan emperor\'s body became swollen and his magic power became incomparably chaotic.

Nightmare emperor! I want to explode!

"Damn it!" Lin Feng could not help cursing in a low voice. In his dream, Emperor mengyan could be reborn indefinitely. He was naturally not afraid of self explosion, so he could use such means without fear, but not in reality.

But now Lin Feng is in a dream.

Lin Feng chose to retreat quickly at the first time.

At the same time, the body of emperor mengyan exploded. The destructive force shrouded Lin Feng and could not be avoided. Therefore, Lin Feng displayed the Mirror Flower Shadow to resolve the wave of self explosion of emperor mengyan.

Originally, he thought that mengyan emperor would appear again, but Lin Feng found that mengyan emperor did not appear again.


At the same time.

Inside the cave.

There were cries of panic, as if they were struggling to wake up from a nightmare.

Lin Feng also opened his eyes and saw the sleeping people wake up one after another.

But everyone\'s face is very ugly.

What they experience in their dreams is a great torture for them. It is almost no different from what they experience in reality. Many people even think they will die, but fortunately, everyone has survived.

"Is it the nightmare emperor who made us fall into a nightmare? He was so terrible?". The poisonous ancestor said with lingering fear.

Thinking of the things he experienced in his dream, he now has a feeling that he doesn\'t want to experience such terrible things in this life if possible.

Everyone is celebrating and sharing the joy of the rest of life.

But Lin Feng seems a little silent. In fact, he is confirming whether what he is experiencing now is a dream in a dream?

I had a dream before.

No wonder Lin Feng is so attentive.

"Young master Lin, what\'s the matter with you?". Liu xueruo looks at Lin Feng with some doubts. She doesn\'t know why Lin Feng is in a daze.

Just when she woke up, she found herself lying on Lin Feng\'s leg. Obviously, after she fell asleep, Lin Feng put herself on his leg and made herself feel more comfortable. Thinking of this, Liu xueruo couldn\'t help feeling very sweet.

Women sometimes do this. They can raise their emotional problems to a higher level than their own safety regardless of time and place. Otherwise, how can they say that women are emotional animals?

Lin Feng recovered and said, "I\'m fine!".

He then looked at the crowd and asked, "are you all right?".

"We\'re fine!". The people said with one voice.

Liu xueruo said, "what shall we do now?".

Lin Feng said, "I have made hands with emperor mengyan several times in my dream. If I dream, he will never die or kill him. Moreover, no matter what powerful means he uses in his dream, it will not produce any consumption, but we can\'t. We can deal with him only in reality.".

"And I found that the nightmare emperor has more than one weakness. For example, in the dream, his body is destroyed and can be reborn, but if his soul is hurt, it will really hurt himself, whether in the dream or in the reality!".

Lin Feng found this because after mengyan emperor blew himself up and wanted to bury Lin Feng together, mengyan Emperor didn\'t continue to be reborn. In fact, he can continue to be reborn and deal with Lin Feng in his dream. Maybe he can really kill Lin Feng in his dream at that time.

The emperor of nightmare gave up such a good opportunity.

Why did he give up?

Lin Feng thought carefully and thought that the most likely reason was that the soul of mengyan emperor was injured.

Even for the existence of mengyan emperor Zun, if it is not treated quickly, it will also cause serious consequences. Therefore, mengyan emperor Zun left Lin Feng\'s dream and returned to the real world to treat his injury.

So everyone woke up.

Lin Feng continued, "in the past, I hurt the soul of emperor mengyan. Now he must be in his nest to treat the soul injury. Now is a great opportunity for us to deal with emperor mengyan!".

Everyone thought Lin Feng\'s words were extremely reasonable, but even if they were true, the trip might not be so smooth.

Lin Feng said, "this trip is dangerous. In addition, many people are not in good condition, and we are not far away from the place we go out. That\'s good. For the rest, we don\'t need so many people to participate. Some people go first with vice president Liu! Poison ancestors and others can stay!".

Liu Tianshan said, "I\'ll send them away and return!".

Originally, Lin Feng wanted Liu Tianshan to meet him outside, but considering that Liu Tianshan was in charge of the keepsake.

It seems better for Liu Tianshan to stay.

So Lin Feng nodded and said, "that\'s good. We\'ll wait here for deputy Pavilion leader Liu to come back!".

"OK!". Liu Tianshan said.

Lin Feng and others seize the time to recover and wait for Liu Tianshan to come back.

About an hour later.

Liu Tianshan returned.

When Liu Tianshan came back, Lin Feng and them let Liu Tianshan rest for a while, and then they set out to look for the nest of mengyan emperor.

Lin Feng remembers the smell of emperor mengyan. It shouldn\'t be particularly difficult to find the nest of emperor mengyan by using the heart plate.