Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7431

Lin Feng thinks that the stone Holy Spirit is strong enough because the stone Holy Spirit is really powerful. There is no strength or talent to say, and there is no complete soul. If the spirit of fire swallowed by the tiger Python enters it, it is not difficult to successfully control the body by his means.

The flame spirit of tiger Python swallowing the sky fire feels that Lin Feng has changed. He is not very satisfied with the stone family Holy Spirit body Lin Feng gave him. It is because Lin Feng gave him the stone family Holy Spirit body, which is a small man the size of a palm. Between heaven and earth, there are all kinds of stone family Holy Spirits, including the huge stone man body like a giant and the stone man body the size of a normal person, but the same, There is also a small stone man.

In the early years, Lin Feng saw a stone man the size of a palm. Although his body is very small, it doesn\'t mean that he is weak.

Lin Feng said, "what? Are you not satisfied with the stone man? With your ability, you should be able to sense how powerful the stone man is and how amazing the talent is. If you refine the stone man, it will be a great help to you!".

Truth, tiger Python\'s flame spirit of swallowing the sky fire naturally knows very well, but understanding these truths has little direct connection with whether he is satisfied with the spirit body of the stone family. His ideal spirit body of the stone family, not to mention how great and extraordinary, but at least, it must be the size of a normal person?

With such a small body, the tiger Python is not satisfied with the flame spirit of the sky fire.

"I need a normal stone Holy Spirit!". The tiger Python swallowed the sky fire and said.

Lin Feng said, "you\'re not asking too much, but you should also know what kind of situation the outside world is now, and what kind of situation it is. Time is pressing. It\'s so easy to find the stone Holy Spirit who has the top talent, strength and meets your body requirements? Of course, I can continue to find it for you according to our previous agreement!" 。

"But one thing I have to remind you now is that if you insist on this, your time to get the Holy Spirit of the stone family will be greatly delayed. At that time, it is very close to the destruction of reincarnation. You should know that even if you have extraordinary ability, you also need some time to complete the integration with the Holy Spirit of the stone family After years of adaptation, what about after adaptation? Do you have to improve your strength? Only in this way can you live. If you keep delaying like this, do you have enough time to adapt? Do you have enough time to improve your strength? ".

That\'s it.

Lin Feng didn\'t go on.

In some words, it is enough to click to stop. What\'s more, when he talks about this degree, it seems that he can\'t use the point to stop, because he has made the interests quite clear. If the tiger Python swallows the sky fire is a wise man, he should make the right choice.


With Lin Feng\'s current ability, it is not difficult to erase the flame spirit of tiger Python swallowing sky fire, and there is no need to listen to so many requests from him.

But Lin Feng is a principled person. If he had not reached an agreement with tiger Python swallowing sky fire in the early years, he could do it naturally, but since he has reached an agreement with him, Lin Feng tie will do it according to the contents of the agreement.

Not, breach of agreement.

Sometimes don\'t underestimate the constraints of the agreement on some people.

Breaking the agreement casually is a betrayal of reputation.

It can even affect the mind.

It\'s not worth the loss.

Better not do it!

Tiger Python swallowing sky fire was silent, and seemed to weigh the meaning of Lin Feng\'s words. As Lin Feng said, now tiger Python swallowing sky fire is facing an extremely important choice.

Stick to your ideas.

Or, do what Lin Feng said.

There seems to be no need to stick to it.

This is irresponsible to yourself.

Tiger Python swallowed sky fire and felt that Lin Feng really moved him.

"OK! Do as you say!". The tiger Python swallowed the sky fire and said.

Seeing tiger Python swallow sky fire, Lin Feng\'s mouth couldn\'t help showing a smile.

Although there are some episodes.

But the final result still satisfied Lin Feng.

Next, Lin Feng helped tiger Python to separate the flame spirit of swallowing sky fire from the origin of fire, and then the flame spirit of tiger Python swallowing sky fire entered the body of stone villains.

Tiger Python swallowed sky fire and said, "can I go now?".

Lin Feng said, "how about joining my regiment?".

Tiger Python swallowed the sky fire and said faintly, "I\'m not interested!".

"Yes!". Lin Feng nodded.

He won\'t force anyone to do such a thing.

Lin Feng then left time and space with tiger Python swallowing sky fire. He called the outside guard and asked the guard to leave with tiger Python swallowing sky fire.

After the tiger Python swallows the sky fire and leaves, Lin Feng plans to refine the origin of the flame.

Taking Lin Feng\'s current state and savings as an example, the refining and general fire of heaven is not significant for the improvement of his own strength.


Tiger Python swallowing sky fire is different.

This is the fifth day fire!

Such a high ranking sky fire is naturally not comparable to ordinary sky fire.

Lin Feng felt that refining the tiger Python and swallowing the sky fire might improve the realm and combat effectiveness.

Lin Feng once again entered the time and space, and even began to refine the tiger Python to swallow the sky fire.

Lin Feng has refined ten kinds of sky fire before, and has rich experience in this field, so refining sky fire is not a difficult thing for Lin Feng.

With the passage of time, the relationship between Lin Feng and tiger Python swallowing sky fire became closer and closer. When refining tiger Python swallowing sky fire, other sky fires in Lin Feng\'s body also became active.

The sky fire itself can produce extremely strong induction.

Moreover, the hierarchical repression between Tianhuo is very powerful. For example, there may be a level gap between the 10th and 11th Tianhuo, but the 10th Tianhuo can exert great pressure on the 11th Tianhuo. This rule will be reflected in many aspects, especially in the Tianhuo system.

However, the sky fire in Lin Feng\'s body did not repel the tiger Python swallowing the sky fire, nor was he afraid of the tiger Python swallowing the sky fire, but produced an extremely excited mood.

Because Tianhuo in Lin Feng\'s body knows that tiger Python swallowing Tianhuo will become one of them. Tianhuo battle group will become stronger because tiger Python swallowing Tianhuo joins.
