Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7424

Such a terrible four phase robbery is really desperate.

How to fight the four phase robbery?

Theoretically, it seems that there is no possibility of fighting against the four phase robbery. However, Lin Feng feels that there should be a way to fight against any robbery, just like the Taihang and Wangwu mountains gathered by the thunder robbery before.

There seems to be no way to fight.


Finally, Lin Feng solved it smoothly, didn\'t he?

Therefore, if you want to resolve the current four phase robbery, you need to find a method of restraint. The four phase robbery makes Lin Feng\'s incarnation age rapidly, which represents life, old age, illness and death. In fact, to put it another way, the four phase robbery wants a normal person to die.

Then, if we can reverse this situation, we should be able to break the four phase robbery. How can we reverse this situation?

Lin Feng won\'t have much time to think.

Lin Feng thought of a possibility.

Maybe you can use the next nine magic methods recorded in the battle of eternal jade pendant?

The immortal jade pendant is the treasure Lin Feng got before. It seems to have a close relationship with the gate of immortality. The value of this treasure is extremely amazing. Lin Feng has been understanding the secret of the Immortal Jade Pendant all these years. Unfortunately, Lin Feng has not learned many secrets, but this does not mean that Lin Feng has not understood any secrets.

In fact, this is not the case. Lin Feng realized some secrets. For example, he realized the Tao related to the Tao of eternal life.

It is said that there are 27 kinds of Tao closely related to the Tao of eternal life: the upper nine, the middle nine and the lower nine.

Lin Feng doesn\'t know what kind of connection there is between the three, or what kind of connection there is with the way of eternal life. Although he doesn\'t know this thing, he only needs to know that these ways have some connection with the way of eternal life, so he can do a lot of things.

Although Lin Feng\'s enlightenment is only one of the lower nine, this one is extremely extraordinary. It seems to explain what life is, what eternity is, and what longevity is.

Immortality means immortality. Although Lin Feng\'s Enlightenment has no direct connection with immortality, after all, it also involves life, eternity and prolonging life. If you continue to upgrade, maybe you can understand some things of the way of immortality.

Lin Feng felt that the way he understood represented a positive and life-threatening way, which was just the opposite to the way of thunder robbery, which always wanted to lead people to destruction and death.

In that case, this kind of Tao may play a great role at this moment?

Read from here!!

Lin Feng will no longer stay.

Quickly let the external avatar display this skill he mastered.

Then, Lin Feng\'s incarnation radiated strong vitality.

This vitality made Lin Feng\'s body, the embodiment of his aging body, begin to become young. Seeing this scene, Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly lit up. It really had an effect, which was quite similar to what he expected.

It seems that the skill of the lower nine ways recorded in the immortal jade pendant is really powerful.

This is only one of the lower nine Tao. The lower nine Tao contains nine kinds of Tao. If all the nine kinds of Tao are cultivated, they can have an extremely strong and close connection, and this connection will greatly increase the power of these Tao.

Don\'t forget, there are middle nine and upper nine.

The middle nine Tao can also form extremely close ties, while the upper nine Tao can also form close ties.

If the upper nine Dao is regarded as a whole, the middle nine Dao is regarded as a whole, and the lower nine Dao is also regarded as a whole, an extremely special connection can be formed between the upper nine Dao, the middle nine Dao and the lower nine Dao.

Therefore, these Tao are very complex, but such a close connection can definitely make the power of these Tao soar to an unimaginable height, and the power is absolutely unimaginable.

Now Lin Feng\'s external incarnation competes with the four phase robbery recorded in the next nine ways. The four phase Dharma phase is still increasing its power and wants to erase Lin Feng\'s external incarnation. However, although the power of the four phase Dharma phase is very powerful, it can\'t erase Lin Feng\'s external incarnation for a long time.

Thunder robbery also conforms to the law of progressive decline.

From the beginning to the future, the power will continue to be strong. It will reach the maximum at a certain time. When it reaches the maximum, it will begin to decrease gradually. At a certain time, it will fall to the minimum, and this minimum will often be much lower than the power at the beginning.

Although the four phase robbery is powerful, it also conforms to this principle.

Therefore, after the power of the four phase robbery quickly fell, the threat to Lin Feng\'s external Avatar was actually very small. After declining to a low point, Lin Feng\'s external avatar smashed the four phase Dharma with a fist, while Lin Feng\'s external avatar continued to play this one of the next nine, and his body soon recovered to its peak.

The seventh thunder robbery!

It was a smooth ride!

At this time, the eighth thunder robbery has been brewing successfully, which is the penultimate thunder robbery.

The eighth thunder robbery condensed a mirror.

This is a strange looking mirror, purple all over.

Shrouded in endless mystery, Lin Feng was stunned when he saw the mirror.

Lei Jie, there\'s a mirror. What\'s going on?

What kind of thunder robbery is this?

I\'ve never heard of such a thunder robbery before.

Lin Feng said to himself, "is there such a strange thunder robbery?".

The demon king\'s voice sounded, "this should be the mirror robbery in the rumor!".

When the demon king said these words, his voice sounded very dignified. It seems that this fate should be extremely powerful. Otherwise, the demon king\'s voice will not be so dignified.

"What\'s special?" Lin Feng asked.

The demon king said, "it\'s said that mirror robbery can create a special space, and then swallow the people who cross the robbery into it. The people who cross the robbery will experience some terrible things in it. However, since mirror robbery rarely occurs, I don\'t know what the people who cross the robbery will experience in it!".

"Of course, there is another important reason for the lack of mirror robbery information, that is, the people who experienced mirror robbery fell, and no one came out alive. Naturally, the outside world does not know what kind of disaster mirror robbery is!".

Lin Feng frowned and said, "is this mirror robbery so terrible?".

His voice just fell. The mirror in the void looked at Lin Feng\'s incarnation gently.


With a flash of light, Lin Feng\'s incarnation disappeared.

What makes Lin Feng look ugly is.

He even completely lost contact with the external avatar, that is to say, Lin Feng can no longer command the external avatar to cross the robbery.

Everything can only be incarnated outside.

Such a terrible mirror robbery.

Can external avatars dissolve?