Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7417

Before the breakthrough, the five stone Buddhas need to be integrated. Previously, Lin Feng obtained the integration formula from the fifth stone Buddha. Using this integration formula, the integration success rate of the five stone Buddhas will be increased to 80%.

However, even if Lin Feng mastered the Dharma formula, he did not immediately let the five stone Buddhas integrate. He needed to be familiar with the Dharma formula first. After all, whether the Dharma formula can really play an effect has something to do with not only the Dharma formula itself, but also the people who practiced the Dharma formula.

If those who practice Dharma Jue don\'t fully understand the magic of Dharma Jue, Dharma Jue still can\'t play much role. Therefore, we need to pay special attention to this point.

For Lin Feng, it\'s not difficult to cultivate this kind of Dharma formula. After all, Lin Feng has cultivated many kinds of magical powers and immortal sutras. He has also created a powerful Tao himself. There\'s no problem cultivating anything. Lin Feng spent a certain time to thoroughly master this dharma formula.

After Lin Feng mastered this formula, Lin Feng summoned the five stone Buddhas. The five stone Buddhas were divided into five directions and sat cross legged.

Lin Feng immediately began to use this special Dharma formula. When this special Dharma formula was used by Lin Feng, it immediately formed an extremely special power. This extremely special power surprised Lin Feng, because he felt a very ancient mystery from the extremely special power.

Perhaps the fusion of the five stone Buddhas has a great relationship with this extremely ancient mysterious atmosphere.

This situation is extremely favorable for Lin Feng, because it shows that everything is developing in a better direction. There should be no big problem in the integration of the five stone Buddhas.

The power of the special Dharma formula was gradually absorbed by the five stone Buddhas. Originally, Lin Feng was worried that the five stone Buddhas would have an extremely strong impact, hurt each other and damage each other. This kind of thing had happened on the way, but Lin Feng stopped it in time.

The probability of such a thing happening now should be greater, right?

But this is not the case.

Lin Feng\'s worry did not happen, and everything was developing in a better direction.

There seems to be a special connection between the five stone Buddhas. This special connection makes the relationship between the five stone Buddhas extremely subtle. Lin Feng can naturally find this change, but there is a little joy in his heart. Instead of forming any conflict, the connection is constantly strengthening.

Although this is indeed somewhat unexpected to Lin Feng, it is a positive factor. Naturally, it is what Lin Feng wants to see. Lin Feng is still practicing the Dharma formula for the integration of the five stone Buddhas. The integration of the five stone Buddhas is not something that can be completed overnight. Now it is only a beginning, but this beginning is a good beginning, That\'s enough.

In the following period of time, Lin Feng has been closed and trying to integrate the five stone Buddhas. After the smooth process at the beginning, he encountered some troubles in the middle, but all of them were solved by Lin Feng. In the later stage, the five stone Buddhas were integrated into one, but at this time, it is far from the end, because after the integration, they need to be finalized.

Stereotyping is a rather difficult thing.

However, once finalized, the five stone Buddhas will not be separated again, which is equivalent to becoming a stone Buddha. At this time, Lin Feng\'s outer incarnation can try to devour the stone Buddha after fusion.

The key depends on whether this step can succeed.

When Lin Feng tried to shape the stone Buddha after integration, he was violently resisted by the stone Buddha after integration.

The stone Buddha after integration seems to want to separate himself again.

It was only under Lin Feng\'s suppression that he did not successfully separate again.

"Although shaping is difficult, it will succeed in the end! Why do you have to struggle fearlessly?".

Lin Feng said.

But this time, the stone Buddha after integration did not listen to Lin Feng.

The resistance is more intense.

Lin Feng continued to play one Dharma formula after another, and each Dharma formula entered the stone Buddha after integration.

After incorporating these Dharma formulas.

After the integration of stone Buddha, the struggle is getting smaller and smaller.

Lin Feng\'s face couldn\'t help showing a happy look.

The situation is getting better. It should not be a problem to shape the five stone Buddhas.

It took about ten days.


Everything has stabilized.

The five stone Buddhas are no longer struggling and are gradually forming a perfect integration.

Five more days have passed.

The stone Buddha after integration has finally completed its finalization.

After this finalization, you can try to let the external avatar devour the finalized stone Buddha. However, Lin Feng did not immediately let the external avatar devour the fused stone Buddha. The main reason is that he has been closed for a long time, and his state is not very good. Lin Feng needs to adjust his state to the best first.

Although the Buddha did not devour the stone Buddha, the connection between the Buddha and the external avatar is too close. If the status of the Buddha is extremely bad, it will seriously affect the status of the external avatar. If the status of the external avatar is affected, the possibility of breaking through the realm of the Creator will be greatly reduced.

This is only one of the factors. There is also an extremely important thing, that is, don\'t forget that the external avatar behind will accept a more severe test. Perhaps there is an extremely terrible existence, and he will try to destroy Lin Feng\'s external avatar. His original will play an important role in the next action.

If your situation is not ideal, there are many uncertain factors whether you can cope with external dangers when facing external dangers.

These are all areas that need more attention.

Next, Lin Feng spent some time to adjust his state, and the whole Longteng Pavilion is also a dignified atmosphere.


In addition to the high-level, ordinary people in Longteng Pavilion do not know what is the reason why the friars of Longteng pavilion are in full battle.

This also increased everyone\'s speculation and everyone\'s tension. Lin Feng did this on purpose. Only by increasing the tension to the longtengge friar army can they concentrate their attention. When there is a real crisis, the friar army will play an extremely key role.

Finally, Lin Feng adjusted his state to the best.

"It\'s time... Let the incarnation try to devour the stone Buddha. I hope everything goes well!".

Lin Feng said to himself.

Then he summoned his outer incarnation.

"Devour the black hole!" after the incarnation outside the body appeared, it directly condensed to devour the black hole, and immediately devoured the stone Buddha after fusion.
