Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7411

Facing Lin Feng\'s attack, the fifth stone Buddha\'s face was extremely gloomy. He knew very well that there was no possibility of reconciliation between him and Lin Feng.

He is also very clear that with the power he now has, it is almost impossible to reverse today\'s battle, so he has to find a way to leave this place.

He is not helpless. It is the current thing to do to resist Lin Feng\'s attack first.

The fifth stone Buddha also quickly shot.

He stretched out his hand and gently touched Lin Feng.

A beam of light came out quickly.

This light beam collided with Lin Feng\'s attack, but the fifth stone Buddha was directly shocked by Lin Feng\'s attack. The strength of the fifth stone Buddha was very powerful. His strong strength naturally brought him infinite self-confidence.

And now Lin Feng\'s strength is still suppressed. In addition, Lin Feng is still so young. Although the fifth stone Buddha knows that Lin Feng is also very powerful, after all, there should be a big gap between Lin Feng\'s state and his peak state. Under such a situation, it should be a very normal thing for him to suppress Lin Feng.

But the result was not satisfactory.

Instead, his attack was cracked by Lin Feng.

Not only the fifth stone Buddha could not accept such a thing, but even if any monk experienced such a thing, he could not accept it.

How can such a young monk be so powerful?

So does it mean that if Lin Feng\'s strength is not suppressed, Lin Feng\'s strength is very close to the strength of some creator level friars?

Thinking of this, the heart of the fifth stone Buddha even gave birth to a feeling of horror and discoloration.

Infinite power close to the realm of the creator.

Although it\'s just some simple words.

But behind these words.

Hidden content.

It\'s too shocking.

The fifth stone Buddha knows that he can\'t procrastinate and must make a quick decision. If he continues to procrastinate, his situation will be more unfavorable.

The fifth stone Buddha quickly activated his hiding means.

The hiding means of the fifth stone Buddha is still to use the runes in the cave.

The runes activated by the fifth stone Buddha are runes that affect the monk\'s own strength.

However, some runes have not been activated by the fifth stone Buddha.

The rest of these runes can form extremely powerful attack power.

The idea of the fifth stone Buddha is very simple. He should have no problem using these runes to stop Lin Feng. During the period when these runes stop Lin Feng, he can use the art of emptiness to escape here.

As for his subordinates, let them seek their own blessings. Now he can\'t protect himself. Naturally, he can\'t control the lives of those people.

The idea of the fifth stone Buddha is very good and the implementation is relatively smooth.

Those extremely powerful special runes were soon activated by the fifth stone Buddha.

When the fifth stone Buddha activated those special runes, those runes immediately released extremely terrible power.

Feeling that terrible power, even Lin Feng showed some surprise. It is worthy of being the killing move of the fifth stone Buddha.

These runes, the attacks released are really scary enough.

After the attacks condensed by these runes enveloped Lin Feng, they all went towards Lin Feng. Seeing that these attacks were about to kill Lin Feng, but at this time, Lin Feng\'s body became illusory.

It turned out that after Lin Feng felt the attack released by the fifth stone Buddha, he had begun to brew the magic power of illusory mantra.

This supernatural power is very special, which makes his body illusory in an instant.

After his body becomes illusory, he can dissolve all attacks.

No matter how powerful the attack is, it can\'t cause any damage to him at this time.

Lin Feng easily resolved the attack of the fifth stone Buddha with the help of the illusory spell.

The fifth stone Buddha originally wanted to use the attacks released by these runes to stop Lin Feng, but he found that he had failed. At this time, Lin Feng had come to him. Before he could leave, he had to face Lin Feng\'s thunderous attack again.

This made him sink to the bottom of the valley.

This time, Lin Feng still shot at the fifth stone Buddha.

Lin Feng\'s punch now seems more common than the one he hit before.

However, this punch made the fifth stone Buddha stand up suddenly.

Because he felt an extremely terrible danger and shrouded his whole body. The seemingly ordinary attack contained such powerful power, which made the fifth stone Buddha feel incredible.


Lin Feng showed it. Although it seems ordinary, it is actually a back to nature fist.

The attack formed by this punch is unimaginable, and the damage to the friars is unimaginable.

The fifth stone Buddha wanted to avoid Lin Feng\'s fist, but at this time, he found that no matter from which angle he avoided, there was no way to avoid Lin Feng\'s fist.

He has been completely locked and can only choose to fight Lin Feng.

The fifth stone Buddha quickly mobilized his strength.

It has to be said that the strength and reaction of the fifth stone Buddha are extremely extraordinary. In such a short time, he completely mobilized his strength. Then, his whole body strength rushed to his right arm and shot Lin Feng.

With the sound of violent collision.

Lin Feng had a second collision with the fifth stone Buddha. After this collision, the fifth stone Buddha suffered more powerful forces. He was blown out again, and that powerful force poured into his body along his arm. The fifth stone Buddha couldn\'t help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

This is not ordinary blood.

As we all know, the blood in the body of the stone people is very few and precious, and the value is unimaginable. If we really want to use a way to describe the blood of the stone people, their blood is like the origin of the human race.


How important their blood is to these stone family creatures. After losing their blood, the strength of this stone family creature will definitely decline significantly.

Although the fifth stone Buddha is extremely extraordinary, he still can\'t get rid of this category. Therefore, after losing the stone man\'s blood in his body, the strength of the fifth stone Buddha has been greatly affected, and his strength has fallen seriously.

Lin Feng seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and attacked the fifth stone Buddha one move after another.

After the fifth stone Buddha resisted more than a dozen moves, it was no longer difficult to resist.

Lin Feng scattered all the mana in his body.

Lin Feng then displayed the magic power of eight seals, and completely sealed the fifth stone Buddha.