Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7409

Lin Feng said, "do you know what is the most terrible thing for the top strong?".

The fifth stone Buddha said, "naturally, you can\'t break through cultivation. You can only watch others become extremely strong, while you are looking and sighing!".

Lin Feng said, "I don\'t think it\'s right. Compared with breakthrough cultivation, I think no hope is the most terrible!".

The fifth stone Buddha did not speak, but listened to Lin Feng. Although he and Lin Feng were enemies, from the bottom of his heart, he still attached great importance to Lin Feng.

Want to know what the inner world of Lin Feng is like.

Lin Feng continued, "So, look at these people around you. Although many of them have broken through to the transcendental level, when they break through, they also lose the hope of continuing to improve. After a short period of happiness and happiness, what is left? Is it happiness and happiness? No... you can\'t see smiling faces on their faces. The rest may be annoyed, but they have There is no turning back! ".

Hearing Lin Feng\'s words, many people have gloomy eyes.

Maybe Lin Feng really talked about their hearts.

When they just break through the transcendental realm, the excitement can\'t be described in words, but don\'t forget one thing, that is, people are greedy. When they get something, they feel they are extremely satisfied, but will they really be satisfied?

Some people may be so, but others will breed new ambitions.

They thought they would not regret, but finally found that they still felt regret because they could not continue to improve. They would not say such words, but could only think and feel them in their inner world.

And will those friars who have not made a breakthrough waver after listening to Lin Feng\'s words?

Lin Feng is not particularly clear, but anyway, his words must have a great impact on these people\'s mood.

The fifth stone Buddha probably noticed some people\'s emotional changes. He sneered and said, "boy, you\'re too obvious to play this means here. Since everyone has chosen this road, you won\'t retreat! As for you, you should really want to think about how to deal with the current situation, rather than stirring up discord here!".

Lin Feng shrugged and said, "I didn\'t sow discord. This low-end trick is not suitable for me. I\'m just explaining a fact. As for the danger of this place...".

Speaking of this, Lin Feng paused. The corners of his mouth picked up slightly, showing a little disdain. "To tell you the truth, I haven\'t paid attention to these people from beginning to end!".

Lin Feng\'s arrogant words naturally aroused the disgust of many people on the side of the fifth stone Buddha.

Someone sneered and said, "Lin Feng, your strength is strong, but we are not soft persimmons. Don\'t be too rampant!".

Lin Feng said, "rampant? In the eyes of the weak, I am rampant. In the eyes of the strong, I know how powerful the power I control is.".

After Lin Feng\'s voice fell, figures came in directly from the outside. The number was not large, just a dozen people, but each breath was strong. It was poison Zu and others who came here.

Lin Feng had already communicated with poison Zu and others before. Poison Zu hid in the dark, followed these people, came here quietly, and now appeared.

The arrival of poison Zu and others didn\'t seem to surprise the fifth stone Buddha too much. He said, "so, are you relying on these people around you? I know that these people around you are powerful, so I have arranged special means in this training room for all of you to fall into the net!".

The fifth stone Buddha looks like he has a ready mind. I don\'t know what kind of hiding means this guy has. He looks so confident.

But no matter what kind of means, they are paper tigers in front of absolute strength.

Unless he can find a creator level strong man.

At this time, Lin Feng found that countless runes appeared on the walls, eaves, roof, ground and so on.

After seeing these runes, Lin Feng couldn\'t help but move a little. Could it be that this guy wanted to use array prohibition to deal with them?

If this means, it is a piece of cake for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is a Heavenly Master.

His attainments in array prohibition are too high. Such means can\'t pose any threat to Lin Feng at all.

Poison Zu and others also found this, and they couldn\'t help being more confident.

But soon Lin Feng and them found something wrong, because they found that their mana began to be suppressed, and there was no way to mobilize a large amount of mana in their body.

How much strength a friar can exert is closely related to the strength of his own mana. When the mana of Lin Feng and others is greatly suppressed, it often means that the strength of Lin Feng and others is greatly suppressed.

"Runes that limit strength?". Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the fifth stone Buddha. He didn\'t even master this rune, but the fifth stone Buddha mastered this rune. I have to say that the fifth stone Buddha is really not simple.

After all, it\'s normal to live for a long time and master some terrible means. Lin Feng won\'t be too surprised.

The fifth stone Buddha said, "what I master is not an ordinary rune that limits strength, but an extremely ancient rune. It is a special Rune bred by heaven and earth. It appeared on a Taoist stone. In those years, I don\'t know how many people went to the Taoist stone to understand the rune content, but it\'s so easy to understand the rune content?".

"As far as I know, only two or three people have understood some mysteries, and I am just one of them. This Rune can suppress strength by as much as 30% to 50%. Your strength is suppressed so badly. Do you think there is still a chance to turn over this war?".

No wonder the fifth stone Buddha was so confident. Lin Feng felt that the fifth stone Buddha didn\'t say it. That is, this Rune was controlled by the fifth stone Buddha and only suppressed them. For the top monks around the fifth stone Buddha, it would not only suppress them, but also enhance their strength.
