Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7401

Lin Feng is different from ordinary friars after all. He has experienced too much. Naturally, his immunity to women is not comparable to that of ordinary friars.

Although the misty rain fairy is really beautiful and charming, it also charms all sentient beings.

But in terms of Lin Feng\'s self-control, there is not much difference between watching a misty rain fairy and watching an ordinary woman.

Naturally, the misty rain fairy was extremely confident. When she just took off the yarn, she was also paying attention to the change of Lin Feng\'s expression. She was surprised to see Lin Feng. If she was unhappy, it was false, but she found that Lin Feng soon recovered.

This made the misty rain fairy feel a little frustrated. She said that the elm head really couldn\'t be praised. Just praised the elm head, and then she was caught off guard.

"Please have tea, childe!". The misty rain fairy greeted Lin Feng to taste tea.

Lin Feng nodded and took a sip of tea.

Lin Feng is not a tea master, but he still knows something about the tea ceremony.

I have also tasted the fragrant tea cooked by many famous experts.

In Lin Feng\'s opinion, the tea art level of Yanyu fairy is no lower than those top masters.

"Good tea".

Lin Feng exclaimed.

Although it\'s not a particularly valuable spirit tea, the tea made by Yanyu fairy is really top-grade.

"Thank you for your praise!" said the misty rain fairy with a smile.

After a slight pause, the misty rain fairy immediately said, "is there anything wrong with you coming here? I still have some contacts in tianmeteorite island. I have a fate with you. If you can trust me, you can talk to me. Maybe I can help you?".

Lin Feng said: "fairy is really a kind-hearted person, but this time she came to tianmeteorite Island, she just came here to spend some time. There is nothing to deal with!".

"So it is. As one of the largest islands in the west sea world, tianmeteorite island is really a place worth visiting. There are inland rivers in the island. At night, the inland rivers are very beautiful. Many people will rent a boat to visit tianmeteorite Island along the inland river. I don\'t know if childe has this idea. If childe has this idea, I can accompany childe to visit ! at the same time, I can also introduce the local conditions and customs of tianmeteorite island to you! ". The misty rain fairy smiled and said.

Lin Feng said, "it\'s really a good proposal. Please bother the fairy to help contact a ship!".

"Young master, wait a moment!". The misty rain fairy said, and then got up and came outside.

There is a maid guarding outside. After whispering with the maid, the maid guarding outside quickly left. It is estimated that she went to prepare the ship, while the Yanyu fairy returned to the room.

"We\'ll be aboard soon!". Said the misty rain fairy.

The Yanyu building itself is built not far from the inland river of tianmeteorite Island, so the distance to the river is very close. Many people like to take some women to visit tianmeteorite island by boat. Of course, the premise is that they have money. If they want to bring it out, they will spend more money.

Lin Feng said, "don\'t worry. It\'s beautiful everywhere with the fairy!".

The misty rain fairy said with a pink face, "young master, you can really compliment people!"

Lin Feng naturally doesn\'t really think that the misty rain fairy will show such a timid and lovable appearance because of her shyness.

How can a woman like her be shy when she is used to big winds and waves?

It\'s just a way to disguise yourself.

This kind of camouflage often makes guests more eager to her.

Isn\'t there a saying like that?

Men are often male chauvinism, especially like this kind of beautiful women who are somewhat shy and want to refuse.

Lin Feng thinks the summary of this sentence is still very reasonable.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "I didn\'t compliment the fairy, but said the truth. I\'m afraid it\'s hard to find someone who doesn\'t want to stay with the fairy!".

The misty rain fairy said, "I am also very happy to hear the childe\'s sincere words. If childe likes me, I can stay in tianmeteorite island for more time. I can take childe to taste the characteristic snacks of tianmeteorite Island another day!".

Lin Feng said with a smile, "that feeling is good. It\'s settled. The fairy can\'t go back on it!".

"Of course, you have your word!". Said the misty rain fairy.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

The misty rain fairy said, "come in!".

Yanyu fairy\'s maid pushed the door and entered. After saluting Yanyu fairy, she said, "Miss, the cruise ship is ready!".

Misty rain fairy looked at Lin Feng and said, "childe, let\'s go to the cruise ship now!".

"OK!". Lin Feng nodded and then got up.

The misty rain fairy also stood up and put on her veil again.

They went out of the door and Lin Feng walked towards the stairs.

Misty rain fairy said, "childe, we don\'t go through the gate. There\'s a side gate. Let\'s go through there!".

Lin Feng said, "it seems that the fairy doesn\'t like dealing with those people!".

The misty rain fairy said, "how could it be? I just chose to go through the side door because my time now belongs to the childe. It can save some time, can\'t it?".

Lin Feng said, "the fairy is really thoughtful, beautiful and considerate. I don\'t know who will become the guest of the fairy in the future?".

The misty rain fairy said, "I\'m also looking for this man. Maybe I\'ll find him soon, maybe right in front of me?".

Lin Feng said, "me? If so, it\'s my honor. We should talk about life.".

The misty rain fairy was slightly surprised because she found that Lin Feng\'s elm head would become provocative. Was she deliberately teasing her before?

The misty rain fairy didn\'t care much about these, she said, "isn\'t it a good opportunity to talk about life on the cruise ship later?".

In this way, Lin Feng and the misty rain fairy teased each other\'s heartstrings.

It\'s really quite interesting.

After they left from the side door, they walked three or four hundred meters to the place where the cruise ship was placed at the wharf. It is estimated that the cruise ships here are all cruise ships under the Yanyu building. Another maid of Yanyu fairy stood in front of a cruise ship waiting for Lin Feng and Yanyu Fairy to come.

Lin Feng and Yanyu fairy also saw the maidservant and walked towards the maidservant. Soon they came to the cruise ship. Lin Feng stretched out his hand. Yanyu fairy was slightly stunned. Of course, she knew what this meant. After hesitating, she put her jade hand in Lin Feng\'s hand and let Lin Feng help them board the cruise ship.
