Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7397

After dealing with the flower fairy, Lin Feng left the big world and came to the cabin of the ancient star ship Xuanyuan. Now, those who are closed are still closed and those who are resting are still resting. Lin Feng is very rare to be free.

A few days ago, he had been resting without cultivation. Lin Feng planned to continue his closed door cultivation, understand the divine power and immortal Sutra, and stabilize his realm. He entered the time space. He practiced in the time space for about three months. The four stone Buddhas had an accident and woke Lin Feng up.

In fact, according to the time conversion, the outside world has only been in the past two days. Lin Feng did not continue to close the customs, but chose to leave the customs. The four stone Buddhas had a change at this time. Does it mean that the fifth stone Buddha can be found immediately?

Lin Feng hopes things will go smoothly. He can\'t wait to let his outer incarnation break through the realm of the creator. On the premise that he is difficult to break through the creator quickly, if this outer incarnation can break through the realm of the creator, it will really help Lin Feng too much.

Moreover, in the next period of time, Lin Feng has several places to go, even to the world behind the scenes. Every place is a dangerous place. Every place may encounter a strong creator.

If the strength is not strong enough, go ahead rashly, and the result is self-evident.

But if his outer incarnation breaks through the realm of the creator, it is another result.

This feeling is not strong, even weak. Lin Feng tried to lock the position of the fifth stone Buddha, but he tried several times and failed, which disappointed Lin Feng.

Lin Feng summoned the heart plate and communicated with the saint Diao immortal about this matter. Maybe it needs the power of the saint Diao immortal and the heart plate to really lock the position of the fifth stone Buddha.

The immortal Diao urged his heart plate, combined with the changes of the four stone Buddhas, he was quickly searching for the specific whereabouts of the fifth stone Buddha. I have to say that the fifth stone Buddha was really very hidden. Before, Lin Feng and them determined some possible locations and tried to search. There was no result. This time, there was a special change and continued to search, It is still difficult to grasp the breath of the fifth stone Buddha.

In this case, we can\'t worry, because it\'s useless to worry. We need to wait patiently for the opportunity to see if there will be a turn for the better.

After feeling for many times, the eyes of the immortal mink finally became bright. He said, "I feel it! Ha ha, I finally feel it!".

In fact, the saint Diao immortal was always depressed before, because the saint Diao immortal\'s ability is very strong. After mastering some important clues, the saint Diao immortal can often rely on these clues to find what he wants to find.

But the fifth stone Buddha made him work hard and couldn\'t find it. How could the arrogant Saint Diao immortal accept it?

Fortunately, the position of the fifth stone Buddha was finally sensed. From the tone of the saint Diao immortal, it was not a vague position, but probably a clearer position.

Saint Diao immortal, of course, should be proud.

Lin Feng couldn\'t help showing his joy.

He asked, "do you really feel it? Where is the fifth stone Buddha?".

The saint marten said, "of course, I feel that this guy is really deep enough, but we may have been deceived by this guy before!".

"How do you say that?". Lin Feng looked at the saint Diao immortal in doubt.

Saint Diao immortal said, "before, we always thought that the fifth stone Buddha might be hidden in the very depths of the west sea world. These places have broken time and space and are full of dangers. We can\'t easily get involved in them. Hiding in such a place is also a very difficult thing for people to find!".

Lin Feng nodded.

Several locations they speculated before are indeed such places.

But now it seems that the real situation does not seem to be so?

The saint Diao immortal continued, "in fact, many of the senses are illusions created by the fifth stone Buddha to confuse others. The fifth stone Buddha is really hiding in the middle of the west sea world!".

Lin Feng wondered, "the central sea area of the west sea world? Isn\'t this the busiest sea area? Many forces are stationed in the central sea area of the west sea world, and the fifth stone Buddha is hidden here and hasn\'t been found?".

Saint Diao said, "I don\'t know. He must have a way to hide himself, but now I have sensed his specific location. Let\'s kill him now. When we get to the place, we\'ll know what\'s going on!".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "OK, then kill it and have a look!".

On the way, poison Zu and others left the customs one after another. When they heard about it, they were very happy.

Their fate has long been closely linked with Lin Feng\'s fate.

If Lin Feng\'s incarnation can quickly break through the realm of the creator, it is of great significance to the whole team. Naturally, everyone wants to see this day come soon.

I worked hard for a long time just to wait for this day.

Now it seems.

This day, perhaps soon, is really coming. Of course, everyone\'s mood will be very comfortable.

Ten days later, the ancient ship Xuanyuan came to a huge island.

This island, Lin Feng, they have heard before, is called tianmeteorite island.

It is an island controlled by tianmeteorite sect, the famous top force in the west sea world, and it is also a famous gathering area of monks in the west sea world.

Perhaps it is one of the largest gathering areas of monks in the west sea world.

It has always been very lively. People come and go in an endless stream.

From a distance, we can see that countless monks flew from all directions, and many monks flew in ancient empty ships and rode into tianmeteorite island one after another.

"This is the island!". Said the immortal mink.

Lin Feng and others were very surprised. According to the saint Diao immortal, the fifth stone Buddha was hidden in this island, which was really beyond their expectation. They felt that even if the fifth stone Buddha was not hidden in those places shrouded in broken void, it should also be hidden in some secret places.

Unexpectedly, it would be hidden in such a lively gathering area of friars as tianmeteorite island.

"Can\'t you feel wrong?". Said the poisonous ancestor.

Saint Diao said confidently, "there\'s absolutely nothing wrong. Let\'s go in and find out if we can find that guy!".

"Then go to the island!". Lin Feng said.
