Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7388

Although Si Kongyu\'s Association is not completely correct, Lin Feng does have a very deep relationship with the dominant ancestor. Of course, no matter how he guesses Lin Feng\'s specific identity, he won\'t say anything more and dare not say anything more. He can answer whatever Lin Feng asks.

Sikong Yu said, "now the heaven is quite calm, but I heard that Lin Feng, the Lord of the heaven, has left the heaven, and his friars are still stationed in the heaven!".

Knowing these news, Lin Feng basically has a relatively clear understanding of the situation of the heaven. There is no need to continue to ask. However, Lin Feng thinks that some people in the heaven, such as his mother and his own women, should be received more safely in the waste land world over a period of time.

After all, now he has become the new owner of the waste land world. Although the waste land owner is a threat, the existence of the waste land owner has never appeared. Lin Feng worried that for some time, he thought the waste land owner would appear to deal with him, but he hasn\'t seen the waste land owner yet.

Up to now, the Lord of the waste land is still a potential and terrible threat, so Lin Feng needs to quickly improve his cultivation to the realm of the creator. Of course, Lin Feng knows that it is very difficult, but it doesn\'t matter. Just improve the external avatar first. Lifting the external avatar to the realm of the creator is equivalent to the combat power of the realm of the creator.

At that time, even if it is really attacked by the Lord of wasteland, it is hard to say who wins and who loses. Maybe Lin Feng succeeded in killing the Lord of wasteland?

Of course, if possible, Lin Feng doesn\'t want to kill the Lord of wasteland. This is because in Lin Feng\'s opinion, it\'s too difficult to cultivate to the realm of creator, and any strong creator level is an object worth attracting. If these strong creator level can be attracted, it will be a great supplement to their camp.

It\'s best to suppress the Lord of the waste land. If you know something interesting, take the initiative to take refuge. If you don\'t know something interesting, you can turn him into a strong man at the creator level. Just don\'t know if it\'s easy to turn him into a strong man at the Creator level?

Let\'s take one step at a time.

Lin Feng immediately looked at emperor oshugu and Sauron. He said, "I have a new text here. I need you to translate it for me!".

"It\'s my pleasure to serve your excellency!". Oshuguti and Sauron quickly got up and said.

A page of paper appeared in front of them.

Nowadays, ancient Chinese characters are incomplete. Emperor Oshio first studied ancient Chinese characters. Sauron even learned ancient Chinese characters from emperor Oshio. Later, they spent a long time collecting some new ancient Chinese characters.

They have their own understanding of ancient Chinese characters. When translating, they still have some different opinions, but it doesn\'t matter. They can communicate with each other and then translate, so as to get a relatively correct answer.

Sauron and Emperor oshugu began to translate the ancient Chinese characters given to them by Lin Feng.

About half an hour later, the two reached an agreement and handed the translated text to Lin Feng.

These words are still the words after being disrupted. Lin Feng recombined them.

This is the fifth paragraph on the wordless heavenly book.

The first four paragraphs read:

"My memory began to recover gradually. Now I know that all kinds of chaotic memories that suddenly appeared in my mind are memories of previous lives. I thought reincarnation was just a legend. Until now, I know that everything is true.".

"My identity in my previous life is the person on Aqua Blue Star. Aqua blue star is the center of the universe. It is full of endless mystery. Ancient civilization has spread from here. It has experienced all kinds of big times, from the myth age to the gas refining age, and then to the science and technology age. Then Aqua Blue Star collapsed, a new cycle began, and aqua blue star continued to start cycle after cycle.".

"There are many extraordinary things on Aqua Bluestar. When I became stronger, I went to aqua Bluestar. I found a very special material in aqua Bluestar. This material contains a great power. There are not many such materials, but only nine pieces in total. I was thinking that maybe I can use this material to forge some special things.".

The treasures I forged with these special materials are nine ancient lamps. Once the nine ancient lamps came out, the mountains and rivers changed color and the earth fell apart. At that time, I knew that these treasures were extremely extraordinary. I needed to find a way to help them resist the natural disaster and let the nine ancient lamps exist, because I felt that if the nine ancient lamps could really exist, Then these nine ancient lamps will make it possible to create an extraordinary history.

The fifth paragraph reads:

In order to help the nine ancient lamps survive the doom, I have been to many places, even many terrible places of death, found some things that should not be found, and was eroded by the curse. I know the existence of the curse Lord. He is very powerful, but with the ability of the curse Lord, I should not have the ability to curse me, so, What\'s the matter with me bearing such a terrible curse? Does it mean that there are still some horrors in this world that I don\'t know about, and they hold more powerful power? I know I don\'t have much time, so I want to seize this time and let the nine ancient lamps complete the final transformation.


The text ends here.

But there are too many amazing things in this short text. It turns out that the mysterious strong man in the past also encountered the power of curse. His fall is likely to have an extremely close relationship with this.

Lin Feng has also suffered several terrible curses before, such as the human skin curse. Some of these curses are powerful and some are not so powerful. In fact, these curses Lin Feng encountered were not imposed by the Lord of the curse.

If it was the curse directly imposed by the Lord of the curse, Lin Feng had already fallen.

There is no hope of dissolving these curses.

The mysterious existence also said that the curse he was subjected to was a curse that the Lord of the curse could not impose, a higher-level curse. It can be seen how terrible this curse is. Is it the curse imposed by those unknown and terrible beings bred in an era with the pioneers?

If it\'s them, it\'s okay. If it\'s not them?

So who would it be?

If it were not for them, the whole thing might be more complicated and the world would be more terrible than expected.