Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7385

There is no need to describe the function and significance of Zhentian stone tablet in too much detail. Lin Feng has always regarded collecting Zhentian stone tablet and 36 stone swords as one of the main objectives in the next period of time. These things are the key treasures to deal with those creators and even those unknown and terrible existence.

Lin Feng has collected ten of the eighteen stone tablets of the earth shaking, which is a very difficult thing. Perhaps in history, few people can collect ten stone tablets of the earth shaking for their own use like Lin Feng, but in Lin Feng\'s opinion, this is still not enough. His goal is to collect eighteen stone tablets of the earth shaking.

This is because the Zhentian stone tablet is very special. When a perfect combination is formed, the power of this baby can reach the maximum. Now, only a part of the Zhentian stone tablet has been collected, which can show such extraordinary ability. When Lin Feng is in danger again and again, it can help Lin Feng turn the risk into a barbarian. What if 18 pieces are collected?

Zhentian stone tablet forms a perfect integration. What level of power will it reach at that time?

Just think about it, it makes people feel excited, but Lin Feng also knows that it is too difficult to find all the 18 Zhentian stone tablets. If they are all in this time and space, it\'s OK to say, but Zhentian stone tablets and 36 stone swords are special. I don\'t know what happened in those years. Some of these two things have been left in the past time and space, Some have entered the future time and space. If you want to collect all these things, you may need to enter the past and future time and space to do this.

But this is also a difficult thing.

But anyway, there is absolutely nothing wrong with collecting one more piece.

Lin Feng is now staring at the stone tablet that Sophia said. If he can get the stone tablet, the number of his stone tablets will reach 11. What an exciting thing.

But now these are just extravagant thoughts. First of all, we need to find out the situation of this Zhentian stone tablet.

Sophia said, "this is not particularly clear, but according to the grapevine news, there is a creator level presence who wants to collect the Zhentian stone tablet. Since then, there has been no news about the Zhentian stone tablet. I don\'t know whether it has been collected by the strong ones at the creator level!".

The Zhentian stone tablet is not only a treasure, but also hides the secret of eternal life. The strong at the creator level can\'t live forever. Of course, they want to know what the secret of eternal life is. Therefore, when the Zhentian stone tablet appears, it\'s normal for some strong at the creator level to come when they hear the news.

The stone tablet of Zhentian is indeed extraordinary, but if the strong man at the creator level makes a move, is it still quite possible to be suppressed?

Unless the Zhentian stone tablet senses the danger in advance, and then sneaks away and hides, it will be suppressed by the strong at the creator level.

Lin Feng asked, "do you know the identity of those creators?".

Sophia shook her head and said, "it\'s not very clear. There are few creators in the time universe. After all, friars at this level are too rare. However, it is said that it\'s not difficult for some strong people at the top creator level to cross the universe. It may also be done by people in the outer universe!".

Lin Feng frowned slightly. If he said so, he couldn\'t know what the other party\'s identity was. Maybe it\'s necessary to go to the space-time universe at some time in the future. Maybe he can find some important clues in the time universe?

Lin Feng thinks this possibility is quite big. After all, he now has so many Zhentian stone tablets. Through the induction of Zhentian stone tablets, he may be able to find some amazing clues.

Lin Feng immediately felt that there was not enough time. There were too many things to do, but there was not much time to break the reincarnation. It was really a bad thing.

Sophia only said this thing and didn\'t say anything else. I probably don\'t think other things can arouse the interest of "the great Creator".

Lin Feng immediately looked at the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord was powerful and unfathomable. He also had a strong friar army under his command. Among these people, if anyone had the strongest combat effectiveness, it might be the Dark Lord. After all, the Dark Lord climbed out of the sea of corpses and blood.

Lin Feng asked, "Dark Lord, what is the situation now when the universe is annihilated?".

The Dark Lord said, "it\'s strange to annihilate the universe now. It\'s very chaotic to annihilate the universe itself. Many top forces have fought against each other. But recently, all forces have calmed down the war, and some extremely extreme enemies have also stopped fighting. It\'s different from the atmosphere in the past, and I don\'t know what it is!".

When things go wrong, there will be demons.

The situation of annihilating the universe is really special. Lin Feng thought for a moment and then said, "you can go back and investigate to see if there are any top powers and are gathering some top forces!".

There are still many powerful forces to annihilate the universe, but because the annihilation of the universe is too chaotic, the major forces are on guard and distrust each other.

But it would be terrible if someone could close these forces that annihilated the universe. It\'s hard to imagine how powerful the top forces that annihilated the universe would be if they were formed into a friar army.

The Dark Lord said, "yes, sir, I will pay attention to it!".

Among the strong here, the silent emperor oshugu is also a person of the Kunlun universe, so there is no need to ask him about the world of the Kunlun universe alone.

There are no people from Kyushu universe here, and Lin Feng himself came out of Kyushu universe. Now he is even a figure at the level of Kyushu universe boss. Of course, the most powerful person in Kyushu universe is the world royal family behind the scenes, and he still firmly controls the Kyushu universe.

Lin Feng\'s influence in Kyushu universe is still quite different from that of the world royalty behind the scenes, but the world royalty behind the scenes like to do something behind the scenes and will not reveal himself in front of the world.

Countless friars in Kyushu universe do not even know that there is a so-called "world royal family behind the scenes".

There is no access to this level.

Lin Feng thought that if possible, he might try to call a top power of the Kyushu universe into the creation space. By the way, he asked about the Kyushu universe and the heaven. Lin Feng\'s relatives, many women, many friends and subordinates are still in the heaven.

After coming out for so many years, Lin Feng almost completely broke his contact with the heaven, and naturally he was quite worried.
