Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 695

Surrounded by various powers.

Surrounded Lin Feng.

Now Lin Feng is in danger.

"Boy, give me the origin of the ghost devil shark. I\'ll spare you.".

Li Qi looked at Lin Feng coldly.

"Give me the origin of the ghost devil shark. Otherwise, I will give you a taste of life rather than death.".

Dugu Yan threatened Lin Feng directly.

At this time, Liu mengyan and sunzizhou had recognized Lin Feng.

In their eyes, a sense of sombre suddenly appeared.

Originally, when Lin Feng refused Liu mengyan to become the "dead man" of Huangfu Qingtian.

These two people already hated Lin Feng.

Now they are bound to get the origin of the ghost devil shark, which was snatched by Lin Feng first.

Liu mengyan and grandson Zhou wanted to kill Lin Feng immediately.

"Younger martial sister Liu, do you know this boy?".

Li Jianxiao noticed Liu mengyan\'s abnormality and asked.

"This person is Lin Feng.". Liu Meng.

Li Jianxiao\'s mouth aroused a cold smile. "This boy is Lin Feng who refused to become the death of the eldest martial brother? He really doesn\'t know how to live or die.".

Sun Tzu Zhou said, "now he has the origin of the ghost devil shark. What shall we do?".

"It\'s best to outwit".

Liu Meng.

Li Jianxiao also nodded.

At this time, Liu mengyan looked at Lin Feng and said, "younger martial brother Lin, come to us quickly and we\'ll escort you out.".

Lin Feng looks at Liu mengyan.

Slightly surprised.

I didn\'t expect to see Liu mengyan here.

He saw Li Jianxiao and the cold expression in Sun Tzu Zhou\'s eyes.

Lin Feng sneered.

These people should be from qingtianfeng.

And seemed to kill himself.

He said faintly, "it\'s elder martial sister Liu. It\'s a pleasure to meet you. If elder martial sister really thinks of me, I\'ll bother elder martial sister to help resist these friars. Let me get away and go back to the sect, and I\'ll certainly get something in return.".

Liu mengyan\'s eyes suddenly became cold.

Sun Zizhou shouted, "boy, are you shameless? For the sake of our fellow disciples, as long as you give us the origin of the ghost devil shark, we will certainly protect your safety. If you give it to the others, do you think those people will care about your life and death? In the end, the other monks will kill you in order to vent their anger. Only by cooperating with us can you live.".

Lin Feng naturally won\'t believe this grandson Zhou\'s nonsense.

Sun Zizhou has the most serious intention to kill himself.

If you really sell your life to these people.

It is also a place of death.

Lin Feng glanced at sun Zizhou coldly, "what are you? Dare you yell at me?".

"Boy, you want to die"

Sun Zizhou\'s face was refuted, his face was extremely gloomy, and his eyes were evil.

"Do it...".

Ion Qi sneered and took the lead.

Then, Li Jianxiao, Liu mengyan, sun Zizhou and others also shot Lin Feng.

"Dead boy".

The sea robber Dugu Yan smiled grimly and killed Lin Feng.

The rest of the monks.

Nearly a hundred people rushed towards Lin Feng.

"Just because you want to stop me?".

Lin Feng sneered.

Crack the sky!

The sword is full of meaning!

Swords merge.

Sword Qi, Dao mang!

He shot at the crowd in an instant.


The sound of tearing suddenly sounded.

A monk was directly beheaded.

Lin Feng rushed to the torn gap quickly.

"No, the boy wants to run. Hit him with all your strength.".

Li Jianxiao\'s face changed slightly.

A sword chopped at Lin Feng.


All kinds of powerful attacks come in an instant.

What a terrible attack by hundreds of monks?

Even monks in the realm of yin and Yang will be killed.


At this time.

Sikong picking the moon has urged his ancestral defense treasure heavenly shield.

This divine shield is very special. Only the descendants of Sikong family can urge it.

If Lin Feng could urge the baby and just took the baby, it would be much easier in the face of so many strong sieges.

Of course, this is the treasure inherited by Sikong family, which Lin Feng can\'t urge.

Fortunately, now Sikong has offered the God shield to pick the moon.

That day, the Divine Shield flew out in an instant and suspended above the forest maple.

The divine light falls to protect Lin Feng.

From a barrage of attacks.

All were resisted by the divine light.

Lin Feng rushed out of the encirclement and went round with Sikong to pick the moon.

Then fly away.

"Damn it, you can\'t let them run away.".

Many people roared with gloomy faces.

Three hours later.

Lin Feng and Sikong got rid of everyone.

"Ha ha, find a place to refine the origin of the ghost devil shark"

Lin Feng laughed.

"It\'s a great chance that the origin of the ghost devil shark should fall into our hands.".

Sikong said excitedly.

Lin Feng and Sikong pick the moon to find an uninhabited island.

The origin of the ghost devil shark they refined on the island.

The origin of the ghost devil shark has consumed most of it when the ghost devil shark fought against the sky robbery.

When the disaster came and killed the ghost demon shark, a large part was lost.

Now only a small part of the original power is left.

But even so.

This is a small part of the original power.

It is also precious to an unimaginable extent.

Lin Feng and Sikong began to refine the origin of the ghost devil shark.

With the origin of the ghost devil shark being refined.

Lin Feng\'s cultivation improved again.

Originally, Lin Feng was just the realm of the early days of King Wu\'s realm.

With the origin of the ghost devil shark being refined.

Lin Feng\'s accomplishments have been promoted to the top of the ten Heaven realm of King Wu.

Lin Feng\'s forehead was shining.

This is the peak of savings.

You can try to break through the sign of Yin-Yang realm.

But Lin Feng\'s Taigu dragon elephant formula forcibly suppressed this force to break through.

Because the breakthrough needs to consume a lot of top-grade spirit stones, Lin Feng doesn\'t have enough top-grade spirit stones.

Therefore, the breakthrough is bound to fail.


Fire Qilin told Lin Feng to wait until he found the fragment of the world tree.

Activate the world tree fragment.

Then plant the seedlings of the world tree in the Dantian.

At that time, if we break through again, the strength of promotion will be more than ten times stronger than when the seedlings of the world tree were not planted in Dantian.

This gap in strength is too great.

So anyway.

Lin Feng will not choose to break through now.

After suppressing the force to break through.

Lin Feng continues to refine the origin of the ghost devil shark.

After the original power of the ghost devil shark was refined, it was all integrated into Lin Feng\'s blood.

Lin Feng\'s blood flow speed was ten times faster.

In Lin Feng\'s elixir field, every drop of immortal blood condenses successfully.

Nine drops of immortal blood were condensed.

This makes Lin Feng very happy.

Because the effect of immortal blood can be called against the sky.

You can even activate the black dragon sword with immortal blood.

Instead of wasting your life yuan to urge the black dragon sword.

"No... death... God... Blood...".

At this time.

There was a faint sound in the magic bead.

After hearing the sound in the magic bead.

Lin Feng was shocked.