Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 639

"Younger martial brother Lin is going to entrap people again.". More than 20 disciples, including Wang Hu, observed a moment of silence for Jin Zhengkai.

My heart says that you will cry later.

The disciple named Chu Yi has quickly swept towards Lin Feng like lightning.

"Lightning step".

When even someone screams.

This lightning step is a "footwork" inherited by Qingyun sect.

It\'s very difficult to cultivate.

There are few disciples who can practice successfully.

But once the cultivation is successful, lightning step is extremely powerful.

Like its name, lightning step! As fast as lightning!

Once this lightning step is cast, it will be like a violent lightning. Before the other party reacts, the person who cast the lightning step has come to the other party.

Then punch it out.

You can defeat each other.

It\'s no wonder that the disciples around Chu Yi\'s lightning step were so shocked and excited, because the lightning step was really powerful.

"Lin Feng won\'t be lost by Chu Yi?".

Immediately, many disciples began to talk about it and thought it was very possible.

"It\'s over.".

Chu Yi came to Lin Feng\'s body in an instant, with a cold look. The powerful and heavy punch had been blatantly killed.

Many people have changed their looks.

Because they can\'t keep up with Chu Yi\'s moving speed.

It\'s too scary.

Chu Yi\'s fist was about to kill Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng turned slightly to the left.

Chu Yi\'s strong fist wiped Lin Feng\'s body and blew it over.

This punch failed.

"What?". Chu Yi cried incredulously.

The next moment.

Lin Feng punched Chu Yi.

There was a loud bang.

Chu Yi, like being struck by lightning, flew backward for more than 20 meters, fell to the ground, howled repeatedly, his vigorous Qi was lax, and he had no power to fight again.

"Is this the end?".

Everyone is stupid.

Why is what is happening at present different from what everyone expected?

Shouldn\'t Lin Feng be defeated by Chu Yi?

Even by Chu Yi?

But why did Chu Yi become defeated by Lin Feng?

"Is it luck?".

Many people thought of Lin Feng\'s "side in a hurry" before, and then avoided Chu Yi\'s blow. It seems that it can only be attributed to good luck.

Otherwise, how can you avoid it?

"Sorry, I\'m the son of God. I can find gold ingots when I go out. God cares about the fight. I won this war accidentally.".

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Bah, I\'m still the son of God. Why is this boy so shameless?".

Many disciples rolled their eyes wildly.

Kim Jong Kai\'s face was extremely gloomy, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

The heart is bleeding.

A hundred top-grade spirit stones, years of savings.

Between one Zhao, it turned into nothing.

Lin Feng looked at Jin Zhengkai with a smile and said, "elder martial brother Jin, what are you doing? Give me 100 top-grade spirit stones quickly.".

Jin Zhengkai took out a jade box with a gloomy face. He said in a strange tone, "younger martial brother Lin is really lucky, but I don\'t know if younger martial brother Lin will have such good luck next time."

Lin Feng said in surprise, "elder martial brother Jin, do you still have the best spirit stone? If you don\'t want to play again? Since I\'m the son of heaven, I\'m definitely not likely to lose.".

"You...". When Jin Zhengkai heard Lin Feng\'s sarcastic voice, his face became more and more gloomy. He handed the jade box to Lin Feng and turned away.

I really don\'t want to stay any longer.

"Ha ha, today is really good luck. Let\'s continue morning exercise.".

Lin Feng opened the jade box and checked the best spirit stones. When he found that there was no problem, he put them away and looked at the people with a smile.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng with envy. It was a hundred top-grade spirit stones.

It\'s a great fortune.

Everyone knows what the best spirit stone represents.

In the next few days, Kim Jong Kai seemed to be more honest.

Lin Feng spent the past few days cultivating with the help of the best spirit stone obtained by Jin Zhengkai.

He is now the peak of the seventh heaven of the realm of King Wu.

Breaking through the eightfold heaven of King Wu is just a lack of opportunity.

Now everything is ready.

After adjusting the state for several days, Lin Feng arranged a "hiding array" and a "gathering array" in the room that night.

A large number of high spirit stones were taken out, and more than 30 top-grade spirit stones were stacked in the array, and then began to try to break through.

The array is running.

The pure energy contained in the spirit stone is also absorbed.

These pure energies are absorbed by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng\'s vigorous Qi began to become more and more pure.


Three hours later.

A strong breath surged out of Lin Feng\'s body.

Behind Lin Feng, a virtual shadow of an ancient dragon elephant appeared.

The ancient dragon elephant roared up to the sky and moved the mountains and rivers in the sky.

"Finally broke through the eightfold heaven of the realm of King Wu".

Lin Feng smiled.

But then there was a wry smile.

Breaking through the eightfold heaven of King Wu\'s realm actually consumed more than 60 top-grade spirit stones.

This consumption exceeds twice Lin Feng\'s budget.

Of course, the more energy absorbed during the breakthrough, it shows that Lin Feng\'s strength will be more powerful.

"More than 60 top-grade spirit stones have been consumed to break through the eighth heaven of King Wu. If you break through the Ninth Heaven of King Wu, I\'m afraid more top-grade spirit stones will be consumed. It\'s hard to find top-grade spirit stones.".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help crying.

Even in this mining area, the mining volume of the best spirit stone is very small.

Therefore, the idea of mining area obviously can\'t.

It\'s OK to take a few at intervals.

But for Lin Feng, it is just a drop in the bucket.

Just after the breakthrough, Lin Feng began to worry about the best spirit stone needed for the next breakthrough.

It\'s already light outside.

Lin Feng walked outside. The team gathered and everyone went to morning exercise.

Breakfast is ready after morning exercise.

A group of disciples gathered around to have breakfast.

At this time, an 11-year-old girl came out of nowhere and ran to the place where Lin Feng and others ate.

The faces of the soldiers on guard suddenly changed.

If the miners disturb these sect disciples, they will inevitably suffer.

"Kid, is this where you can break in? Get out of here.".

A soldier looked cold and whipped him.


The little girl was whipped out.

With a splash, the little girl fell to the ground.

"Wuwuwuwu, save Xiaoyu\'s brother, please, save Xiaoyu\'s brother.".

The little girl was full of begging expression and crying pear blossom with rain.

"Little boy, in this mining area, you were meant to get your life back. Who can save you again?".

With a sneer, the soldier grabbed the little girl and wanted to throw her out quickly.

Stop it. A cold hum came.

"Childe". Several soldiers around saw Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed.

A soldier hurriedly said, "young master, atone for your sins. Let\'s clean up this disturbing young man now.".

"Sobbing, big brother, save Xiaoyu\'s brother. Xiaoyu\'s brother is dying. Please save Xiaoyu\'s brother."

The little girl rushed to Lin Feng\'s feet and looked at Lin Feng with pleading.

A soldier said, "childe, look at the people in the No. 4 mining area. According to the regulations of the mining area, we can\'t interfere with each other in matters between major mining areas".

"Are you from Jin Zhengkai mining area?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

"The little boy is here..." at this time, five or six disciples of No. 4 mining area and a dozen soldiers rushed over like wolves.

The little girl shrank in fear and trembled all over.