Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 626

"That\'s the woman...". Qi Yiming sees Wu Xiuer and extends his finger to Wu Xiuer.

"Take it away.". Jin Fan waved his hand.

"Yes". Immediately, the two friars snatched at Wu Xiuer.

"What are you doing? We are disciples of Qingyun sect. Dare you touch us? Do you want to die?". Wu Xiuer screamed.

Wu Xiuer was also scared silly. Ma Yong just reported to her family, but she was slapped out. Obviously, the other party didn\'t care about the name of Qingyun sect.

After all, Beihuang city is not the sphere of influence of Qingyun sect.

"In this northern wasteland City, it\'s the dragon that should be coiled for me, and it\'s the tiger that should be lying down for me.".

Jin Fan sneered.

"I think you dare to do it. There are still people in this wasteland who dare to do it to our Qingyun sect disciples. It\'s like you don\'t know what to do.".

Liu Ge jumped up and stopped Wu Xiuer.

Liu GE has been pursuing Wu Xiuer, but the progress is slow.

At this time, Liu Ge wants to show himself in front of Wu Xiuer.

Maybe Wu Xiuer promised to be her own woman when she saw that she was so brave.

Thinking of this, Liu Gedun came to the spirit, waved his right fist and hit them.

"The guy who doesn\'t know how to live or die!" the two monks looked cold and went towards Liu Ge.


The three fought together.

After a round, Liu Ge was blown out by a punch and fell to the ground. His face was pale and coughed violently. He was almost beaten and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The faces of the disciples of Qingyun sect suddenly changed. These people are too cruel and their strength is quite terrible.

"Elder martial brother Mo, help me...". Wu Xiuer looked pale at Mo Yuning.

Wu Xiuer had heard from Mo Yuning that he also had certain contacts in the northern wasteland City, so Wu Xiuer placed her hope on Mo Yuning.

Mo Yuning stood up, looked at Jin Fan and said, "brother, is there any misunderstanding? I\'m Mo Yuning, the Yuwen family in the northern wasteland city is my cousin. How about giving me face? Today\'s matter, let\'s make it small and small?".

"Yuwen family? I bah, a small family of the third and fourth class deserves my face? I really don\'t know how to live or die. Go away, or even you will clean up.".

Jin Fan gave Mo Yuning a cold look and cursed.

Mo Yuning\'s face was uncertain. He was so angry when he was beaten. He looked at Jin Fan coldly and said, "who are you? You have such a big voice?".

"Boy, you talk too much nonsense. Get out of my way."

As soon as Jin Fan\'s eyes were cold, he stepped forward and punched Mo Yuning.

"Hum, let you taste the \'spirit\' I understand.". Mo Yuning was also a genius. Seeing Jin Fan\'s hand, he couldn\'t help humming and jumping up. His fist was covered with bright golden light.

"The light of destruction".

Mo Yuning gave a cold drink and punched.

The golden light around his fist is the spirit Mo Yuning understands.

This spirit, called the light of destruction, is very powerful.

"What a powerful power"

"Senior brother Mo Yuning should be able to defeat that guy?".

The disciple of Qingyun sect whispered.

"Hum, Vajra subdues the devil palm".

The golden fan suddenly shouted, and a virtual shadow of a powerful King Kong appeared behind him.

This powerful Vajra is the guardian Vajra of Buddhism Esoteric Buddhism. It is said that it has infinite power and can shake the world.


The two fiercely bombarded each other, and everyone saw that the light of destruction condensed by Mo Yuning was scattered in an instant.

And Jin Fan\'s blow killed Mo Yuning.

The powerful blow directly smashed Mo Yuning to the ground.

Mo Yuning fell to the ground and his face was very pale. It was obvious that he had been injured.

One move!

He didn\'t even catch a move.

Seeing this scene, many disciples of Qingyun sect turned pale with fear.

"Break the dog legs of these three guys and take the woman away.".

Jin Fan waved his hand.

"No, help me, help me...". Wu Xiuer looked at a group of disciples of Qingyun sect, but Mo yunning couldn\'t even catch each other\'s move. Who dares to fight?

"Spare us, we are wrong!"

Ma Yong and Liu Ge begged.

Mo Yuning looked gloomy and didn\'t speak. He was shocked and dispersed his strength. It was even difficult to get up from the ground.

"Yes...". Several guards came forward to do it when they got the order.

Stop it.

Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice.

Jin Fan heard the cold drink.

He turned to look at Lin Feng and immediately showed contempt, "boy, do you want to stand out for them?".

Lin Feng said coldly, "you led so many people to trouble. So far, I haven\'t even figured out what\'s going on.".

Lin Feng immediately turned his head to Wu Xiuer, who was so frightened that she turned pale, and asked, "tell me what happened?".

Wu Xiuer pointed to Qi Yiming and said, "he just insulted me, so I kicked him.".

"Shit, bitch, is it so easy to kick me? You almost ruined me," Qi Yiming cursed fiercely.

Lin Feng looked at Qi Yiming faintly and said, "don\'t you have anything? Why are you abandoned?".

Lin Feng\'s eyes immediately looked at Jin Fan, "it\'s your fault. You dare the villains to sue first and hurt my fellow disciples. I really don\'t know how to live or die. You kneel on the ground and kowtow to apologize, and I\'ll spare you.".

be quiet.

All of a sudden, the ten thousand flower building that vented the earthquake became audible.

Is that boy looking for death?

Let Jin Fan kneel down and kowtow to apologize?

Jin Fan\'s face became extremely gloomy. "Boy, you want to die and waste this boy for me!".

"Yes, my Lord.".

Jin Fan\'s voice fell, when even a guard swept out and rushed towards Lin Feng.

"Be careful, younger martial brother Lin".

Many disciples of Qingyun sect shouted pale. They had seen how terrible these disciples were before.

Liu GE\'s strength is very strong, but there is no resistance in front of these friars.


The monk who shot was cruel and ruthless, and went directly to Lin Feng\'s chest.

"What kind of dog deserves to fight with me? Get out of here.".

Lin Feng\'s eyes were suddenly cold, and he couldn\'t help drinking. A powerful momentum came out of Lin Feng\'s body.


The monk who rushed to Lin Feng couldn\'t bear the powerful momentum emitted by Lin Feng. His body flew out and was shaken and spit blood in the air.