Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 614

"Run...". Lin Feng crazily swept away in the distance, turning his head from time to time to look at the terrible existence behind him.

It was a terrible existence shrouded in the divine light, with a breath of destruction.

"War emperor!"

It was definitely the existence of a war emperor. I saw the terrible existence blow out a punch from a long distance. In the void, it immediately condensed into a huge fist.

"Crack the sky...".

Lin Feng whispered and waved away.


An earth shaking sound of violent collision came out. Lin Feng\'s split sky knife mang was smashed by the fist mang.

This is the strength of the war emperor.

The war emperor, I\'m afraid, has already possessed the powerful fighting power of the monks in the realm of yin and Yang.

Lin Feng quickly dodged the fist from the open blast. Although he dodged the must kill blow, he was swept out for tens of meters by the fist wind.

Lin Feng only felt a sharp pain all over his body, but he didn\'t dare to stop. He got up from the ground and continued to rush to the distance.

The war emperor continued to pursue and kill.

"It\'s really unlucky to encounter such a perverted existence.". Lin Feng was very depressed. After killing those medium war kings, he planned to go deep to try the strength of high war kings.

But I didn\'t expect that before the higher war king saw it, he met the existence of such a war emperor level.

It is said that the existence of the war emperor level, even in the depths of three peaks and two valleys, there are few, and none of them is very terrible. After a duel with it, Lin Feng knows how powerful the war emperor is.

All the way.

Finally, Lin Feng came to the edge of the second mountain. He rushed out directly. The war emperor couldn\'t leave the avenue peak, so he could only roar angrily, but he couldn\'t catch up with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took a long breath, never stopped, and swept away towards his residence.

When he returned to his residence, he found that Tanaka road had not come back. After the old wine ghost slipped back from dadaofeng, he took the wine jar and drank by himself. He was very happy to see Lin Feng come back. The old wine ghost looked very happy and said, "come and have a drink with me quickly".

Lin Feng drank with the old wine ghost.

He didn\'t know that the pot had already blown up at the dadaofeng at this moment

Several elders entered to find Lin Feng\'s whereabouts, but they couldn\'t find it. Many people were very sorry that they couldn\'t see Lin Feng.

Many people are talking about who Lin Feng is, but not many people connect the Lin Feng on the world list with the Lin Feng who is new to the inner door.

After all, how can such a terrible figure be a disciple who has just joined the inner gate?

Shi Weizhu and others returned one after another. When they saw Lin Feng, they told what had happened at dadaofeng. Lin Feng didn\'t expect to cause such a sensation.

On the second day, Tanaka came back, but Tanaka looked rather ugly. Lin Feng asked, "what happened?".

Tanaka said, "I, I, back, back, come, road, road, touch, meet, that, that Xiaoshao.".

"Xiao Ziyang?" Lin Feng asked in surprise.

"Yes, that\'s it. The grandson, Yu, Yu Zige, was also present.". Tanaka said fiercely.

At the beginning, Tianzhong road was trapped by Yuzi Ge, and the family blood stone jade was robbed by Yuzi Ge. Later, the blood stone jade fell into the hands of Xiaozi Yang, who is Yuzi GE\'s backer in Qingyun sect.

Xiaoziyang\'s grandfather is the three elders of Wudu peak. He always thinks highly of his cultivation in the realm of yin and Yang.

Lin Feng guessed that when he met Xiao Ziyang, Yu Zige and others, Tanaka Dao must have held back his anger.

"Drink, drink"!

The depressed Tanaka Dao used all his anger to drink, which made the old alcoholic very happy.

The old drunkard likes to drink with Lin Feng and Tanaka Dao, and will not be satisfied until they are drunk.

Qin Yao came to Lin Feng\'s residence. She is as beautiful as ever. It is estimated that many men have a sense of inferiority because of her tall figure. Those slender and straight legs add a lot of points to Qin Yao\'s beauty.

Qin Yao smiled and said, "younger martial brother Lin is really hidden.".

Lin Feng guessed that Qin Yao already knew that the man on the list of heaven and earth was himself. He smiled and said, "elder martial sister praises me so much that younger martial brother is ashamed.".

Qin Yao giggled, her branches trembled, and she was really beautiful and moving. She smiled and said, "I came to you at the request of senior Brother Guo Xiao. I want to invite junior brother to get together.".

Lin Feng sighed in his heart that if he had strength, it was different. Even figures like Guo Xiao would take the initiative to show kindness.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "don\'t know where?".

"In elder martial Brother Guo Xiao\'s residence, elder martial Brother Guo Xiao and you and me".

Lin Feng said, "please lead the way, elder martial sister.".

Qin Yao looked at Lin Feng and said, "don\'t be so polite to me in the future, otherwise you will be divided.".

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

After arriving at Guo Xiao\'s residence, Lin Feng hugged his fist and said with a smile, "I\'ve seen elder martial Brother Guo.".

Guo xiaoha smiled, patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and said kindly, "there are no outsiders here. Younger martial brother, don\'t be so polite. I\'ve always wanted to find a chance to get close to younger martial brother. I\'ve just been busy with all kinds of affairs until now. Younger martial brother, don\'t blame me.".

Guo Xiao was very good at winning people\'s hearts. Lin Feng smiled and said no.

Qin Yao smiled and said, "do you two want to stand and talk until dawn? It\'s better to sit down and talk while eating.".

Guo Xiaowei smiled and invited Lin Feng to the table.

During the dinner, the three talked about a lot of things, but they were also quite speculative.

At this time, Guo Xiao suddenly asked, "younger martial brother, have a holiday with that Liu Qingshan?".

Lin Feng moved in his heart, nodded and said, "there are indeed some festivals.".

Then Lin Feng told some things that had happened before.

Qin Yao said angrily, "I have said that Qingyang sect is not a good thing. As I guessed, from the following three generations of disciples to elders, they are birds of a feather".

Guo Xiao said, "in recent years, Qingyang sect has gradually separated from Qingyun sect. I\'m afraid I\'ve forgotten who helped to establish Qingyang sect. A group of white eyed wolves. Younger martial brother, since you have a grudge with Qingyang sect, although the forces of Qingyang sect can\'t interfere in the affairs of Qingyun sect, you still have to be careful when you are in Qingyun sect.".

"What elder martial brother said is elder Liu Mingcang?"

Lin Feng suddenly thought of Liu Mingcang and Liu Qingshan sitting on the same crane that day. He didn\'t know what the relationship between them was, so he was born and asked.

Guo Xiao nodded and said, "that Liu Mingcang is Liu Qingshan\'s nephew. Although this person has always been smiling, I know this person best. He is cruel and cruel. Therefore, younger martial brother must guard against this person.".

"Thanks for reminding me, elder martial brother.". Lin Feng hugged his fist.

Guo Xiao smiled at the corners of his mouth. Seeing Lin Feng\'s thanks, he knew that Lin Feng had remembered what he reminded him today.

Selling Lin Feng this favor is to make friends with Lin Feng. A genius like Lin Feng may soar in the future. When he hasn\'t grown up, he will sell him a favor. If he really grows up in the future, Guo Xiao knows that today\'s favor represents too many unusual meanings.