Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 606

The Griffin stopped on the inner gate disciple\'s mountain. Soon after, Guo Yan, the elder of the inner gate disciple\'s mountain, appeared in person and exchanged greetings with elder Zhang Quan. Then Guo Yan looked at these new disciples and said, "First of all, I congratulate you on joining Qingyun sect\'s inner courtyard. You will be better trained here. There are various cultivation rooms on the inner disciple\'s peak. You can enter them for cultivation. You can\'t break into the deep core disciple\'s peak at will. Those places are closed cultivation places for core disciples. If you break in, you won\'t be killed Someone will decide for you.

"Yes..." many disciples quickly answered.

"In addition, the sect will give you a month to get familiar with the inner courtyard. After a month, as a new inner disciple, you will go out to complete the tasks assigned by the sect. Then you will know that this is also the sect\'s assessment of you. Only after passing the examination can you really become an inner disciple. If there are problems during the task, you will still be punished Sent back to the outer door ".

Guo Yan continued.

Many people\'s faces changed and changed again.

Because these people didn\'t expect to complete the assessment task after joining the inner door.

Lin Feng has nothing to worry about.

With his strength, Lin Feng believes that he can complete any task smoothly.

"Guo Xiao, take them to their residence and arrange their accommodation.".

Guo Yan looked at a young man behind him. The young man was in his twenties. When he got Guo Yan\'s order, he quickly answered


Under the leadership of Guo Xiao, Lin Feng walked towards the residence of the new disciples halfway up the mountain. Along the way, Lin Feng found that many people deliberately went to talk with Guo Xiaopan, but he was confused.

Shi Weizhu whispered, "Guo Xiao is the son of elder Guo Yan.".

Lin Feng nodded. No wonder so many disciples went to make friends with Guo Xiao. Guo Yan, Guo Xiao\'s father, has a high status and controls the fate of all inner disciples.

Guo Xiao\'s son is valued by his father.

A crane flew in the distance, and two people sat cross legged on the crane.

Both of them are strong in the realm of yin and Yang, flying over the sky.

The crane stopped. A middle-aged monk looked at the disciples below and said, "is this the new disciple this year?".

Guo Xiao saluted and said, "tell martial uncle Liu that he is the new disciple this year.".

Lin Feng found that although Guo Xiao\'s father was the elder of the inner disciple Shan Feng, Guo Xiao was not dandy and very modest.

"HMM." the middle-aged monk nodded and wanted to drive the crane away. Suddenly, at this time, a cold voice came out.


"What\'s the matter, uncle?" Liu Mingcang looked at the old man Liu Qingshan.

The next moment, Lin Feng felt a cold killing intention enveloping himself.

Liu Qingshan stood up and looked at Lin Feng coldly.

Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed when he saw Liu Qingshan.

It\'s Liu Qingshan, the fifth elder of Qingyang sect!

Lin Feng and Qingyang sect have a deep grudge!

Liu Zixu, Liu Qingshan\'s grandson, was abandoned by Lin Feng. Later, Lin Feng went to Qingyang sect to take Zi linger and make a big fuss about Qingyang sect. The people of Qingyang sect have been looking for Lin Feng\'s whereabouts.

But not found.

Liu Qingshan never expected to meet Lin Feng in Qingyun sect.

"Shit, doesn\'t it mean that Qingyang sect wants to be completely independent after its wings are hard, so it doesn\'t have anything to do with Qingyun sect? How did Liu Qingshan come to Qingyun sect?".

After seeing Liu Qingshan, Lin Feng\'s face was very gloomy.

As mentioned earlier, Qingyang sect was originally a branch of Qingyun sect.

However, since the loss of sky mending, Qingyun sect has become weaker and weaker, and Qingyang sect has become stronger and stronger.

The Qingyang sect did not pay much attention to Qingyun sect, which also led to the high-level friendship between Qingyun sect and Qingyang sect.

In fact, Lin Feng doesn\'t know that although the senior leaders of both sides do have a bad relationship, Qingyang sect wants to get rid of the influence of Qingyun sect and doesn\'t have contact with Qingyun sect, but the matter is not absolute. After all, the two sects have a inextricable relationship.

Liu Mingcang is Liu Qingshan\'s nephew, so it\'s normal to walk around.

Liu Qingshan took a deep look at Lin Feng, then looked at Liu Mingcang and said, "let\'s go".

Lin Feng frowned slightly. Liu Qingshan didn\'t mean to be angry, which made Lin Feng secretly alert.

There is a saying that a dog that bites does not bark, and a dog that barks does not bite.

Liu Qingshan\'s quiet departure made Lin Feng uneasy.

Guo Xiaoda took a deep look at Lin Feng, then turned his head and showed a thoughtful look.

Lin Feng and others were arranged halfway up the mountain, and everyone had a room.

Guo Xiao said, "take a break. In the evening, someone will give you sect benefits."

Soon Guo Xiao left.

Everyone is looking forward to the sect welfare. After all, the sect welfare of the inner disciples of Qingyun sect is definitely not comparable to that of the outer disciples, right?

In the evening, more than a dozen disciples came. The first one was a tall and extremely beautiful friar. This woman was called Qin Yao, and she was also an inner disciple. It was said that among the inner disciples of Qingyun sect, she could be ranked in the top ten. She was definitely an expert.

"Brothers and sisters, if you don\'t know anything about it for a while, you can ask me for advice. I\'ll help elder martial Brother Guo Xiao take care of you." Qin Yao smiled and waved. More than a dozen disciples behind him came forward, took out their storage pockets and gave them to everyone.

"This is the sect welfare. You have just entered the inner gate. The first sect welfare includes a medium-grade spirit weapon robe, an advanced flying sword, a pair of medium-sized spirit weapon boots, a medium-sized spirit weapon belt, a difficult disciple and a medium-sized spirit weapon jade crown. The female disciple has a medium-sized spirit weapon hairpin, 100 high-grade spirit stones, 10 mysterious level medium condensing pills, and an introduction The book zhutianlu of zongmen and many forces, as well as an ancient sword technique, big day Qingtian sword technique, an ancient fist technique, ten thousand beast crazy dragon fist, an ancient body method secret technique, eight pole spirit snake step... ".

Qin Yao said dozens of things, which made many people stunned.

But soon, everyone was excited. The benefits of this sect were too rich.

Sure enough, compared with the inner disciples, the treatment of the outer disciples is eighteen thousand miles different.

Qin Yao said, "From the second month, the sect\'s welfare will return to normal. Our Qingyun sect has a heaven and earth list, which has a total of 800 places. If you don\'t join the list, you can receive 100 higher spirit stones and 10 condensed pills every month in the future, and you will no longer enjoy other welfare. If you can join the list, the welfare will be greatly improved, and the heaven and earth list will be moved up by one place, The rewards will soar. Even if you can reach the top 100, the monthly sect benefits include land-level pill, the top 50, and the best spirit stone ".

"Hiss..." Lin Feng couldn\'t help taking a breath. The great handwriting of Qingyun sect would reward the best spiritual stone and earth level pill. Lin Feng was immediately interested in this list of heaven and earth.