Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 549


Lin Feng jumped vertically and horizontally in the mountains and forests. He jumped tens of meters away. Now he has a more thorough understanding of the golden body and wings, and his speed has long been incomparable.

At night, Lin Feng rested next to a stream. The barbecue on the campfire has turned golden yellow, emitting an attractive smell of meat.

Lin Feng cut off a piece of barbecue and tasted it. It tastes very good.

At this time, four friars came from a distance. The four stopped. The first one was a middle-aged friar. He was tall and looked quite forthright. He hugged his fist, smiled and said, "this brother, Qi Hongye, passed by with three brothers. Do you mind if we are here?".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "just sit down. It\'s not my place anyway.".

He didn\'t mean to talk too much with the four monks. Why should he know each other when he met by chance?

A thin monk said, "little brother, your meat is well roasted.".

Take it to eat.

Lin Feng threw the barbecue to the lean man.

"Ha ha, my brother is so refreshing. I\'m Qi Hongye\'s favorite person. Brother, you send us barbecue and don\'t be rude. Brother, you can also taste my good wine. It\'s brewed by myself and buried underground for ten years.".

With that, Qi Hongye took out a jar of wine and handed it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng picked up his eyebrows slightly, took down the wine jar, then opened the plug, drank a mouthful of wine and said, "the degree of this wine is so strong"!

"This is a strong liquor. The degree is very high. Men should drink this kind of strong liquor"!

Qi Hongye laughed and said. He took out four jars of wine and divided them with several people. Then he drank like drinking water, which made Lin Feng stunned.

Lin Feng chatted with the four people.

However, soon Lin Feng felt some fever in his body and some dizziness in his head.

He shook his head and murmured, "what\'s the matter with me?".

"Ha ha, boy, you are poisoned"!

The skinny friar saw Lin Feng in a trance and burst out laughing.

The four people no longer hid, jumped up and looked at Lin Feng coldly, as if they were looking at a dead man.

Lin Feng got up and leaned against the tree and said, "did you poison the wine?".

"Of course not. It\'s a good wine. We won\'t spoil such a good wine.".

Qi Hongye said with a smile.

"Then why am I poisoned?". Lin Feng looked coldly at these people. His eyes swept to the jade worn by the four people\'s waist.

"I see. It seems that your jade is smeared with something and gives off a faint fragrance. I noticed it before, but I didn\'t think about it. Now it seems that this fragrance reacts with the wine and will turn the spirits you take out into poisonous wine. Am I right?".

Lin Feng Road.

The four were obviously stunned, and then sneered.

"Yes, we smeared the medicinal liquid of heart eating herb, and there is an ingredient called Solanum nigrum vine in the liquor I brewed, which will become highly toxic when combined with the smell of heart eating herbal liquid.".

Qi Hongye said.

"Is it worth your great effort to deal with me, a little warrior monk, a seven heaven strongman in the realm of King Wu and three five Heaven strongmen in the realm of King Wu?". Lin Feng shook his head.

"I\'m afraid there\'s a powerful baby on you when I saw your hand in the spirit mine. Although I\'m not worried about what waves you can turn over, I\'m still worried that you can escape with the help of your baby. Isn\'t our efforts in vain?".

Qi Hongye said with a sneer.

"My mind is really meticulous. I saw my baby.". Lin Feng said, "it\'s because I think I\'m alone, so I can start, right?".

"If you die, don\'t blame us. This is the secret place of thunder knife. There are intrigues and life and death struggles everywhere. Everything is for interests. We have to kill you.".

Qi Hongye said.

"Is there a last resort to murder? Maybe you can choose to leave me the antidote and leave now.". Lin Feng smiled.

Another fat friar sneered and said, "boy, are you stupid? You\'re trying to kill you and win the treasure, and you want us to let you go?".

The tall and thin friar sneered and said, "let me solve this boy. It\'s all over.".


The voice fell, and the master friar jumped out. His right hand became an eagle claw and grabbed it towards Lin Feng\'s neck.

The blow was about to break Lin Feng\'s neck.

But at this time, Lin Feng\'s body moved slightly to the left and avoided the blow of the tall and thin friar. Then Lin Feng\'s right hand leaned out and grabbed the tall and thin Friar\'s neck.

"How is that possible?". The tall and thin friar cried out in disbelief.


But the next moment, his neck was directly broken by Lin Feng.

Then the body fell to the ground and there was no breath.

"Old four"


When Qi Hongye saw that the tall and thin friar was killed by Lin Feng, they immediately roared, and their eyes were full of Senran\'s killing intention.

Qi Hongye roared unbelievably, "why? Why aren\'t you poisoned?".

"I\'m sorry, I\'m a herbalist, so when I opened the wine jar, I smelled the ingredients contained in it, of course, including the heart eating herbal liquid applied on the Solanum nigrum vine and your jade pendant. Although I didn\'t take the antidote pill in advance like you, I quietly put a winter insect herb in it before drinking. Since you know the effect of Solanum nigrum vine, you should I know that after the winter wormwood meets the Solanum nigrum vine, the two sides will quickly fuse into another kind of spiritual solution. Therefore, if you want to integrate the heart eating grass and the Solanum nigrum vine to poison me, naturally, there is no way to happen, and I just play with you. ".

Lin Feng shrugged.

At this moment, the three understood that Lin Feng was playing with them just now.

This guy has already seen through some.

"You dare play with us"! Qi Hongye\'s faces were distorted.

"I didn\'t fool you, but you wanted my life. I even gave you a chance to put down the antidote and leave. At that time, I didn\'t want your life, but I was really wrong. This is the secret place of thunder knife. You can kill recklessly for interests. Maybe it\'s the cruel law here.".

Lin Feng sighed.

"Boy, even if you are not poisoned, you will die today.".

Qi Hongye drank coldly. This man was very cautious. He looked at each other with the other two, and the three killed Lin Feng together.

"It\'s no use. Your accomplishments are really strong, but they are as weak as mole ants in front of me.".

Lin Feng murmured and stepped out. A terrible and unimaginable breath came out of Lin Feng\'s body.


This is "potential".

Qi Hongye found that they couldn\'t even move. They were suppressed by the "potential" of Lin Feng.

"No, spare your life.".

The three shouted in horror. Until this time, they didn\'t know how much terrible existence they had provoked.

I gave you a chance, but you don\'t know how to cherish it.

Lin Feng\'s indifferent voice came out.

When he walked past Qi Hongye.


Their bodies couldn\'t bear the strong "potential" of Lin Feng. They were directly blown apart, and the broken bodies were scattered all over the mountains and forests.