Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 543


In the distance came the breath of terror, sweeping the world. The energy fluctuation sent out made Lin Feng feel an abnormal palpitation.

Lin Feng looked into the distance and suddenly showed a creepy feeling in his heart.

I saw that valley, full of sword light, coming out vertically and horizontally. The area was like a sword world.

"It\'s from Shenjian mountain villa.".

Lin Feng frowned. He didn\'t know who set the trap there before. Now he could guess when he saw the sword Qi like blocking the sky and the sun.

Except for the people in Shenjian villa? Who else can display such powerful swordsmanship?

In the valley, array patterns are intertwined. Hundreds of disciples of Shenjian mountain villa display the powerful sword skill of "ten thousand swords cutting God" of Shenjian mountain villa.

A flying sword flies out, and each flying sword can cut out the dense sword light. The power is really frightening.

"Dog bastards of Shenjian villa, dare you set up an ambush to attack me". A monk roared angrily, but the next moment, he was killed by dozens of swords.

In the valley, there has long been a river of blood.

Ye Xingchen looked indifferent, "if you don\'t kill you, how can you open the ancient cave? Only by killing you can you sacrifice your flesh and soul to the prohibition of the ancient cave and open the ancient cave".

The killing is just beginning.


"Shenjian villa is crazy.".

Lin Feng frowned. He probably guessed why Shenjian villa arranged a big array pit to kill so many monks.

There should be an ancient cave in that mountain, which can be forbidden. They should want to offer sacrifices through a large number of monks\' flesh, blood and spirit, so as to open the prohibition.

Lin Feng is a spirit array master, so he has heard of this kind of sacrificial art, but he doesn\'t know such a clever sacrificial art. There must be such a powerful sacrificial art among the top forces such as Shenjian mountain villa, which is beyond doubt.

Although this sacrificial technique is very useful, it is too vicious.

If it\'s outside, people in Shenjian villa don\'t dare to use it.

But in the secret land of thunder knife.

This place is a world of the jungle, and it is also a place where killing is not prohibited by the acquiescence of major forces.

Especially those elite disciples sent by Damen sect to this thunder Sabre secret place is to train these elite disciples.

Only through the baptism of life and death can these so-called gifted disciples grow up quickly and have the ability to take charge of their own affairs. Otherwise, they are doomed to die in the public.


At this time, three friars came from behind and quickly caught up with Lin Feng.

These three people are none other than Lu Xiao, who was sent by Ye Xingchen to hunt down Lin Feng.

"Boy, stop"!

Lu Xiao shouted coldly.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, turned to look at the three and asked, "who are you? What can I do for you?".

A disciple of Shenjian mountain villa beside Lu Xiao smiled grimly and said, "if you stop, you stop. What a fool! Did you escape from that valley? Today we just want to take your life"!

With a sneer, the disciple of Shenjian mountain villa in the four heaven realm of King Wu leaped out and killed Lin Feng with a fist.

These people are elite disciples of Shenjian mountain villa with extraordinary strength.

No wonder there are so many monks.

More than 100 disciples of Shenjian mountain villa in the realm of King Wu and a mysterious level spirit array master hold the array. As long as they don\'t meet the strong in the realm of yin and Yang, no one is their opponent.

In front of him, the friar of the fourth heaven of the king of martial arts obviously didn\'t pay attention to Lin Feng. He was just a friar of the general\'s realm. Isn\'t it as simple as killing an ant?

Lu Xiao and another disciple of Shenjian mountain villa also looked at Lin Feng with a cold look, with a dark sense of killing in their eyes.

They don\'t care who Lin Feng is.

In fact, in the secret place of thunder knife, the so-called identity has no deterrent.

The rule here is the law of the jungle.

When the fourth monk of Wuwang realm who attacked Lin Feng rushed to Lin Feng, he saw the sneer on the corner of Lin Feng\'s mouth. He vaguely felt that there was something wrong.

Why is the boy dying without any expression of panic and fear?

Is there fraud?

The monk of the four heaven realm of King Wu was full of doubts.

But when he thought of Lin Feng\'s accomplishments, he sneered. The general\'s realm is just four heaven. What threat can there be?

I saw that my fist was going to kill the boy in front of me.

Suddenly, the disciple of Shenjian mountain villa only felt a flash of light in front of him. The next moment, he felt a pain in his neck.

Then, a lot of blood gushed out and covered his neck almost conditionally, but the blood still gushed out.

He didn\'t understand why the seemingly weak guy in front of him was so terrible.

The next moment, he lost all consciousness.


"Zhang Zi\'s first younger martial brother".

Seeing Zhang Ziyi, who was killed by Lin Feng, Lu Xiao and the other people screamed.

"You dare to kill the people of my magic sword villa, boy, you are looking for death!".

A roar of anger came out.

Lu Xiao and another disciple of Shenjian mountain villa offered their own sword. Holding the sword, they performed the powerful sword technique of "ten thousand swords cutting God". They saw hundreds of swords condensed and killed Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at them indifferently, "this is the secret place of thunder knife. Who cares what power you are?".


A twisted black hole appeared on the surface of Lin Feng\'s body. When the dense sword gas came, it was swallowed up by the black hole.

"Elder martial brother, I remember that this person is the Lin Feng that elder xingxuan of Xingyun Pavilion wanted to kill.".

Another disciple of Shenjian mountain villa cried in horror.

"What? Is he the Lin Feng?". Lu Xiao\'s face became extremely ugly. At the beginning, because there were too many people and he was far away, Lu Xiao could only see Lin Feng\'s vague shadow. He couldn\'t see what his face looked like. It was normal to don\'t know Lin Feng. The disciple of Shenjian mountain villa beside Lu Xiao was close to Lin Feng, so he saw Lin Feng\'s appearance and remembered it at this moment.

"This guy is the one who killed the deacon of Xingyun Pavilion.".

Thinking of this, they turned pale.

"Sword art".

The two men sacrificed their flying swords, stepped on the flying swords and turned into a streamer and fled to the distance.

"Crack the sky".

Lin Feng murmured and waved his right hand in the void.

A knife flash past.

Lu Xiao, who had escaped for hundreds of meters, and another disciple of Shenjian mountain villa were directly pierced by a knife. They were killed without screaming, and their bodies fell from the air.