Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 528

The defeat of Tanaka Dao was almost everyone\'s expectation, but we just didn\'t expect Tanaka Dao to be so cowardly.

Seeing that yuzige\'s attack was going to kill him, there was no response.

How can we fight this war?

Was it defeated by yuzige?


Yuzige\'s move is about to kill Tanaka Dao, but at this time.

Tanaka\'s body soared.

Sports skills: take off.


Yuzige killed Tanaka road where he was standing, but Tanaka road has avoided between lightning and flint.

So yuzige\'s blow blew in the air.

"Bad". Yuzige\'s face suddenly changed.

He wants to get out of the storm.

But it\'s too late.

"Moon step"!

Tanaka road quickly swept in front of yuzige in mid air.

"Leg kill"!

Then his right leg kicked out.

"Iron lock across the river"!

At the moment of danger, yuzige\'s hands crossed in front of him, and Tanaka said the blow was hard on yuzige\'s arms.

The rain was pulled out of Gordon.


Yuzige fell hard on the challenge arena, and then rolled for more than a dozen times before stopping.

"What a terrible reaction speed, completed a set of physical skills between electro-optic flint".

Zhou pengkun, the elder of Daofeng, was surprised.

Ask Xianfeng elder Ning Shengtian Dao, "this Tianzhong Dao is very smart. He knows that sports skills are suitable for close combat, so he hasn\'t done anything until yuzige kills him. This disposition and the use of sports skills are very amazing.".

Sheng Yu, the elder of Wudu peak, sneered and said, "sports skills are just trails. When Yuzi Goshi shows his martial spirit, the Tanaka road of mending Tianfeng will be crushed"!

Yuzige is a disciple of Wudu peak. As an elder of Wudu peak, Sheng Yu will naturally speak for yuzige.

Although I don\'t like the arrogant tone of elder Sheng Yu, the other elders still agree with elder Sheng Yu\'s words.

Once yuzige sacrifices his "soul of rain", Tanaka Dao will only be beaten passively.

"The middle road\'s grasp of the battle opportunity is wonderful to the slightest degree.".

Lin Feng was very surprised to see the three combos of "flying, moon walking and leg killing" just displayed by Tanaka Dao. It was like a perfect picture in front of him.

The other disciples were shocked to see what happened in the challenge arena.

Everyone thought Tanaka would be easily defeated!

But who could have thought that in the first confrontation, Tanaka Dao hurt yuzige.

However, even though Tanaka Dao repulsed yuzige, not many people thought that Tanaka Dao could win the war.

Because the soul of yuzige is too powerful.

And Tanaka Dao, the martial spirit is just the "kitchen knife" martial spirit.

Many people even heard of this kind of martial spirit for the first time.

Obviously, this kitchen knife is not a powerful martial soul.

"Boy, you pissed me off.".

Yuzige got up from the ground, his face twisted slightly.

A pair of eyes are full of sinister look at Tanaka road.


Endless anger!

Yuzige even has an impulse to kill now.

He was kicked out in front of tens of thousands of disciples, elders and deacons.

What a shame!!

This is an unacceptable blow to the children of yuzige family.


I saw a terrible wave in yuzige\'s Dantian. Obviously, yuzige began to urge his soul.

The martial spirit of yuzige, the martial spirit of rain, is a terrible martial spirit.

It\'s raining.

I don\'t know who said it.

Sure enough.

Rain fell in the sky.


Not yet!

"It\'s the soul of rain".


Someone exclaimed.

Everyone\'s eyes turned to yuzige.

This is the soul of rain!

Yuzige\'s unique skill!


Suddenly, a cold chill came out of the challenge arena.

I saw the falling rain tremble gently.

Every tremor seems to be brewing to improve their strength.


The cold light rushed out, a drop of rain turned into a sword, and instantly killed Tanaka road.

"The soul of rain is beginning to be powerful".

Many disciples exclaimed.

Even the elders of the major peaks stared at the rain soul of yuzige.

They had only heard of the spirit of rain before, but had never seen it.

Now, it is the wonder of Yuzi geyu\'s martial spirit.

"Knife light".

Tanaka road cold drink.


I saw the light in the Dantian of Tanaka road soar into the sky, and the dense light of the knife came out with it.

Collide with the sword Qi condensed by yuzige.

Keng Keng

The sound of clang collision came out, just like weapons colliding with gold and iron.

"Eh, can the kitchen knife martial spirit of Tianzhong Dao condense so much knife light?". The elders were puzzled.

Such a rubbish martial soul should not show such powerful combat power.

They looked puzzled.

Elder Qiao Yunqiu was very excited to see the amazing combat power shown to Tanaka road.

"Strong wind".

Yuzige shouted loudly.

Hoo Hoo

The wind howled.

As the wind swept through.

Suddenly, there was a torrential rain in the place covered by the challenge arena.

Yuzige urged his soul of rain to the extreme.

The rain became dense.

An overwhelming attack enveloped heaven and earth.

It\'s terrible.

"Knife net".

Tianzhong Dao Leng shouted and saw that his body was covered with a dense knife net.

The Dao net is completely made of Dao light.

"Take off".

Tanaka road swept into the air.

"Month step".

He protected himself with a knife and net, then rushed to yuzige, and soon came to yuzige.

Everyone looked at the duel nervously. Tanaka didn\'t seem to be as useless as everyone thought.

Moreover, the kitchen knife martial spirit of Tanaka Dao is also quite strange. It seems that it is not a simple kitchen knife martial spirit.

Seeing Tanaka road rushing over, yuzige\'s face showed a dark sneer.

"Eat my 360 Swords".


The voice fell. In front of yuzige, the dense rain condensed into a huge sword.

Those giant swords have 365 handles.

Each huge sword, but it exudes the most terrible power.

Feeling the power of those giant swords, many people turned pale.

Three hundred and sixty-five huge swords went directly towards Tanaka road.

"My spirit of rain can condense up to 10000 giant swords, but now my cultivation is not enough. I can only condense 365 giant swords, but it\'s enough to deal with you.".

The cold voice of Yuzi Ge suddenly rang out.

"The guy who mends the sky peak is finished.".

Many disciples looked at the 365 huge swords in horror.

Seeing that 365 huge swords were about to be killed on Tanaka Dao, Tanaka Dao, who was in mid air, could hardly escape.

But at this time.


Tanaka Dao heard the silent news.

Three hundred and sixty-five huge swords were all killed in the air.

The next moment, Tanaka Dao quietly appeared in front of yuzige.

"No, it\'s impossible! How did it disappear?".

Yuzige roared in disbelief. He suddenly felt the sound of breaking the air and turned to look. He only saw the blow of Tanaka Dao.


That powerful and heavy punch killed yuzige in the face.


Yuzige spewed blood, which was mixed with teeth.


He fell on the challenge arena, rolled on the ground for more than a dozen times, fell under the challenge arena, his body kept twitching, and he had lost his combat effectiveness.