Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 519

At the beginning of the month, Lin Feng and others went to the mountain of external disciples to receive sect benefits. Now many people are talking about this Xiaobi.

Xiaobi, a new disciple, will naturally become the focus of debate among many people.

If there are several "peerless geniuses", they will be sought after.

Many disciples will find ways to make friends with them. Maybe they will benefit from it in the future.

Identity token. The deacon in charge of distributing sect benefits glanced at the disciple in front of him and said faintly.

Yu Ziang quickly took out the identity token.

The Deacon looked at it with a contemptuous expression. "Tut Tut, disciples of butianfeng, I really don\'t understand why the sect has to give sect benefits to these wastes of butianfeng. It\'s a waste of resources.".

Although there are some complaints, the Deacon doesn\'t dare not give butianfeng the money. The Deacon is not a big man in Qingyun sect.

Although Yu Ziang was cowardly, he was angry when he heard such satire.

The Deacon looked at Yu Ziang with a sneer and said disdainfully, "boy, what are you staring at? Am I wrong? Do you think you are qualified to receive the benefits of the sect? Do you believe I can kill you with a slap?".

Yu Ziang\'s fists were tightly clenched together. He felt an angry flame burning in his chest.

The angry flame almost ignited the body.

But Yu Ziang finally endured it. He knew that if he did it himself, he would only humiliate himself.

"Waste one".

The Deacon threw Yu Ziang\'s sect welfare and identity token on the ground.

"You\'ve gone too far.".

Yu Ziang shouted angrily.

"What? You still want to hit me?". The Deacon sneered.

Yu Ziang\'s face was livid. He bit his teeth and bowed his head to pick up his things.

"Ha ha, what a waste.".

"Not only waste, but also a soft egg".

The voice full of ridicule came out one after another.

Yu Ziang lowers his head and bites his teeth. Others think he is a waste. He is a soft egg, but Yu Ziang knows that he is not. He is definitely not a soft egg. Is his character really cowardly? Yu Ziang felt that his heart was strong. Maybe he should jump up and fight with them, but if he was really injured and even couldn\'t improve his accomplishments, could his wish be realized?

Yu Ziang could not forget his mother\'s dying eyes, empty, sad, nostalgic, and deep reluctance to give up.

"My mother was driven out by the eldest lady. When she died, she couldn\'t enter the family cemetery. She had to be buried outside and became a lonely ghost.".

Yu Ziang told himself again and again that no matter what kind of grievance and humiliation he suffered outside, he should endure. He wants to become a strong man, he wants to return to the family, and he wants to go to his ruthless father and ask his father why he doesn\'t listen to himself and his mother?

In order to allow his mother to be buried in the family cemetery, Yu Ziang knelt for ten days and ten nights, but no one answered. Until he fainted, Yu Ziang didn\'t know that he was just an abandoned son of the family.

But what if it\'s abandoned by the family? What about your poor talent? What if my mother is just an honest official (referring to the woman who does not sell herself in the brothel)?

As long as he has strength, he will make the family change his mind. His mother\'s grave can be moved back to the family cemetery, so as not to suffer during his life and be a lonely ghost after his death.

Yu Ziang reached out to pick up a bag of spirit stones thrown on the ground. This is what Yu Ziang dreamed of every month. He knew that his talent was not good enough and needed spirit stones to help him cultivate.

But at this time, a foot came out of the crowd and stepped on the spirit stone.

Yu Ziang raised his head. He didn\'t know the disciple in front of him. He said, "senior brother, you stepped on my spirit stone.".

"I know, but recently, senior brother, I\'ve reached a critical moment in my cultivation. I see that I\'m about to break through the realm of King Wu. I need a spirit stone. How about giving me your spirit stone?".

The tall disciple said faintly.

"Yang Teng of the five elements peak? A guy with a martial arts general\'s realm of ten Heaven dares to bully the people of the sky mending peak".

"Don\'t underestimate Yang Teng. Although his accomplishments are only ten days in the realm of generals, this guy\'s martial spirit is an ancient fierce beast Taowu, an extremely terrible attack martial spirit. When he breaks through the realm of King Wu, his strength will advance by leaps and bounds, and it\'s not impossible for him to catch up from behind".

"Ancient fierce beast? Shit, this guy has such good luck? He has awakened such a powerful martial spirit.".

Some people were talking and looked at Yu Ziang with pity.

"No, no, this is my spirit stone. I also need spirit stone for my cultivation.". Yu Ziang shook his head.

"Hey, brother, give me a face. I\'ll take care of you when I break through the realm of King Wu.". Yang Teng said.

It\'s estimated that even ghosts don\'t believe Yang Teng\'s words.

Naturally, Yu Ziang didn\'t believe it. He said, "elder martial brother, I have the elder martial brothers who mend the sky peak. Thank you for your kindness.".

Yang Teng\'s face immediately sank, "so you don\'t give me face?".

Yu Ziang said, "I dare not give face to my senior brother. I just want to get my own spirit stone back.".

Yang Teng\'s face suddenly showed an extremely cold expression, "after talking for so long, I still don\'t give me face. Since you don\'t give me face, I don\'t need to give you face.".

The voice fell. Yang Teng raised his feet and kicked Yu Ziang.

With a bang, this kick kicked Yu Ziang hard and directly kicked Yu Ziang out four or five meters away.

By this heavy blow, Yu Ziang\'s whole person convulsed violently.

"Let me ask you again, is this spirit stone for me?".

Yang Teng walked towards Yu Ziang and looked at Yu Ziang coldly.

This is my spirit stone.

Yu Ziang gritted his teeth and said, struggling to get up from the ground, his thin body trembling.

"The boy is quite stubborn.".

"Is it necessary to die for these spirit stones?".

Some disciples frowned slightly and looked at Yu Ziang\'s thin body. At that moment, there was a trace of pity, but the only trace of pity was soon dispersed. In the sect, there are competition and natural selection. How can we have time to pity others?

"Then you\'re looking for death.".

Yang Teng looked gloomy, raised his right hand towards Yu Ziang\'s face, which was still trembling slightly, and drew it hard.

The slap was about to fall on Ziang\'s face.

At this time, a disciple pushed aside the crowd and came in and grabbed Yang Teng\'s wrist.

"Who are you, boy? Dare you mind my business?". Yang Teng looked angrily at the dead guy in front of him.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "what is it? Even my disciples dare to bully me?".


Lin Feng grabbed Yang Teng\'s right hand and made a sudden effort. Yang Teng\'s wrist was directly broken by Lin Feng.


A shrill scream came out.

"It\'s too cruel. I broke Yang Teng\'s wrist directly.".

Many people took a breath.