Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 509

Next, Zhou pengkun, the elder who cut Daofeng, came out to choose people. He looked at a young man about 20 years old.

The young man\'s martial spirit is a three headed giant spirit, and it is also a very rare martial spirit.

"What\'s your name?". Zhou pengkun asked.

"Disciple Yang Jian"!

"Have you ever been willing to join me?".

"Disciple is willing".

Then mountains began to choose people.

Lin Feng found that the martial spirit of Sikong Mo was also very amazing. It was a kind of "weak water martial spirit", which was terrible and condensed the weak water space.

Weak water is highly toxic. Once it is shrouded in weak water space, it will be highly toxic.

Si Kongmo was selected by the five elements peak.

Yuzi Ge, who has a grudge against Tanaka Dao, is "the martial spirit of rain". When this "martial spirit of rain" is displayed, heavy rain pours, and a drop of rain is a sword.

The man was chosen by the fog capital peak.

Shuijia brothers shuitao and shuiwenjie were selected by quadrupole peak and Zhiyang peak respectively.

When it was Shenhun peak\'s turn, the elder of Shenhun peak was a beautiful woman.

This beautiful woman is called Wen Hongyun. When she passed Lin Feng, she showed a slightly surprised look.

"What kind of martial spirit are you?" Wen Hongyun looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng\'s heart jumped. It seems that Wen Hongyun wants to choose himself. This Shenhun peak should be a mountain with deep research on the soul. In the future, if you want to break through the realm of yin and Yang, the soul needs to transform into mana. It\'s a good choice to join Shenhun peak.

Lin Feng said, "the martial spirit of a disciple is a kind of devouring martial spirit".

"Oh? Devour the soul of martial arts? It\'s a rare soul of martial arts. What\'s its function?".

"It can devour all kinds of energy and release a confined space". Lin Feng said.

"This martial spirit is quite interesting.".

Wen Hongyun smiled and then showed a thoughtful look. It was obvious that she was hesitating.

"How old are you this year?". Wen Hongyun suddenly asked.

"The disciple is already twenty years old.". Lin Feng replied.

"Well, I haven\'t broken through the realm of King Wu at the age of 20. My talent is poor.".

Wen Hongyun sighed slightly. She passed Lin Feng and chose a disciple who had the soul of ancient sky snake.

Lin Feng was helpless and had to wait. He found a strange thing, that is, when elder Qiao Yunqiu of the nine peaks was about 50, her talent was not particularly amazing. She was able to practice Yin and Yang completely through hard work.

She looked at Lin Feng and others with a pleasant face and said, "the road of cultivation is very long and difficult. As long as you work hard, you will have a good future in the future. Now come back to make up the sky peak with me.".

Elder Qiao Yunqiu looked at the person quite well, which somewhat diluted Lin Feng\'s depressed mood. Since other peaks didn\'t choose themselves, it\'s OK to join the sky mending peak. Anyway, they are all disciples of Qingyun sect.

Elder Qiao Yunqiu said goodbye to elder Zhang Quan, and then took Lin Feng and other 35 people back to butianfeng.

As expected, there are few disciples in the sky mending peak. For such a large mountain and some dilapidated temples, few disciples can be seen. Compared with thousands or even tens of thousands of disciples in other peaks, the sky mending peak with only a few hundred disciples really looks very shabby.

Elder Qiao Yunqiu took everyone to a hall. She said, "Now that you are our disciples of butianfeng, it is necessary for me to tell you about some sect rules of Qingyun sect. Tomorrow, you new disciples can go to the mountain peak of external disciples to receive the first sect welfare, and then on the first day of each month and the 15th of the middle month, you can also receive the sect welfare once respectively. The sect welfare is 500 low spirit stones and 30 of them And other spirit stones, as well as some "Valley opening talismans" and other Dharma talismans.

"Yes." Lin Feng and others hurried back.

Qiao Yunqiu nodded and said, "Qingyun sect is a large sect, which has extremely strict requirements for the cultivation of disciples. Every three months is a small competition, and the disciples of the twelve peaks compete with each other. If they achieve good results, many rewards will be issued. Every three years is a big competition. At each big competition, the rewards will be extremely rich. You are all new disciples of the sect, so this time the sect will be three months later The small ratio of is removed and replaced by the small ratio between new disciples. At that time, the disciples of the twelve peaks will compete. I hope you can practice well during this period and compete for a breath for us in the assessment three months later. ".

"The disciple must practice hard and dare not relax.".

Lin Feng and others hurriedly said.

"You go and wait outside. Someone will arrange your accommodation soon," Qiao Yunqiu said.

Lin Feng and others saluted Qiao Yunqiu and withdrew.

Qiao Yunqiu sighed slightly. This year, as in the past, butianfeng still got only some selected disciples.

Qiao Yunqiu also felt deeply powerless when he thought of the glory of butianfeng in the past and the end of butianfeng now.

"After March, the twelve peaks compete? It is clear that we make up the sky peak to become the penultimate.".

"Alas, how did I become a disciple of the sky mending peak?".

After coming outside, some people complained in a low voice. They looked very ugly. Butian peak is the worst of the twelve peaks. It has lost its strong inheritance and is lonely. No one wants to be a disciple of Butian peak.

Soon a senior brother arrived, took Lin Feng and others to a courtyard and arranged them here.

On the next day, everyone gathered and went to the outside disciples\' temple to receive sect benefits, but they found that there were only ten people left.

Lin Feng asked suspiciously, "where are the others?".

A thin new disciple said, "I ran away last night.".

None of the others looked very good.

Lin Feng said, "let\'s tell elder Qiao Yunqiu.".

Another disciple said, "there is no need to report. Every time the disciples recruited by Butian peak, many people will run away. Those who don\'t run away are those who have no way outside and intend to stay in Butian peak for cultivation. This has been going on for many years.".

"The once brilliant sky mending peak has declined like this".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help sighing. He cleaned up his emotions and went to the outside disciple mountain with everyone to receive sect benefits.