Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 506


The mountain forest roared and shook the sky. A red eyed demon pig fought with Lin Feng. There was an assessment order in the nest of the red eyed demon pig.

The red eye demon pig has rough skin and thick meat, and can spray fire attacks. It is very difficult to deal with. Lin Feng fought with the red eye demon pig for more than an hour before the red eye demon pig was injured and ran away.

"Someone muttered not far away.

Lin Feng stood in the distance with a slight eyebrow. Xin Ru in this chapter is definitely an expert. Like him, he is a genius who can challenge beyond his level.

"Qingyun sect is indeed worthy of being a large-scale school. It can attract so many favored children every year"!

Lin Feng couldn\'t help thinking.

He skimmed away into the distance.

But when passing through a forest, Lin Feng was attacked like a thunderbolt.

A young friar in a silvery white suit appeared and shot Lin Feng with one palm.

The man who shot was very cruel. He wanted to defeat Lin Feng with one blow.


In a hurry, Lin Feng slapped the man.

The power of terror came, and Lin Feng was shocked back a few steps.

The young man frowned. He thought he could take the man in front of him, but he never thought he missed.


He left quickly and didn\'t want to fight.

"What a strong strength." Lin Feng muttered and shook his arm. The whole arm was numb.

A day later, Lin Feng saw the silver friar again. He sneaked into three powerful friars, stunned one and injured the second.

"Sikong Mo, how dare you attack us?" the other two roared angrily.

The young man named Si Kongmo sneered. He didn\'t speak. He continued to attack them. He soon solved the injured friar, and then fought with the third friar for more than 20 rounds to defeat him.

"You wait, we won\'t let you go." the third friar looked at Sikong Mo fiercely.

"You don\'t have the chance to join Qingyun sect. Why don\'t you let me go? Go back and recover for a few months.".

Sikong Mo sneered and broke the Friar\'s right leg with one foot.

"This guy is so cruel.".


Lin Feng muttered.

Si Kongmo took down the three people\'s storage rings, and then took out the assessment orders, a total of seven assessment orders.

"Sure enough, we should rob the strong. These strong people often have more than one assessment order in their hands.".

After receiving the assessment order, Sikong Mo left quickly.

Time passes day by day.

On the ninth day, Lin Feng fought with an evil Jiao. After defeating the evil Jiao, he got three assessment orders from Jiaolong\'s cave.

"Ha ha, 135 yuan assessment order".

Lin Feng laughed.

He calculated the time and should go back. Lin Feng swept out of the mountain forest. There was a war in the mountain forest not far away. There were seven or eight people lying on the ground and two monks fighting together.

"It\'s Sikong Mo again." Lin Feng murmured.

Sikong Mo was really strong and knocked out the last monk who was hard supported.

He took twelve assessment orders from these people.

"Almost. I should find a place to rest.".

Sikong Mo took a deep breath and fought many wars, which made him feel very tired.

Suddenly, Si Kongmo heard a subtle voice to the extreme.

"Who?" Sikong Mo\'s face changed slightly. Someone lurked over, and he turned to look.


At the next moment, a black fist hit Sikong Mo\'s forehead. Sikong Mo screamed, and there was only one last thought in his heart.

"Who attacked me?".

Then he fainted.

Lin Feng squatted down and took down Sikong Mo\'s storage ring. After exploring, he found that Sikong Mo had 97 assessment orders on him.

"You\'ve robbed a lot of people recently.".

Lin Feng took away all the assessment orders, and then threw the storage ring beside Sikong mo.

"This foot is my revenge for sneaking into your little master before returning it to you.".

Lin Feng stepped on Sikong Mo\'s face and left a big footprint before he left contentedly.