Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 504

Lin Feng looked very speechless at the behemoth blocking himself in the cave. It was a giant eagle more than ten meters high, with nine heads. His cold eyes were staring at him.

The nine headed thunder eagle is flowing with wild and alien fierce birds. Its claws can easily penetrate the monk\'s body.

The most important thing is that nine heads of thunder shadow are good at terrible thunder attacks, and nine heads can spray thunder attacks.

Lin Feng has only seen the records and descriptions of nine thunder eagles in the book of mountains and seas before. This is the first time he has seen a real nine thunder eagle.

This fierce bird, even the strong in the realm of yin and Yang, will not struggle with it.

Because the nine headed thunder shadow not only attacks fiercely, but also extremely fast. The speed of the nine headed thunder eagle can even avoid the attack of the monks in the realm of yin and Yang.

"I rely on your sister, who sent me to the nest of nine thunder shadows.".

Lin Feng has a feeling of wanting to cry without tears. His heart says how could he be so unlucky?

After the golden light wrapped Lin Feng, Lin Feng was instantly transported to the depths of the mountains, and the transmission location was also immediate. Lin Feng\'s transmission location was really shocking. Not far away was the nest of nine thunder eagles. Lin Feng even saw several newly hatched nine thunder eagles, but he didn\'t wait for him to come back, Lin Feng was attacked by nine thunder eagles.

Had Lin Feng not been strong enough, he would have died. Originally, Lin Feng wanted to escape, but the speed of nine thunder Eagles was too fast. Lin Feng had no choice but to hide in this cave.


Nine thunder Eagles made a shrill cry, and their cold eyes swept to Lin Feng from time to time.

It wanted to rush into the cave, but its body was too large, so it was blocked. Not far away was the nesting place of the nine thunder eagles, so the nine thunder Eagles didn\'t want to destroy its own nest and didn\'t destroy the mountain.


Two monks flew in the distance.

"Look, the nest of the nine thunder eagles. It seems that the nine thunder eagles are not here. My God, they have hatched young eagles. Let\'s catch two. If we cultivate them, they will be terrible in the future.".

Said one of the monks.

"I think we\'d better forget it. We can\'t go out until ten days. We have to look for an assessment order. There\'s no time to take care of the young eagle. The young eagle may die if it doesn\'t last ten days.".

Said another monk.

"What if you can\'t die?". Said the first friar.

He was obviously very excited and wanted to take a young eagle.

"All right.". The second monk nodded and they quickly came to the eagle\'s nest.

The eagle\'s nest is very huge, with more than a dozen young eagles chirping.

The two quickly grabbed one.


But at this time, the roar of anger came from afar.


Nine thunder eagles soared into the sky, and their cold eyes looked at the two human friars who stole the young eagles.

The endless killing intention burst out from the eyes of the nine thunder eagles.

"Ah, nine thunder eagles, run.".

The two friars were scared out of their wits, turned and rushed towards the forest.

Nine thunder Eagles quickly caught up.

"Shit, you are a scum. You can\'t feed the young eagle who stole nine thunder eagles. Why steal? Now you\'re in trouble?".

Lin Feng ran out of the cave.

But he was very grateful to the two scum, if it weren\'t for them, he couldn\'t get away.

They rushed into the mountain forest and wanted to rely on the shelter of trees to avoid the pursuit of nine thunder eagles.

Lin Feng spread his golden wings and flew away. When he passed the nest of nine thunder eagles, Lin Feng glanced around. Under several animal eggs that had not yet hatched, he saw a jade card.

"Is it an assessment order?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

He quickly landed and picked up the jade card.

I saw the word "assessment order" written on the jade plate.

Lin Feng showed his joy. It was really an assessment order.

But then he cursed in a low voice, "which wicked guy put the assessment order in this place? Who dares to come to this ghost place to find the assessment order?".


Although there are 1000 assessment orders, Lin Feng feels that it is quite good to finally find 700 or 800 assessment orders, because according to the style of Qingyun sect, some assessment orders are placed in extremely dangerous places, and it is too difficult to get assessment orders.

Lin Feng didn\'t dare to stay. He flew away quickly.

Boom, boom!

In the mountains and forests not far away, nine thunder Eagles were angry, spewed out thunder attacks all over the sky, and killed two friars who stole the young eagle in an instant.

"It\'s terrible.".

Lin Feng muttered and left quickly.

An hour later, in another mountain forest, many monks rushed to the depths of the mountain forest.

"What happened? Why did so many monks rush over?". Lin Feng stopped a monk and asked.

The friar said impatiently, "there are more than 20 assessment orders in the depths of that valley.".

Then he rushed to the valley.

"Assessment order, this is a good thing. Although I only need one, if I sell it...".

Lin Feng muttered and swept away in the distance. It was an opportunity to get rich. He felt he could collect more assessment orders.

Hundreds of monks came from everywhere and fought with the fierce animals guarding the valley, shrouded in a sea of fire.

Look carefully, the sea of fire in the void is actually full of small insects.

"Fire ant bug!", this is an extremely terrible bug. Its shape is similar to that of an ant. Its body is like a thumb. It has four pairs of wings and sharp fangs. The most terrible thing is that the fire ant bug lives in groups and can spit out fire attacks.

The fangs of fire ants are also highly toxic. Once bitten by fire ants, the body will soon lose consciousness.

The sea of fire that covers the sky and blocks out the sun is the flame emitted by fire ants.

Many monks fought with the fire ants, offered their flying swords and killed the dense fire ants.

But there are too many fire ants to kill at all.

"Ah". The shrill scream came out. Someone was bitten by fire ants and found unable to move. The next moment, he was wrapped by dense fire ants.

In less than a minute, the fire ant insect flew to the next friar, and the friar just wrapped by the fire ant insect only had a bloody bone shelf.

All his flesh and blood were eaten by fire ants.

God, these fire ants are terrible.

"Back, back.".

Many monks retreated towards the valley with pale faces.

"Opportunity". Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up. He wrapped his body in sky fire and swept away into the valley.

"Someone rushed into the valley," cried many people in surprise, looking into the valley.

"Is that boy looking for death?" a monk muttered.

Dense fire ants came from the killing. Lin Feng offered the sky fire "purple flame earth heart fire", which directly burned a large number of fire ants. The sky fire suppressed the flame creatures too much.

The rest of the fire ants screamed in horror and scattered around. Lin Feng rushed to the fire ants\' nest and collected all the more than 20 assessment orders. Then he rushed out of the valley and swept away in the distance.


But at this time, a dozen figures came and surrounded Lin Feng.

"Brother, you can\'t use so many appraisal orders alone. How about sharing them with us?".

A friar carrying a sword said aloud that the friar was a strong man in the realm of the king of martial arts. When he saw that Lin Feng was only a general, he showed contempt. A touch of indifference came up at the corners of his mouth, which was completely the tone of command. He wanted to forcibly ask Lin Feng for the assessment order.