Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 502

"What\'s the magic of this heaven mending skill?". Lin Feng asked.

"I don\'t know, but it\'s said that it\'s very rebellious.". Tanaka said.

Lin Feng nodded. Sky mending has been missing for too many years. The terrible sky mending in the past has now become a legendary secret.

Therefore, it is normal for Tanaka Dao not to know what kind of secret art sky mending is.

But just listen to the name, you should know that this sky mending skill has unimaginable horror.

"This ice flame town is not a place to stay for a long time. Let\'s go to Qingyun sect to avoid increasing trouble.".

Lin Feng said.

"No, no problem..." Tanaka nodded.

On the way to Qingyun sect, Lin Feng and Tanaka Dao met many people. Obviously, they were all monks who went to Qingyun sect and wanted to participate in the examination.

Many people stopped by a stream. Everyone was resting, drinking water, eating to supplement their physical strength, and eating to supplement their physical strength.

"Old man, you are so old that you have come to send your family children to Qingyun sect for assessment?".

A middle-aged monk smiled and looked at an old man resting beside him.

But I saw the old man bent and looked at him with a feeling of 70 or 80 years old. He was very old.

Who knows, when the old man heard what the middle-aged monk said, his eyes suddenly stared, "blind your dog eye, am I still young? And I\'m not married? Where\'s the younger generation? I came to Qingyun sect to participate in the assessment".


Many people who drink water spray in an instant.

The old man threw his lips and said, "what\'s the fuss? Does Qingyun sect stipulate that I can\'t take the examination?".

"Old man, how old are you?". Someone whispered.

"Who do you call an old man? Are you blind? I\'m only eighteen.".

The old guy said fiercely.

"I\'ll go. The old man is shameless. He\'s half buried. He even says he\'s eighteen.".

Many people mutter.

Soon the team moved forward. Everyone gathered together to go to Qingyun sect. They were mainly worried about the emergence of powerful fierce animals in the mountains and forests. It was difficult to deal with a small number of people.

"Brother, would you like to take a seat in our animal cart? Have a rest?" Lin Feng smiled and looked at the "shameless" old man.

Before starting with Tanaka Road, he rented a beast car. It\'s fast and he can get a good rest.

The old man was very satisfied with Lin Feng\'s call of "brother". He nodded and said, "you still have eyes. Thank you for your invitation.".

The old man jumped onto the cart and asked, "I don\'t know what to call your two brothers?".

Lin Feng and Tanaka Dalton were black faced.

The old man is really kicking his nose and face.

An old man pretends to be tender.

"Cough... Tian, Tian, Zhong, Zhong Dao".

Tanaka patted the old guy on the shoulder and said, "in the future, follow, follow, follow you, you, Dao, Dao, brother, mix, Dao, Dao, brother, Bao, promise to take care of you.".

The old man immediately said, "that\'s great. Then I\'ll follow brother Tao. We\'ll be the handsome two young boys of Qingyun sect in the future. We\'ll punch dandies and crazy bubble goddesses. We want to become an idol among the new disciples of Qingyun sect compatible with the strength sect.".

"I\'ll go...". Many people are going to be disgusted by the old guy.

At an old age, you still want to be the goddess of Qingyun sect?

Still want to be an idol?

How can there be such shameless people in this world!

My God, send a thunder to kill the goods.

"Yes, yes, I, we, that is, new, new, even, Idol".

Tanaka nodded deeply.

"The best meets the best".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help sighing.

"What do you call this brother?". The old man looked at Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng!"


Ha ha, you can call me Zhou Xiaoshuai.

Said the old man.

"Zhou Xiaoshuai?". Lin Feng asked with some uncertainty.

The old guy nodded and said, "brother, do you think my name is very consistent with your image?".

As he spoke, he also showed a complacent expression.

Some people around walked directly to the distance for fear that if they stayed longer, they would be killed by the old guy.

Three days later, everyone came to Qingyun sect.

Qingyun sect is located in the depths of mountains.

Twelve towering peaks soared into the sky.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and could feel the extraordinary place here. There was a dragon vein underground.

In the mountains and forests, the aura is steaming and the purple clouds are swirling. This is indeed a holy land for cultivation!

"The twelve peaks of Qingyun, one peak, represent a kind of inheritance. These twelve peaks are Wenxian peak, Zhandao peak, fog capital seal, divine sword peak, five elements peak, quadrupole peak, divine soul peak, medicine peak, spirit array peak, Zhiyang peak, instant peak and sky filling peak".

A monk talked about the twelve peaks of Qingyun, "Each of the twelve peaks has its own heritage. The most powerful peak was the sky mending peak, but with the lack of sky mending skills, the sky mending peak has already completely declined. It is said that talents are withering now. Other peaks are tens of thousands of disciples, and there are a large number of talents. However, the sky mending peak only has a few hundred disciples. When selecting disciples every year, it is the rest of the peaks that are left Naturally, there are only some disciples with ordinary talents left when selecting disciples from butianfeng. However, even those disciples with ordinary talents would rather leave Qingyun sect than join butianfeng. From this, we can see how weak the current butianfeng is. Please pray to be selected by other peaks. If they are selected by butianfeng, it will be finished. It\'s better to join one It\'s an ancient sect practice.

"Sky mending was the supreme magic that swept three thousand states. The sky mending peak will be reduced to such a state.".

Some people sigh.

In the past, Butian peak was the main peak of the twelve peaks of Qingyun.

The leader of Qingyun sect has always been the leader of butianfeng.

However, since the loss of sky mending, the sky mending peak has declined and its status has plummeted.

Not only did you lose the position of the sect leader, but also the cultivation resources allocated by the sect were the least. You can only choose the rest of other peaks when selecting disciples.

"It is rumored that the top management of Qingyun sect is discussing to remove the sky mending peak that has completely declined, and build a new peak to gather the new twelve Qingyun sects.".

A monk said so.

"The peak leader of the sky mending peak seems to be called Futian? I heard that he was also the pride of heaven in the past. He was regarded as the hope of recovery by the sky mending peak and became the peak leader at a young age. But ten years ago, I didn\'t know what I had experienced. His body seemed to be seriously injured and was said to be in danger of sitting down.".

Said another monk.

"When he dies, butianfeng may be removed from the list?".

Some people sighed and lamented that the numerous brilliant sky mending peaks created for Qingyun sect had such a sad ending. It\'s really impermanent.