Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 498

Shen Yuyang is not the first time to come to Xingyun Pavilion. He has more than one friend in Xingyun Pavilion, which is also a normal thing. Who makes Shen Yuyang\'s cousin one of the five elders in the outer courtyard of Xingyun pavilion?

With such an identity, many ordinary female disciples of Xingyun Pavilion want to climb the big tree of Shen Yuyang.

"Shit, this damn weather.".

Shen Yuyang came out of elder xingxuan\'s yard.

He was followed by a slave who helped him with an umbrella.

But even with an umbrella, my clothes were wet by the rain.

"Young master, which beauty are you going to go to?". The boy around him asked with envy.

He has followed Shen Yuyang for many years. Naturally, he knows what Shen Yuyang is. He must meet his lover when he goes out. Shen Yuyang has seven or eight lovers in Xingyun Pavilion. It makes people envy and hate.

The boy could not help cursing, "I\'m not born like this grandson. My talent is much better than him.".

But it is this origin that doomed Shen Yuyang to be the master and himself to be a slave. Sometimes it\'s really depressing to think about it. When Shen Yuyang plays with women in the house, he can only watch the wind outside.

"Go to the place where Li Ruoyu lives.".

Thinking of Li Ruoyu\'s strength in bed, Shen Yuyang felt that his mouth was dry and there was a mass of evil fire burning in his lower abdomen.

His pace was also accelerated for a few minutes. The heavy rain was pouring, and there was basically no one walking in the Xingyun Pavilion. To go to Li Ruoyu\'s residence, it was necessary to pass through the triple farewell courtyard and a yangliulin, which was the place where the female disciples stayed.

"Childe, look, there\'s someone ahead.".

The boy pointed to the man standing in the woods with his back to them wet by the big tree. He could vaguely see that it was a man, but it was dark and he didn\'t see it very clearly.

Shen Yuyang cursed in a low voice, "is this man sick? He was in the rain in the middle of the night.".

"Who knows, maybe it\'s the unlucky guy who was dumped by some female disciple and wants to hang here.". The boy replied.

"What bad luck.". Shen Yuyang skimmed his mouth.

Soon Shen Yuyang came to the "unlucky man".

Suddenly at this time, the "unlucky" turned his face.


First there was thunder, and then there was a flash of lightning across the sky. Shen Yuyang looked at the "unlucky guy" who turned around and looked at himself.

But when Shen Yuyang saw that face, his face was suddenly scared to death.

"You, are you a man or a ghost?".

Shen Yuyang sat on the ground in fear. Shen Yuyang was a loser and didn\'t have much cultivation.

"Ah". The boy turned pale with fear and ran away.


Lin Feng waved his right hand and a cold flash flashed.

Suddenly, the sharp cold awn split out in an instant and tore the escaped boy in two.

"You say I\'m a man or a ghost?".

Lin Feng\'s cold eyes then looked at Shen Yuyang.

Shen Yuyang\'s face turned pale. He shouted, "I didn\'t kill you. It was LV Shihai who killed you. Don\'t worry. Tomorrow, my cousin will secretly dispose of LV Shihai to avenge you. There are heads of grievances and owners of debts. What hatred do you have? Go find LV Shihai quickly.".

"What a waste". Lin Feng looked coldly at Shen Yuyang.

Lin Feng is afraid to dirty his hands to kill such a waste!

"Are you human?".

Shen Yuyang finally recovered. His heart was full of horror. He had countless doubts.

Then LV Shihai is the cultivation of the ten Heaven of King Wu\'s realm. Why didn\'t he kill this boy?

Did LV Shihai run away by himself?

The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

But now Shen Yuyang knows it\'s not time to worry about these things. Now it\'s time to think about how to escape from Lin Feng.

As long as you don\'t die today.

Well, this boy will die soon.

At that time, I begged my cousin to catch the boy himself. At that time, I would cut the boy and torture him to death.

Think of here, all the pleadings, all the humiliation can be endured temporarily.

Shen Yuyang knelt directly on the ground. He begged loudly, "spare me. I\'m a cheap life. I can give you countless money. Even, I can let my uncle train you vigorously. My cousin is elder xingxuan. As long as he focuses on training you, your accomplishments will advance by leaps and bounds in the future, and you will prosper.".

As soon as Shen Yuyang\'s voice fell, he heard a sound of "poof". Then Shen Yuyang felt that his right leg was very painful. He turned his head and saw that his right leg was cut off. He didn\'t know when. Blood was gushing out and mixed with the rain.


Shen Yuyang uttered a terrible scream.

He fell to the ground, convulsing violently.

"No, don\'t kill me. If you kill me, my cousin won\'t let you go.".

Shen Yuyang looks at Lin Feng in horror. Shen Yuyang really doesn\'t want to die.


But what responded to Shen Yuyang was Lin Feng\'s right hand gently cutting out a knife Qi.

His left leg was cut off in an instant.

Because people separated from their legs too quickly, Shen Yuyang didn\'t even feel pain.

But soon, endless pain swept through the body.

"Ah, how could this happen? Help, help.".

Shen Yuyang wailed and shouted loudly. How he wished someone could come to save himself.

But on a rainy night, there was no one around.

Only he and Lin Feng are here.

"It\'s useless. Even someone can\'t save you. Here\'s the magic array I arranged.".

Lin Feng finally spoke. His voice was surprisingly calm, nice and magnetic, but there was only endless panic in Shen Yuyang\'s ears.

"As long as you don\'t kill me, I\'m willing to promise you any conditions.".

Shen Yuyang begged to look at Lin Feng.

"The conflict between you and me was not a serious conflict, but you wanted my life. You violated my bottom line. I won\'t keep a person who wants my life.".

Lin Feng waved his right hand.

Poof! Poof!

The sound of two tears came out in a row, and Shen Yuyang\'s arms were cut off.

He can\'t even twitch.

Blood kept flowing out of the wound.

Shen Yuyang uttered a frightened and shrill cry.

Lin Feng walked towards the distance.

The thunder roared through the sky, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier. Shen Yuyang looked at the heavy rain in the sky.

He felt that his blood was running out little by little. He felt that his consciousness was gradually dissipating. He found that he could not feel the pain.

"Why should I provoke him?".

The last thought flashed through Shen Yuyang\'s mind. The endless darkness swallowed him up