Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 479

There were twelve people in the team. After some communication with Han Shuo, Lin Feng knew that the young childe who helped them out was called "Yu Fan". His identity seemed quite mysterious. Although there were few words, he was in an extraordinary position because he followed an old slave of ten days in the realm of King Wu.

The middle-aged monk who is a peacemaker is called Zhang Qiang. The cultivation of bachongtian in the realm of King Wu is also quite strong.

The friar carrying the sword is called Ning Tianlu.

The woman with some charming and enchanting appearance is called Gu xiner. The girl who looks pure but has a proud character is called sun Yaer, and the young man in white is called Gu Jun. these three people are all the accomplishments of sichongtian in the realm of King Wu. They are young and can cultivate sichongtian in the realm of King Wu. Obviously, their talent is quite good.

There is also a pair of brothers and sisters who have been silent. Lin Feng is also deeply impressed, because the sister is very beautiful, has a pair of exquisite and beautiful faces, and has a pitiful smell. She is petite. She should be 16 or 17 years old. The girl is called LAN Qianqian, and her brother is about the same age as Lin Feng, called Lan Yang.

In addition, there is a monk about 30 years old, named Yang Zhijie.


Han Shuo said, "the brothers and sisters of the blue family, Yu Gongzi, Gu xiner, sun Yaer and Gu Jun, like me, are going to Xingyun Pavilion and intend to join Xingyun Pavilion. They are children of an aristocratic family and have a high probability of joining Xingyun Pavilion. Oh, by the way, Gu Jun and Gu xiner are cousins.".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "no wonder they are so mean. It turned out that they are relatives, not a family, and don\'t enter a family.".

Han Shuo had to scratch his head. It\'s hard for him to say whether Gu Jun and Gu xiner are right. Han Shuo has always been so honest and kind-hearted.

Lin Feng looked at Han Shuo and asked, "are you also from the wasteland?".

Han Shuo nodded and said, "Yes, my family lives in the Tianyun mountains, which have many spirit mines. All the major forces in the wasteland have spirit mines. The villagers will mine spirit mines for these forces and get some rewards. However, our village is very small and is always bullied by other villages. We can only get some of the most barren spirit mines. Therefore, the villagers will get few rewards The rewards received by the village have been changed into cultivation resources for me to cultivate. I must join the Xingyun Pavilion and return home with gold, so that the villagers can no longer be bullied and live a good life ".

Lin Feng can also guess the environment of Tianyun mountains in general. This world is a world of the jungle. Han Shuo\'s village is weak and small, which is destined to be bullied by other powerful villages. Fortunately, everything has a degree, and other villages dare not kill them. Therefore, Han Shuo\'s village still has some living space.

Lin Feng can also realize that Han Shuo shoulders the hope of the whole village, all relatives, clansmen and villagers.

The next day, the team set out.

"We could have taken a spaceship, but the spaceship is not safe. Especially during this time, an animal king in the depths of the mountain forest is very violent, and we don\'t know what happened. Now it\'s the safest for us to take an ordinary animal cart.".

Ning Tianlu said.

Naturally, they had no opinion. They bought two animal carts and drove them out of town.

The strange animal pulling the cart is a unicorn with fast speed and good endurance. Everyone is on their way in the mountains and forests. On the fifth day, everyone is around the campfire. The girl named Gu xiner looks at Lin Feng and asks, "did you also go to Xingyun pavilion to take part in the test?".

Lin Feng didn\'t expect Gu xiner to take the initiative to talk to herself.

In fact, these days, in addition to Han Shuo, Yu Fan and the young man named Lan Yang, Lin Feng basically didn\'t communicate with others, and others were obviously not interested in talking with a friar in the realm of military general.

However, since Gu xiner asked, Lin Feng nodded and said, "I heard that Xingyun Pavilion is recruiting disciples. I\'m going to have a look and hope to join Xingyun Pavilion".

Gu Xin\'er sneered and said, "it\'s true that Xingyun Pavilion recruits disciples, but not everyone.".

That Gu xiner\'s eyebrows and eyes had a high taste, which made Lin Feng quite unhappy, but he didn\'t refute anything.

Sun ya\'er said, "of course, if someone introduces you, you may be able to go in and be a factotum disciple.".

"What is the factotum disciple?" Lin Feng asked.

Sun ya\'er said, "some of the good ones are disciples, while some of the bad ones are factotum. However, even factotum disciples can\'t do it casually. Factotum disciples can also practice. If they perform well in the future, they still have the hope of being promoted to foreign disciples".

"Roar..." just at this time, the earth shaking roar came from the depths of the mountains, and the earth shook violently.

"It\'s the beast king"!

Gu xiner and others turned pale with fear.

"Hissing law".

The two unicorns were so frightened that they became furious that they directly struggled to open the rope and rushed towards the mountains and forests.

"Our unicorn".

Sun ya\'er and others looked very ugly. The unicorn ran away, so they had to walk this distance.

It\'s hard for them, children of extraordinary families.

The roar of the beast rang three times in a row. The mountains shook together and the earth burst. It\'s terrible. It\'s hard to imagine what level of beast king is in the depths of the mountains?

So powerful.

And I don\'t know why the beast king is so manic.

Fortunately, the roar of the beast disappeared after only a few sounds, but obviously, today is definitely a sleepless night for everyone.

The next morning, the crowd gathered again on their way, but now they can only choose to walk because the two unicorns have run away.

When passing through a canyon, Lin Feng frowned slightly. He felt something wrong. It was too quiet here. Moreover, he vaguely felt a terrible breath.

Lin Feng\'s soul power now is equivalent to the seven heaven of yin and Yang, and his perception is extremely strong. Therefore, if there is danger, he can always feel it in advance, but now, Lin Feng has a feeling of depression, but he doesn\'t find anything.

"Something\'s wrong here. Let\'s hide.". Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

The Gu Xin\'er frowned and said, "what\'s wrong? It\'s really suspicious.".

Sun ya\'er glanced and said, "the two predecessors of shichongtian in the realm of King Wu haven\'t spoken yet. Are you a monk in the realm of generals? What are you alarmist about?".

"Hehe, maybe some people want to show themselves?". Gu junpi said with a smile.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, but he didn\'t mean to argue with these people, but swept away in the distance.

Han Shuo regards Lin Feng as his good friend, so without thinking, he follows Lin Feng to the distance and hides behind a rock.

Yu fan has a very speculative conversation with Lin Feng these days. He has a feeling of meeting a confidant.

So Yu Fan believes in Lin Feng unconditionally.

He whispered to the old servant, and then swept to the hiding place of Lin Feng and Han Shuo, followed by Lan Yang, LAN Qianqian, Ning Tianlu and others.

Gu xiner\'s three faces are a little ugly. They just satirized Lin Feng, but they didn\'t expect that the rest of them hid with Lin Feng. Didn\'t they hit them in the face?

Everyone felt the burning pain on his face, but he could only bear the tone, glared at Lin Feng\'s back and hid behind the people.


Soon after, there was a loud noise in the distance, and a huge spaceship came.

Gu Xin\'er looked at Lin Feng with a sneer and said, "even the spaceship passed by here, but you said something was wrong, which made us toss around with you. I don\'t know what\'s wrong.".

Gu xiner\'s voice just fell, and suddenly a terrible breath came out of the canyon.

"Roar". The roar shook the mountains and the earth, and a huge claw peeped out of the valley, which almost covered the sky and the sun.

"Beast, beast king...". When they saw the big claw blocking out the sun, everyone\'s face turned extremely white. Now we are glad that we didn\'t enter the canyon. If we did, we might have died miserably at this moment.

"It\'s the beast king, run away.".

There was a roar of panic from the ship. The ship fled to the distance, but it didn\'t get out of its giant claw at all.

I saw the huge claw like blocking out the sky and the sun.


A violent crash came out.


The ship exploded directly.

"Ah", the shrill scream came out, and many monks\' bodies were blown into blood mist.

Although some monks with strong strength or magic weapons didn\'t die immediately, they were also seriously injured. They all rushed to the surrounding mountains and forests to escape for their lives.

"Hoo". But at this time, a terrible suction came from the canyon, which rolled everyone who escaped. Then the wreckage of the ship, monks, etc. everything in the air was quickly sucked to the canyon by the suction.

"Dead, dead.".

Gu Xin\'er cried in horror. Her face had already been scared pale.

Sun ya\'er also trembled with fear.

Gu Jun was so frightened that he couldn\'t move.

Other people\'s faces were also very pale. The beast king was terrible. Such a huge ship, I\'m afraid there were thousands of monks. In this way, it was instantly killed and swallowed up by the beast king.

"Roar". The beast king hidden in the deep canyon made an earth shaking roar, and then flew to the distance. The speed of the beast king was too fast. People only saw a remnant, could not see the body of the beast king, and the beast king had disappeared.

"Beast, die".

The roar came from a distance. A friar killed the beast king flying deep with a sword.

"A great man in the realm of yin and Yang". Gu xiner shouted excitedly.