Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 475

The old devil looked deep, his eyes were deep, and he didn\'t know what he was looking at.

Lin Feng also looked into the depths of the lake of death. The lake of death was very strange. The dark lake water gave off a cold and terrible smell.

This is a force enough to make people feel palpitation and horror. The cold breath poured into the body. Lin Feng felt that his body seemed to lose consciousness. Some unknown forces escaped from the lake of death.

Lin Feng frowned. The lake of death was so strange. What kind of secret was buried in it?

Such a strange black fog world should also have something to do with the lake of death?

"Boy, come out..." the roar came from a distance. Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly, and nalanhong also chased in, which made him look very ugly. With nalanhong\'s strength, it is estimated that he can find himself in a short time.


At this time, a deep roar came from the depths.


The earth was shaking. Lin Feng was moved. He didn\'t know what had happened. He looked deep, and then saw the frightening scene.

A behemoth rushed out of the lake.

It was a giant beast with a length of kilometers, but to Lin Feng\'s horror, it was not a living creature with flesh and blood, but a bone dragon.

The bone dragon hovered in mid air and fought with an old woman.

"Granny Tianji"!

Lin Feng was surprised. He didn\'t think it was this person. At the beginning, they took the boat of Taoist Xuancheng to cross the fog magnetic lake.

But he met the black water snake, the overlord of the fog magnetic lake, and the ship was destroyed. Later, Lin Feng never saw mother-in-law Tianji again.

"The old woman is so powerful.".

Lin Feng was shocked. The old woman was really hidden, which shocked and moved him.

Whoosh. The old devil rose up and rushed to the bone dragon.

"Gaga, Granny Tianji, I haven\'t seen her for 3000 years. Her style is still the same.". Cried the old monster.

Lin Feng almost had the impulse to spit blood.

Mother Tianji is so old... Is it also called style still?

The old devil really has a strong taste.

Mother-in-law Tianji said faintly, "your old bone hasn\'t died yet. It\'s a long time to live.".

The old devil cried, "God can\'t accept me.".

"The old devil has a big voice.". Lin Feng secretly smacks his tongue, but thinking that the old devil is really terrible, he can\'t help guessing what level the cultivation of the old devil and the old woman is. At the same time, Lin Feng is also muttering, why are these two terrible statues here?


The war broke out completely. It was extremely tragic. The void was pierced. Lin Feng even saw the distorted and broken void.

"What level of battle is this?". Lin Feng was stunned.


Both the old devil and the old woman offered a magic weapon, which is the treasure with the breath of heaven. It is said that it can shoot down stars outside the territory.

"Taoist soldiers"!

Lin Feng exclaimed that it was the treasure of this level. It was the first time he saw it.

The old devil and the old woman sacrifice to the Taoist soldiers and cut them to the bone dragon.

The bone dragon roared and saw the water of the lake of death gushing out towards the Taoist soldiers, old demons and old women.

Click, click

Something creepy happened. The water of the lake of death sprinkled on the Taoist soldiers, and the Taoist soldiers sacrificed by the old devil and the old woman began to crack.

"My God, how is this possible? It\'s just lake water. Why can we destroy the Taoist soldiers?".

Seeing that scene, Lin Feng was full of unbelievable expressions.

The strength of Taoist soldiers naturally goes without saying.

It was a magic weapon integrated with Tao and law, but it was destroyed by the lake water of the lake of death. It was the supreme treasure, but it was difficult to resist the erosion of the lake water of the lake of death. It was really hard to imagine how terrible the lake water of death was.


The old devil and the old woman gave a low cry. They quickly took back the Taoist soldiers. Each one was very distressed. They didn\'t dare to stay and rushed into the lake.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng was even more shocked. It was enough to destroy the water of the death lake of the Taoist soldiers. These two people actually drilled in, and their flesh also resisted the damage of the water of the death lake. It\'s hard to imagine how strong these two people are?


The bone dragon roared angrily and rushed into the lake of death to chase the old devil and the old woman.

"Isn\'t there something amazing hidden under the lake of death? The bone dragon is guarding the things under the lake of death?".

Lin Feng can\'t help thinking of this, but his cultivation is limited. These secrets are not what Lin Feng can explore.

"Boy, I have sensed your breath. You are not far from death.".

At this time, the cold voice of nalanhun came again.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold.

Now, he has been blocked by nalanhong, and Lin Feng obviously can\'t stay long at all. The energy left by the old devil is getting thinner and thinner. Once all the energy dissipates, Lin Feng knows that his body will be pierced again and again as before.

Until the heart is pierced or the blood dries out and dies here.

And if you choose to rush out at this moment, you will also be caught by nalanhong, and there will be only one death at that time.

Lin Feng\'s eyes looked at the lake of death.

This is enough to destroy the Taoist soldiers. From this, we can see how terrible the lake is.

The firmness of Taoist soldiers is far beyond the physical body of monks in Yin and Yang.

Can I kill nalanhun with the help of the water of the lake of death?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng decided to have a try.

He took out a porcelain vase and wanted to put it into the lake.


The porcelain bottle breaks directly, which is simply unbearable.

Lin Feng took out his medicine tripod again.


However, the medicine tripod also broke in an instant.

"Not at all. Artifacts will be instantly destroyed by the water of the lake of death. What should I do?".

Lin Feng looked gloomy. He finally bit his teeth and decided to fight.

Lin Feng runs the Taigu dragon elephant formula. He protects his body with the Taigu dragon elephant formula.

Then the power of the ancient dragon elephant gushed out and rolled up a large amount of the water of the lake of death.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

However, at this time, something terrible happened. The water of the lake of death instantly penetrated the power of the ancient dragon elephant and poured into the power of Lin Feng.

The power of the ancient dragon elephant that protected Lin Feng\'s flesh could not resist the erosion of the lake of death.

Click, click

The sound of flesh cracking came out.

Lin Feng looked down at his body. He saw the frightening scene. His flesh began to crack.

"Ah". Lin Feng screamed. He tried to sprinkle the lake water into the lake of death.

But at this time, Lin Feng was shocked to find that the water of the lake of death, like tarsal maggots, had surrounded himself.

Click, click

Just like the two Taoist soldiers, Lin Feng\'s body continued to crack, and the blood flowed out, as if to break into pieces of meat.